by king sam on Thu Feb 18, 2010 8:25 pm
Marking Closed due to retraction by the originators request.
Vindictive & Spurious reports are reports that are made for spiteful reasons. For example I will use ronc in my situation, cause everyone loves to hate
Ron and I get in a dispute in a game because I held a bonus and he came after me instead of someone else in the game. i get mad. I decide to get even by finding ways to report ronc for abuse so I can get vindication for the wrong that I thought he did to me.
Its very easy to spot a vindictive/spurious report cause usually not only will the report hold no merit but you can easily see it was initiated from a quarrel between the poster and the accused in some facet of the site. And usually the offense they are being accused of doing is something completely different from the interaction that the 2 had together. Another easy spot is seeing someone get Warned for an offense on the site and instead of taking the Warning and heeding it they turn it around and try their best to involve others in their mistakes by creating reports.
This user thought they ran across a player that was violating the rules so he/she reported it. Everyone's right, all we ask is to please use the form to the best of your ability, keep it factual, be sure before you accuse someone and when in doubt double check the rules in the community guidelines before making a report. Not everyone does this, the C&A'ers or the newbies to C&A. And for the most part if some of that stuff is there then we don't complain and do our job to the best of our ability. But when you get users that are using the C&A forum for vindictive reasons, creating spurious reports for their own pleasure is when we step in and lay the hammer down on C&A form abuse. That wasn't the case here. If you feel you truly have a gripe about a player with violation of the rules then please report it. Just follow those guidelines I posted above and you will be fine.
dartway was Warned for impersonating a moderator. So something did come out of this report. And future reference, we take a liberal stance on what is said in game chat, this was a case for FAMO. (Foe And Move On) Also rate Accordingly... lets see if we can acronymize that in there. FAMOARA