shall we go after teal in our middle east game and then battle eachother???
by MNDuke
on Wed Oct 07, 2009 10:45 am
Game 5572960 from 9/13/09 - 10/18/09
If this is not Secret Diplomacy than nothing is. This was not posted out of frustration or emotion. It was something that should have been in chat.
I didn't spend a whole 5 minutes to find a cheat on MNduke. I was researching the original complaint but sorry when I saw this I had to share it.
It's commendable that you come to defend a friend. But to sling arrogance in our faces and IGNORE what this is is bullshit. Sorry I couldn't ignore it. I have nothing against MN. Heck I'm in a team game with him right now and supported his complaint in another thread.
I'm sure this was just a chat with a pal and not a regular strategy of his but its still wrong. It is a cheat and he knows better.