the Black Ops Squad is looking for a leader and this is your opportunity to show Conquer Club that you have the stones to lead this band of assassins.
This is an Assassin tournament open to premium players due to the number of games played at the same time
The 25 players will be divided into five divisions and five games will be played. Each win will be recorded with 5 points, the player who is killed records -1 point.
The two players that accumulate the most points in each division will move on to the next round. The five players that earn the fewest points will also move on to the next round.
The next round will have 15 players and will be divided into three divisions. Again six games will be played, each win will be recorded with 5 points and the player killed records -1 point.
The two players that accumulate the most points in each division will move on to the next round.
In the final round six games will be played, each win will be recorded with 5 points and the player killed records -1 point.
The winner of the final round will be the player that accumulates the most points.
In the case of a tie all of the players tied will be involved in an assassin game. If there are only two players ties I will join a three player assassin game with the two players and the points will be allocated in the same way +5 for a win -1 for getting killed.
Tie breaker games will be SFCF
All games will be Automatic, Sequential with Fog
To register please provide the following -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Map: Any map Spoils: Escalating, Flat Rate, No Spoils, Nuclear Fortification: Adjacent, Unlimited, Chained --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
RED 10 - kratos644 - AoR2 - NC 5 - uckuki - Jamaica - NuU 2 - The Mantis - Feudal War - NC 0 - ubcman64 - Waterloo - NC (1) - grant.gordon - AoR2 - FC
GREEN 10 - vragus - Arms race - NC 9 - jielking - Jamaica - FC 4 - Xayton - Feudal War - EC (1) ETROPAL - Arm Race - EA (2) - Zorbas - WWII Poland - FU
BLUE 15 - jdenvil - Draknor - NC 10 - coacheberhardt - USA - FC (1) - spidey - Africa - EC (2) - milo67 - Midgard - FC (2) - dustin800 - 8 Thoughts - NC
YELLOW 25 - MEK - Italy - EC 0 - Meph the Rogue - AoR1 - FC (1) - bruno fountain - Extreme Global Warming - EC (1) - ** katd89 - Madagasgar - NC (3) - aglenist - New World - FC
CYAN 8 - KING KONQUER - NYC - FC 5 - skillfusniper33 - Malta - FC 4 - magneto_acolyte - San Francisco - FC 4 - AtreidesHouse - Pearl - FC (1) - **agressivo - Austerlitz - FC
Last edited by conquerAce on Sun Jun 06, 2010 6:50 pm, edited 14 times in total.
Winner of UEFA Cup 2007/2008 Tournament Winner of Points Grabber I & IV Winner of Satellite for 19th RISKTOC, but was to broke to go. Highest points 2153, Highest place 474th
Puis,c'est très difficile pour moi d'essayé de comprendre la langue de Shakespeare, alors parler moi pas ou parler moi en français, la langue de molière.