I think two way commander and territory would be the best. I think it would replicate a lot of the logistical situations that the factions dealt with during the war. From what I've read, much of the warfare was localized to each commander's region and they usually just sprung forth into red territory via rail, often losing as well. The reds, it seems, were the only ones to make major offensives into territory.
So yeah, i agree, two way border is best for this map. Whereas China, one way with party loyalty is the way to go.
As for further reading and what not... wikipedia was my start. I got the basic outline of what happened from there and who the major players were. Then I also relied on what I had learned when I did my MA in War and Society. My supervisor was Jeremy Black and the guy is brilliant... reading on him for info on warfare in general is good and he's written well over 50 books. Though a lot of the content overlaps, so much of it is repetition, pick up any book by him focusing on warfare in the west and it should devote attention to the Russian Civil War. I read about 10 pages on the Russian Civil War in "Warfare in the Western World: 1882-1975" and I bought it for about $3 used off amazon:
http://www.amazon.com/Jeremy-Black/e/B0 ... sr=1-2-entI glanced through a few of his other books I have and it about said what the first one did, so I moved on. Then I read a "Concise History of the Russian Revolution" which was the only book at the public library even dealing with the subject. It's hardly a footnoted monograph, but the guy makes some decent points. There's very little popular literature on the Civil War itself, most of it gets lumped in as part of the Revolution. Going back to what I read in school, I read an article on foreign intervention in civil wars and the guys thesis was that it only lengthened and overcomplicated them rather than ever resolved them. So hence the limited role of the foreign powers on this map. i have no idea what article that was but once I find my syllabus from that class I'll let you know.
So unless you have access to jstor through a university or something o even a uni library, the best bet it to hit up the public library and read a chapter out of a book on the Russian Revolution.
On a final note... what do you think about throwing the Cuban Revolution into the mix? Of the great communist take overs Cuba ranks pretty high up there given its proximity to the USA. Since I'm going for a communist map pack, it seems appropriate to have more than just two maps. I don't know jack about Cuba so it's gonna take some time for reading, but expect a similar map with commanders but far less territories. Might be a nice compliment to the giants Russia and China.
The final option to making a map pack would be to throw in Vietnam... but I fear that might be such a complicated war to do justice to given the template I've set up for the other communist insurgencies. It's worth looking into at least. Actually... I think Vietnam is a go, though it would only encompass the USA era and not the French, though French would be pretty interesting as well.
So yeah, The Russian Revolution, The Chinese Civil War, Cuban Revolution and Vietnam (USA era). I'd still love to hear feedback on China and Russia. I should get some updated images going as well.