Conquer Club

Hoagy's Pointless Manual Tournament (Winner: LFAW)

Tournaments completed in 2010.

Moderator: Tournament Directors

Hoagy's Pointless Manual Tournament (Winner: LFAW)

Postby Hoagy on Thu Jan 07, 2010 7:28 pm

Here's a tournament for all those players that like to play manual deployment and not have to think too hard about where to deploy their initial troops (if any).

36 players are needed for this tournament,


All games will be;



Players will play 7 games with 6 players in each game. Players will be rotated so that there is a different mix of players in each game.

Players will score points in each game depending on whether and when they were eliminated.

1st: 10 points
2nd: 6 points
3rd: 4 points
4th: 3 points
5th: 2 points
6th: 1 point

For example, if you were the third player to be knocked out in a game, you would score 3 points; last to be knocked out, 6 points, and so on. (OK I lied about it being pointless ).

The player with the most points at the end of all the games is the tournament winner. If there is a tie for first place, the winner will be determined by most number of wins, if still a tie, a tie-breaker game will be played on the Peloponnesian War map (same settings, standard if 2-player), the winner of which will be the tournament winner.

All games will be played simultaneously, so you need to be a premium to enter.


The maps to be played are;

City Mogul
Age of Realms 1
Feudal War
Age of Realms 2
WWII Poland
Age of Realms 3
Peloponnesian War


Ideally, at least 4 reserves will be needed. Reserves will only be needed to replace any no-shows at the start of the tournament. Anyone failing to join their games within 7 days of the tournament starting will be replaced.

Once the games have started, anyone who deadbeats will be out. As the games are simultaneous anyway, the tournament shouldn't be disrupted too much if anyone deadbeats.
Last edited by Hoagy on Mon Feb 01, 2010 3:55 pm, edited 11 times in total.
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Sergeant 1st Class Hoagy
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Re: Hoagy's Pointless Manual Tournament (Rescued) (32/36)

Postby Hoagy on Thu Jan 07, 2010 7:30 pm

Tournament Results

City Mogul games

Game 1: baddestbrute - 10 pts; Witt13 - 6 pts; gregory7 - 4 pts; drwho1979 - 3 pts; skillfusniper33 - 2 pts; Hoagy - 1 pt
Game 2: waiting4oct - 10 pts; Darin44 - 6 pts; TheMissionary - 4 pts; big jumbo - 3 pts; danalan - 2 pts; topper - 1 pt
Game 3: ZionT - 10 pts; hwhrhett - 6 pts; krikee - 4 pts; Iron Maid - 3 pts; danryan - 2 pts; General Flashman - 1 pt
Game 4: brett2000 - 10 pts; harvmax - 6 pts; Artic Patrol - 4 pts; JoJo123 - 3 pts; vodean - 2 pts; Little Witt - 1 pt
Game 5: ChefWeebles - 10 pts; ViperOverLord - 6 pts; wolfpack0530 - 4 pts; -ShadySoul- 3 pts; edwinissweet - 2 pts; colton24 - 1 pt
Game 6: lurkerleader - 10 pts; LFAW - 6 pts; pela666 - 4 pts; Mec26 - 3 pts; jammyjames - 2 pts; UTAlan - 1 pt

Age of Realms 1 games

Game 7: topper - 10 pts; colton24 - 6 pts; Hoagy - 4 pts; pela666 - 3 pts; vodean - 2 pts; Little Witt - 1 pt
Game 8: ChefWeebles - 10 pts; jammyjames - 6 pts; hwhrhett - 4 pts; skillfusniper - 3 pts; waiting4oct - 2 pts; edwinissweet - 1 pt
Game 9: krikee - 10 pts; TheMissionary - 6 pts; LFAW - 4 pts; General Flashman - 3 pts; JoJo123 - 2 pts; UTAlan - 1 pt
Game 10: baddestbrute - 10 pts; drwho1979 - 6 pts; gregory7 - 4 pts; wolfpack0530 - 3 pts; harvmax - 2 pts; big jumbo - 1 pt
Game 11: danalan - 10 pts; Darin44 - 6 pts; brett2000 - 4 pts; Iron Maid - 3 pts;-ShadySoul- - 2 pts; Mec26 - 1 pt
Game 12: danryan - 10 pts; Artic patrol - 6 pts; ViperOverLord - 4 pts; Witt13 - 3 pts; lurkerleader - 2 pts; ZionT - 1 pt

Feudal Wars games

Game 13: Hoagy - 10 pts; Artic patrol - 6 pts; krikee - 4 pts; hwhrhett - 3 pts; ChefWeebles - 2 pts; Darin44 - 1 pt
Game 14:
Game 15: jammyjames - 10 pts; wolfpack0530 - 6 pts; Little Witt - 4 pts; ViperOverLord - 3 pts; gregory7 - 2 pts; General Flashman - 1 pt
Game 16: edwinissweet - 10 pts; drwho1979 - 6 pts; pela666 - 4 pts; Mec26 - 3 pts; danalan - 2 pts; harvmax - 1 pt
Game 17: Witt13 - 10 pts; LFAW - 6 pts; ZionT - 4 pts; big jumbo 3 pts; -ShadySoul- 2 pts; skillfusniper - 1 pt
Game 18:

Age of Realms 2 games

Game 19: big jumbo - 10 pts; Hoagy - 6 pts; brett2000 - 4 pts; JoJo123 - 3 pts; LFAW - 2 pts; ZionT - 1 pt
Game 20:
Game 21: General Flashman - 10 pts; pela666 - 6 pts; ChefWeebles - 4 pts; Artic Patrol - 3 pts; Mec26 - 2 pts; Darin44 - 1 pt
Game 22: danryan - 10 pts; UTAlan - 6 pts; colton24 - 4 pts; Witt13 - 3 pts; harvmax - 2 pts; skillfusniper33 - 1 pt
Game 23: jammyjames - 10 pts; Little Witt - 6 pts; gregory7 - 4 pts; TheMissionary - 3 pts; topper - 2 pts; -ShadySoul- - 1 pt
Game 24: edwinissweet - 10 pts; hwhrhett - 6 pts; krikee - 4 pts; danalan - 3 pts; drwho1979 - 2 pts; lurkerleader - 1 pt

WWII Poland games

Game 25: edwinissweet - 10 pts; UTAlan - 6 pts; ViperOverLord - 4 pts; Mec26 - 3 pts; IronMaid - 2 pts; Hoagy - 1 pt
Game 26: LFAW - 10 pts; waiting4oct - 6 pts; Witt13 - 4 pts; DiegoSmilodon - 3 pts; Artic patrol - 2 pts; pela666 - 1 pt
Game 27: skillfusniper33 - 10 pts; topper - 6 pts; General Flashman - 4 pts; danalan - 3 pts; baddestbrute - 2 pts; colton24 - 1 pt
Game 28: Darin44 - 10 pts; ZionT - 6 pts; jammyjames - 4 pts; TheMissionary - 3 pts; hwhrhett - 2 pts; harvmax - 1 pt
Game 29:
Game 30: Little Witt - 10 pts; wolfpack0530 - 6 pts; brett2000 - 4 pts; lurkerleader - 3 pts; big jumbo - 2 pts; ChefWeebles - 1 pt

Age of Realms 3 games

Game 31: Hoagy - 10 pts; jammyjames 6 pts; TheMissionary - 4 pts; danryan - 3 pts; danalan - 2 pts; wolfpack0530 - 1 pt
Game 32: waiting4oct - 10 pts; ZionT - 6 pts; Little Witt - 4 pts; Mec26 - 3 pts; drwho1979 - 2 pts; krikee - 1 pt
Game 33: vodean - 10 pts; brett2000 - 6 pts; big jumbo 4 pts; edwinissweet - 3 pts; General Flashman - 2 pts; Witt13 - 1 pt
Game 34: LFAW - 10 pts; IronMaid - 6 pts; topper - 4 pts; harvmax - 3 pts; ChefWeebles - 2 pts; ViperOverLord - 1 pt
Game 35: UTAlan - 10 pts; Artic patrol - 6 pts; baddestbrute - 4 pts; -ShadySoul- - 3 pts; hwhrhett - 2 pts; pela666 - 1 pt
Game 36: gregory7 - 10 pts; JoJo123 - 6 pts; Darin44 - 4 pts; colton24 - 3 pts; skillfusniper33 - 2 pts; lurkerleader - 1 pt

Peloponnesian War games

Game 37: -ShadySoul- - 10 pts; lurkerleader - 6 pts; Hoagy - 4 pts; harvmax - 3 pts; waiting4oct - 2 pts; General Flashman - 1 pt
Game 38: JoJo123 - 10 pts; Mec26 - 6 pts; Witt13 - 4 pts; topper - 3 pts; wolfpac0530 - 2 pts; hwhrhett - 1 pt
Game 39: LFAW - 10 pts; danryan - 6 pts; Darin44 - 4 pts; edwinissweet - 3 pts; baddestbrute - 2 pts; Little Witt - 1 pt
Game 40:
Game 41: TheMissionary - 10 pts; krikee - 6 pts; ViperOverLord - 4 pts; pela666 - 3 pts; brett2000 - 2 pts; skillfusniper33 - 1 pt
Game 42:
Last edited by Hoagy on Thu Feb 11, 2010 12:30 pm, edited 19 times in total.
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Re: Hoagy's Pointless Manual Tournament (Rescued) (32/36)

Postby vodean on Fri Jan 08, 2010 8:37 am

in please
<NoSurvivors› then vote chuck for being an info whore
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Re: Hoagy's Pointless Manual Tournament (33/36)

Postby Hoagy on Fri Jan 15, 2010 10:08 am


Just 3 more players needed!
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Re: Hoagy's Pointless Manual Tournament (Premiums only) (33/36)

Postby ChefWeebles on Fri Jan 15, 2010 10:14 am

I would be interested in playing if there is room... thanks!
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Re: Hoagy's Pointless Manual Tournament (Premiums only) (34/36)

Postby UTAlan on Fri Jan 15, 2010 3:22 pm

In please!
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Re: Hoagy's Pointless Manual Tournament (Premiums only) (35/36)

Postby gregory7 on Sat Jan 16, 2010 8:06 am

in please
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Re: Hoagy's Pointless Manual Tournament (36/36+0/4 reserves)

Postby Hoagy on Tue Jan 19, 2010 5:47 am

Awaiting tournament priviledges for tournament to start.

Still need a few reserves (just in case).
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Re: Hoagy's Pointless Manual Tournament (36/36+0/4 reserves)

Postby colton24 on Thu Jan 28, 2010 4:20 pm

I can be a reserve
Highest Rank: Lieutenant | Highest Score: 1641
Mr. Squirrel wrote:
pmchugh wrote:BUMP- one more fool needed :mrgreen:

One fool reporting for duty!

Been around for too long...said things that shouldn't have been said...but all that has changed
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Re: Hoagy's Pointless Manual Tournament (36/36+0/4 reserves)

Postby drwho1979 on Sat Jan 30, 2010 10:50 pm

i'd like in if their is still room. 8-[
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Re: Hoagy's Pointless Manual Tournament (36/36+0/4 reserves)

Postby au.revoir on Sun Jan 31, 2010 8:48 am

can be a reserve if you still need 1
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Re: Hoagy's Pointless Manual Tournament (36/36+0/4 reserves)

Postby BlinkyOne on Sun Jan 31, 2010 11:29 am

I can reserve on the bench if needed - :arrow: 1 reserve.
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Re: Hoagy's Pointless Manual Tournament (36/36)

Postby Hoagy on Mon Feb 01, 2010 6:43 am

The tournament is now filled and all the games are running.

Thank you to everyone for taking part and to all the people who signed up as reserves (even if you didn't get to play).

Hope you all have a great tournament.
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Re: Hoagy's Pointless Manual Tournament (36/36)

Postby skillfusniper33 on Wed Feb 03, 2010 6:14 pm

Game 6350144 27th game created has just finished
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Re: Hoagy's Pointless Manual Tournament (36/36)

Postby danryan on Fri Feb 05, 2010 4:13 pm

Any chance of a point total? It would help on trying to figure out targets in games.
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Re: Hoagy's Pointless Manual Tournament (36/36)

Postby waiting4oct on Fri Feb 05, 2010 6:14 pm

Game 6350157 has gone to Waiting4Oct!
The way things look in my other games, this might turn into my only victory, so I'm going to savor it :)
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Re: Hoagy's Pointless Manual Tournament (36/36)

Postby waiting4oct on Sun Feb 07, 2010 8:58 pm

I lied. Picked up Game 6350074 as well. I will now be REALLY surprised if I win any others. Right now it's been all or nothing. first place, or first out.
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Re: Hoagy's Pointless Manual Tournament (36/36)

Postby topper on Tue Feb 09, 2010 1:51 am

Game 6350086
is complete
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Re: Hoagy's Pointless Manual Tournament (36/36)

Postby LFAW on Thu Feb 11, 2010 3:00 pm

Hm 48 pts out of a possible 70 :D
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Re: Hoagy's Pointless Manual Tournament (Winner: LFAW)

Postby Lindax on Fri Apr 09, 2010 3:34 pm

Apparently Hoagy has disappeared. It took me a while to figure the scores out, but here we go:

1.- LFAW: 48 pts.
2.- danryan: 45 pts.
3.- jammyjames: 42 pts.
4.- brett2000: 40 pts.
5.- edwinissweet: 39 pts.
6.- ZionT: 38 pts.

Hereby I declare the winner to be: LFAW

Congratulations! =D> =D>

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