by king sam on Mon Feb 01, 2010 2:27 pm
you have to be kidding me right?
It has clearly been defined soo many times what abuse is and isn't about this rating nonsense.
Rating someone with all 5's is commonly done, and while it is abuse we will very very rarely ever step in and punish this unless its gross abuse. Out of the whole site and all the accusations that have came into CC 1 person, count them 1 person has been punished for leaving all 5's. The reason behind that punishment was he had nothing but 5 stars across the board for 9 pages worth of people.
People this is just as much abuse as it is by leaving all 1's across the board for 9 pages worth. Sure it may not look as bad to you cause you assume the guy leaving the all 1's is a poor sport, and your probably right, but it still does just as much detriment to the system.
The ratings system is in place as a luxury for you as a member in the community to properly provide a method of communication exchange on a player that you played in a game. You should look at the 3 things to rate them on and rate them accordingly as the contact that you had from them in games you have played in them with.
If they played poorly and worth in your mind a 1 star (extremely poor) then rate them that way, leave them a tag associated with what you saw, by all means ITS YOUR OPINION. However there is nothing that you can say that makes any of us think that you are going to come in contact with 7 out of 9 pages worth of people that you have rated as a 1 star. Its not going to happen, and if it does then you are rating the wrong way and are misusing the system. Hence why we have the rules in place, its reported, its looked at, its deemed your in violation or not, your informed and then you either A. don't do it again or B. do it and face the consequences.
JefJef has tons of other ratings he has left all over the scale & barely leaves tags, from the ones I check from the 1st 3 pages they could all be correct. Your attempt to bring down the integrity of this forum is nullified with your lack of knowledge of what abuse is and isn't. Its a feeble attempt to regain something in your mind and it has failed.
JefJef is Cleared.
THORNHEART has earned himself a 24 hour Forum ban..
1st user that hasn't taken the C&A Report Abuse / Spurious Reports Warning we give seriously.