THORNHEART wrote:of course it can lol...there is nothing werid about my flags....when i live in the states and go to college i have a usa flag when i move back hom on vacations to see my family it goes canadien...again besides the point because im not the subject of investigation noob.
Ok, let me break it down for you here:
My post, explaining that you had, according to your YouTube video, recently moved back to your parents house would explain why your flags changed/ location was different than flag, etc etc.
Now, this next part takes a pretty careful reading a strong knowledge of pronouns, but please, try to stay with me. Clearly, when I write "You guys about to get served!" you can see that I am attempting to use a vernacular. I will give you the benefit of the doubt, as this vernacular is associated with more urban parts of the United States, and generally, slightly more southern areas that are not a short drive from Canada. Nonetheless, it should be clear to anyone who counts English as a language that they can communicate in on message boards as well as in really cool video blogs, that the plural of "You guys" would indicate that statement as to be directed at not you, but in fact a larger body consisting of several people.
Now, admittedly, I used a vernacular that does not follow proper grammar rules. So I can forgive you for missing this. However, I posted this directly after a quote from you during which you promise a lawsuit for "DEFAMATION" against other posters. Now, if you are threatening civil legal action, I am sure you are familiar enough with the ideas of service of process, and the short form of "being served" with papers as necessary to inform a defendant of a legal action against them.
I am aware that my over the top sarcasm might not have translated. That you have no cause of action against anyone here, or that this isn't even necessarily a case of defamation, are too obvious, so I figured everyone was on board with that. I guess I should not assume such things, as look at the mess we are now in! Forsooth, this has caused you great anxiety and pain, and for this I am truly sorry.
But I digress, do not let my deep shame feelings of regret throw you off. I know this is difficult for you, and I will aim to keep this simple. As your statements were clearly directed against the other posters who have accused you (I know! How simply horrid of them! But wipe your tears and continue following along), the pluralization of my statement, and the fact that I made direct to reference to your suggestion of legal action, should have indicated that I was in fact referring to the same people as you!
Perhaps, the real problem is that you were as well unaware of whom you were talking about. A few times in your video blog you seem to lose yourself mid-sentence, perhaps this happens when posting on message boards as well.
Ok, you are doing well so far. Take a deep breath, think angrily about torture, maybe turn on that webcam and get some of your feelings out, because the next part is going to be even more complicated!
My next statement:
But the flag/location thing can be explained if you watch his awesome YouTube video in his profile.
was responded to by you with this:
of course it can lol...there is nothing werid about my flags....when i live in the states and go to college i have a usa flag when i move back hom on vacations to see my family it goes canadien...again besides the point because im not the subject of investigation noob.
First of all, thank you for the chuckle. I have not been referred to as a "noob" since about 1999, when I last logged into Runescape! Oh, for thinking of those makes me wax nostalgic about my fancy dial-up modem and shiny new Gateway computer!
But again, a digression of times past attempts to derail me with its false charms, like a siren to brave Odysseus!
I believe it is easily within the first minute of your video that you explain moving back to your parents house. This, really, is the crux of my whole argument. I assumed that by moving back home, your flag might change, but you may have left your location the same. It seemed very simply to me. But what is next, so confusing to me, is how you start in agreement, saying, "of course it can lol"! Yes, I think to myself, we have found a common ground! Although it did not cause me to enjoin you in laughing out loud, it did bring a small sense of satisfaction, which lightly graced my face as I read it.
"There is nothing werid about my flags" you then continue, using a type of spelling that I can only assume is a reflection of your confusing travels between college and your parents house. Perhaps they have different linguistic stylings? Maybe this is why we are not communicating properly, as I read your "werid" to mean "weird". I would best define "weird" as odd, different, or perhaps, bizarre.
So now I can see we are slowly going off the rails. I do believe at this point, the lookout has spotted the iceberg, relayed the message to the Captain, who has turned the wheel. But alas, as history teaches us, we (much like our sailing brethren) are already doomed. You next go and repeat my exact statement above, that in your video you explain that you have recently moved back to your parents house. Why would you repeat this?
Perhaps you understood nothing of what I wrote, and just replied as you would to any random person on a message board? This argument bears some weight, as you did state in your video that people on the other message board (about torture, to remind you) did not agree with you, so you took to YouTube to hopefully find support. Perhaps they, much like myself, were in fact agreeing with you! Oh Serendipity! Have you solved this poor gentleman's folly in one fell swoop!? If that is not the case, (and my elation is all for naught!) then perhaps you have forgotten what you said in your own video blog! This is a possibility, I will admit, as several times you seem to simply lose your thoughts during said video. Or perhaps, you, as many here, argue just to argue.
You then say, "again besides the point because im not the subject of investigation noob." Oh, you fountain of infantile thoughts and words! I think I have now arrived at the point! You are so confounded by my English (and dare I say, veritable cornucopia of wit and, oh indulge me here,
clever witticisms) that you simply cannot understand anything that I say.
See, I made the point to other posters here, that you had no need to be investigated on your flags!!! I spoke up, in your valiant defense! I lent my weight and credibility to your cause! Oh, the bittersweet but beautiful irony you have provided for us! As everyone in this thread watched, mouths agape, you began to become so confused, you argued even with those who would take up your cause! And I, a brave and noble defender of your truths, to find myself tarnished with the mud slung by
thine own hand! For shame, a plague on both our houses, as we find ourselves the unlikeliest of bed fellows in this tawdry affair!
I cry, to you, please, let this hurt no more! Be done with your nearsighted, poorly spelled, and utterly ignorant posts! Be gone, from mine sight and hearing! Let my mind never be confounded with your confused logic and ineptitude! Be thy the first to grace your name across my foe list!
And now, I can only quote the great Romeo, when I look back on this tragedy, and say to you,
I thought all for the best but in the end, the bitter realization,
O, I am fortune's fool!