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Jpcloet, Ratings Abuse [Cleared] ks

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Re: Jpcloet, Ratings Abuse [pending] ks

Postby the.killing.44 on Sun Jan 31, 2010 2:04 pm

colton24 wrote:This isn't vinidictive. I never said he deserves to be warned or banned, etc.

What I did say is that unless mods are above the rules this should be noted.

And jpc I would love to see what you are talking about

Oh yeah, because it's only a vindictive report if you want him to be bannedā€¦
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Re: Jpcloet, Ratings Abuse [pending] ks

Postby king sam on Sun Jan 31, 2010 2:14 pm

colton24 wrote:This isn't vindictive. I never said he deserves to be warned or banned, etc.

What I did say is that unless mods are above the rules this should be noted.

And jpc I would love to see what you are talking about

First off you have posted almost more then king a in this forum so one would think they would know the rules and the punishments for violations. Not to mention you sited a thread in your original claim as evidence for your cause but it seems to me that you have no clue what that thread or that post in that thread even said.

Or else you would see that
A. his ratings that he leaves are within the bounds as discussed in that thread
B. there in no Noting for this punishment, it shows the escalation in there

If this thread was designed as any other means besides feeling that this user (jp) was in violation of the rules then it is spurious in nature and colton you will be held accountable for it. Saying you made this thread as a means to hold "mods accountable" with lack of evidence is pretty close to those lines there.
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Re: Jpcloet, Ratings Abuse [pending] ks

Postby jefjef on Sun Jan 31, 2010 2:20 pm

Well everyone. I glanced at cloets ratings cuz of his "input" in another ratings thread. What I saw was questionable. I pm'd colton to heads up him and see what he thought.

Apparently he saw something "odd" too and filed this.
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
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Re: Jpcloet, Ratings Abuse [pending] ks

Postby ronsizzle on Sun Jan 31, 2010 2:24 pm

it is vindictive cuz he rated you poorly. so you got mad, and thought..."how can i get him back?" so you made this thread up in spite of him. which is being vindictive!

it is time your stay here comes to an end if you ask me....

and i think i know what jpcloet is talking about.

so tell us all who colton used to be jpcloet? until he changed his username to colton24.
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Re: Jpcloet, Ratings Abuse

Postby khazalid on Sun Jan 31, 2010 2:30 pm

Gold Knight wrote:This entire forum is completely rediculous now, id rather have multis run wild than see this rediculous shit popping up everyday trying to make good people look bad. Would it be possible to juse close the entire forum, and just do the whole C & A thing via e-tickets or something of the sort? I dont care if people get shown as busted, but there is absolutely no reason half of the people reported here have to waste their time defending themselves...


first spurious report = warning
second = 1 day vacation


make it so!
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Re: Jpcloet, Ratings Abuse [pending] ks

Postby jefjef on Sun Jan 31, 2010 2:32 pm

ronc8649 wrote:it is vindictive cuz he rated you poorly. so you got mad, and thought..."how can i get him back?" so you made this thread up in spite of him. which is being vindictive!

it is time your stay here comes to an end if you ask me....

and i think i know what jpcloet is talking about.

so tell us all who colton used to be jpcloet? until he changed his username to colton24.

Well ronc. It would have been vindictive if colton had gone searching. It did not happen that way. As I said I saw something ODD. I do have to wonder if colton wasn't so despised as he is if half of ya would trouble yourselves with defending with blinders on.
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
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Re: Jpcloet, Ratings Abuse [pending] ks

Postby colton24 on Sun Jan 31, 2010 2:36 pm

ronc8649 wrote:it is vindictive cuz he rated you poorly. so you got mad, and thought..."how can i get him back?" so you made this thread up in spite of him. which is being vindictive!

it is time your stay here comes to an end if you ask me....

and i think i know what jpcloet is talking about.

so tell us all who colton used to be jpcloet? until he changed his username to colton24.

Not true.

king sam wrote:
colton24 wrote:This isn't vindictive. I never said he deserves to be warned or banned, etc.

What I did say is that unless mods are above the rules this should be noted.

And jpc I would love to see what you are talking about

First off you have posted almost more then king a in this forum so one would think they would know the rules and the punishments for violations. Not to mention you sited a thread in your original claim as evidence for your cause but it seems to me that you have no clue what that thread or that post in that thread even said.

Or else you would see that
A. his ratings that he leaves are within the bounds as discussed in that thread
B. there in no Noting for this punishment, it shows the escalation in there

If this thread was designed as any other means besides feeling that this user (jp) was in violation of the rules then it is spurious in nature and colton you will be held accountable for it. Saying you made this thread as a means to hold "mods accountable" with lack of evidence is pretty close to those lines there.

I made it cause I felt he had broken the rules as stated in that thread. Like I said this should, at the very least, be noted. I don't give a crap about the rating he gave me only that he is breaking the rules that were stated in that thread.

jefjef wrote:
ronc8649 wrote:it is vindictive cuz he rated you poorly. so you got mad, and thought..."how can i get him back?" so you made this thread up in spite of him. which is being vindictive!

it is time your stay here comes to an end if you ask me....

and i think i know what jpcloet is talking about.

so tell us all who colton used to be jpcloet? until he changed his username to colton24.

Well ronc. It would have been vindictive if colton had gone searching. It did not happen that way. As I said I saw something ODD. I do have to wonder if colton wasn't so despised as he is if half of ya would trouble yourselves with defending with blinders on.

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pmchugh wrote:BUMP- one more fool needed :mrgreen:

One fool reporting for duty!

Been around for too long...said things that shouldn't have been said...but all that has changed
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Re: Jpcloet, Ratings Abuse [pending] ks

Postby alster on Sun Jan 31, 2010 2:47 pm

colton24 wrote:Comments: He leaves 5s or 1s and almost nothing in between which deserves to be noted and is technical abuse as stated here:


And here:


Should be noted at the very least.

Looking at these threads, it seems to me like you haven't really got it.

1. First thread - there are heaps of 1-1-1s. A lot. The mod statement made reflects that, it does not support a general practice that only 5s or 1s and almost nothing in between is a rule violation. Generally, a ratings abuse consists of constantly and/or too alarge extent handing down bad ratings. Constantly and/or to a large extent is a convenience thing as the mods can't go through individual ratings (that's why the comment-system was put to sleep, too many complaints that concerned just one game).
2. The second thread (concerning yours truely) says nothing. No mod statement there except that the guy whining never really put any facts on the table, i.e. whether he got rated badly and, if so, why he shouldn't have.

To note a thread doesn't imply anything else than it's, well, been noted. And if someone actually comes back with something the thread could be re-opened. It's not a sanction of any kind, so why do you ask the mods to note this thread of yours? If you feel that there's a rule violation here, you should request a warning.
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Re: Jpcloet, Ratings Abuse [pending] ks

Postby jpcloet on Sun Jan 31, 2010 2:53 pm

jefjef wrote: As I said I saw something ODD. I do have to wonder if colton wasn't so despised as he is if half of ya would trouble yourselves with defending with blinders on.

Agreed, please disclose the "oddity" so that my defense team is aware of all relevant information to my case.
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Re: Jpcloet, Ratings Abuse [pending] ks

Postby ronsizzle on Sun Jan 31, 2010 3:06 pm

jpcloet wrote:
jefjef wrote: As I said I saw something ODD. I do have to wonder if colton wasn't so despised as he is if half of ya would trouble yourselves with defending with blinders on.

Agreed, please disclose the "oddity" so that my defense team is aware of all relevant information to my case.

i would love to know what is odd as well. i see nothing odd whatsoever. other than colton got rated poorly. and losing 50 percent of your points as colton did in 2 months, he prolly deserved it.

why do you stand here and defend colton jefjef? is it because you want to play the devils advocate? seriously? what have you seen on cloets ratings left page that strikes you funny? are you and colton multis?
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Re: Jpcloet, Ratings Abuse

Postby Master Fenrir on Sun Jan 31, 2010 3:11 pm

king sam wrote:Seeing as I know you will complain favoritism towards a mod or clan if I give the go ahead to Clear this then i will send for more opinions.

Yeah, which I think is complete bullshit, and I don't envy you your job. The fact that anyone is allowed to slander a mod simply because squashing a bogus accusation such as this too quickly will result in 10 threads in the GD is lame. I think the amount of crap that mods have to stomach solely for the purpose of not appearing to be evil, tyrannical mods is ridiculous.
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Re: Jpcloet, Ratings Abuse [pending] ks

Postby jefjef on Sun Jan 31, 2010 3:19 pm

ronc8649 wrote:
jpcloet wrote:
jefjef wrote: As I said I saw something ODD. I do have to wonder if colton wasn't so despised as he is if half of ya would trouble yourselves with defending with blinders on.

Agreed, please disclose the "oddity" so that my defense team is aware of all relevant information to my case.

i would love to know what is odd as well. i see nothing odd whatsoever. other than colton got rated poorly. and losing 50 percent of your points as colton did in 2 months, he prolly deserved it.

why do you stand here and defend colton jefjef? is it because you want to play the devils advocate? seriously? what have you seen on cloets ratings left page that strikes you funny? are you and colton multis?

Well cloet. You figure it out. ronc your a multi. You had a previous CC life. Perma foe me. You are also an undeniable severe ratings abuser. Expect a complaint to be filed.

BTW colton acted on what he believe's. I'm not defending. Just stating my perception of the truth.
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
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Re: Jpcloet, Ratings Abuse [pending] ks

Postby the.killing.44 on Sun Jan 31, 2010 3:30 pm

jefjef wrote:BTW colton acted on what he believe's.

No, then it would be more like:

colton24 wrote:Accused:


The accused are suspected of:

Other: (Severe?) Sinful Activities

Game number(s):

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Re: Jpcloet, Ratings Abuse [pending] ks

Postby ronsizzle on Sun Jan 31, 2010 3:43 pm

the.killing.44 wrote:
jefjef wrote:BTW colton acted on what he believe's.

No, then it would be more like:

colton24 wrote:Accused:


The accused are suspected of:

Other: (Severe?) Sinful Activities

Game number(s):



and jefjef, i will never foe you again. i enjoy seeing people make fun of you for your lack of intelligence.
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Re: Jpcloet, Ratings Abuse [pending] ks

Postby king sam on Sun Jan 31, 2010 6:18 pm

keep it on track boys and less flamey, so we can all see the much anticipated response from JP
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Re: Jpcloet, Ratings Abuse [pending] ks

Postby Serbia on Sun Jan 31, 2010 6:38 pm

I think everyone knows how I feel about Toby (hi Toby!), but this is just pure nonsense. The whole point of this forum is for posting REAL cheating or abuse complaints, and to allow this type of nonsense to continue makes a joke of the whole system. I am TOTALLY in favor of bans for this nonsense. I don't like people who post multi complaints based on "well, his first game was on Waterloo, and he beat ME, so I think it's at least worth looking at, oh and he plays fast" because I think those complaints are spurious as well, but this is above debate. It's pointless, it's attention seeking, and the only way to stop nonsense like this is through bans. colton deserves one for this constant drivel he continues to post, SPAMMING forums which are meant to be used for serious business. (yes, I broke out the "serious business" meme)

So yeah Toby, while I don't really 'got your back', I'm on your side in this one.
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Re: Jpcloet, Ratings Abuse [pending] ks

Postby jpcloet on Sun Jan 31, 2010 8:54 pm

I wish I had compiled my defense more quickly. There is a piece about Serbia already in it. ;) Although, at this point, I will not be calling him in as a witness.
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Re: Jpcloet, Ratings Abuse [pending] ks

Postby THORNHEART on Sun Jan 31, 2010 9:06 pm

Does no one see the joke that the cheating&abuse forums have become....

the one thing we can all know for sure though all else might fail and the foundations of the world may crumble...jefjef sucks

i do wonder though....that mod can leave mostly 5 stars...i think there were a few not 5 stars in there somewhere...but lets give everyone some credit guys alot of the ratings rules change everyday so stuff that wasnt a rule awhile ago is now a rule and that cant change ratings alredy left

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Re: Jpcloet, Ratings Abuse [pending] ks

Postby jefjef on Sun Jan 31, 2010 9:25 pm

THORNHEART wrote:Does no one see the joke that the cheating&abuse forums have become....

the one thing we can all know for sure though all else might fail and the foundations of the world may crumble...jefjef sucks

i do wonder though....that mod can leave mostly 5 stars...i think there were a few not 5 stars in there somewhere...but lets give everyone some credit guys alot of the ratings rules change everyday so stuff that wasnt a rule awhile ago is now a rule and that cant change ratings alredy left

Saved for the coming forum ban of thornheart
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
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Re: Jpcloet, Ratings Abuse [pending] ks

Postby THORNHEART on Sun Jan 31, 2010 9:28 pm

awww now we want to bann free speech and differing opinions...?

:? :?

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Re: Jpcloet, Ratings Abuse [pending] ks

Postby karel on Sun Jan 31, 2010 9:32 pm

DORKS OR DUMB ASSES OR BOTH........... :? :?
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Re: Jpcloet, Ratings Abuse [pending] ks

Postby Serbia on Sun Jan 31, 2010 9:49 pm

jpcloet wrote:I wish I had compiled my defense more quickly. There is a piece about Serbia already in it. ;) Although, at this point, I will not be calling him in as a witness.

Hey, I can be a stonkin' witness. Fair and partial despite personal feelings, grudges, and ill wishes. ;)
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Re: Jpcloet, Ratings Abuse [pending] ks

Postby king sam on Sun Jan 31, 2010 10:14 pm

Thornheart I really don't know where your getting this rating rule change thing, it has always been the same, its just more people are submitting complaints now a days and its coming to light more because of it.

C&A is not a joke, and we do the best that we can in here to help provide the site with players playing by the rules. If someone is in violation of a rule that we have and it is brought to our attention via this forum then we go by the guidelines that are in place to provide punishment to that wrongdoer in hopes that it deters that behavior in the future and helps all enjoy the site better.

Granted there have been quite a few posters lurking around C&A making claims for their own self interests that hold no backing and for the most part we have nipped that in the butt as much as possible by laying down the hammer with the spurious reports/C&A Report Abuse rule. Just cause you don't agree with a view or a rule doesn't make it not so.

Feedback was an impossible thing to moderate so we went to the ratings system, which is still a flawed concept to moderate due to all the inconclusiveness of it from individualism and perception. We do the best that we can, and the standard we have set is the same today as it was when it was first implemented. That standard is that gross abuse of this system will not be tolerated, and will be punished. Gross abuse has been defined in soo many different ratings abuse threads that I'm sick of repeating myself.

If your going to take the time to post in C&A then why not educate yourself with facts before you humiliate yourself. There are many that frequent this forum enough to know what is and isn't abuse, Colton you are one of them. You want to complain about watered down posts in C&A and making this forum less effective cause of it, then take a look in the mirror first before you go pointing fingers. Just because your not a mod doesn't mean you cant help benefit yourself and others.

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Re: Jpcloet, Ratings Abuse [pending] ks

Postby jpcloet on Sun Jan 31, 2010 10:53 pm

I have submitted my preliminary defense into my legal team and they are reviewing.
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Re: Jpcloet, Ratings Abuse [pending] ks

Postby SuicidalSnowman on Sun Jan 31, 2010 11:31 pm

jpcloet wrote:I have submitted my preliminary defense into my legal team and they are reviewing.

JP, if I may, please advise your legal team that if your answer should, at the very least, contain a 12(b)(6) motion to dismiss for failure to state a claim upon which relief can be granted. It is clear that the elements of this crime are (1) repeatedly giving out inaccurate Ratings with no evidence to back up the Rating and (2) the attachment of inaccurate tags.

In addition to stating the rule, prior courts have offered dicta for further analysis, explaining the first element as being ratings that could not be justified when later questioned. Additionally, the second element, inaccurate tags, was analogized to giving a tag of deadbeat when the user did not miss three consecutive turns. (KS, viewtopic.php?f=239&t=106692)

Even when viewing all the evidence most favorably to the non-moving party, it is clear that Colton has not met either of the elements. There is nothing in the record to even suggest that any inaccurate tags have been used, and Colton has provided no evidence of defendant not being able to justify his tags. Preliminary depositions from experts and character witnesses for the defendant confirm these findings.

Wherefore, it is prayed that this most spurious accusation, designed only to harass, be dismissed with prejudice.

On a side note, and a more serious note, Colton, I don't really like you, but I don't really dislike you either. And we know you didn't have 7 birthdays in one day when your age suddenly changed to 21. But seriously man, take some time and really think before you post these kinds of things. If you post something, and a bunch of people don't agree, and you don't understand why, it probably means you are missing the point in some way. Back when Twill was around, he had a great flowchart for posting, and I don't remember it exactly, but step one was to think, "Do I really need to post this?" and if you answered yes, the second step was check for a similar topic, but the third step was, "Stop, and think again, Do I really need to post this? Chances are, the answer is no."

I think that is some good advice, little buddy. ;)
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