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The Conquer 500

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Re: The Conquer 500 - Gameplay Discussion (Lanes)

Postby yeti_c on Wed Jan 27, 2010 4:06 pm

I'm not sure about this one - the one overriding thing I get though - is that the track seems to go the wrong way.

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Re: The Conquer 500 - Gameplay Discussion (Lanes)

Postby dolomite13 on Wed Jan 27, 2010 5:19 pm

yeti_c wrote:I'm not sure about this one - the one overriding thing I get though - is that the track seems to go the wrong way.


Do you mean counter clockwise? that is typical of american racing. Fans of Nascar live by the motto "Drive Fast and Turn Left". And when I took a tour of the Indy 500 racetrack a few years ago they gave us a ride around the track and it ran counter clockwise.

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Re: The Conquer 500 - Gameplay Discussion (Lanes)

Postby Mad-elph on Wed Jan 27, 2010 5:53 pm

Oh and think I like the idea of one lane the whole way anyway. I'd probably prefer it that way
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Re: The Conquer 500 - Gameplay Discussion (Lanes)

Postby yeti_c on Wed Jan 27, 2010 6:12 pm

dolomite13 wrote:
yeti_c wrote:I'm not sure about this one - the one overriding thing I get though - is that the track seems to go the wrong way.


Do you mean counter clockwise? that is typical of american racing. Fans of Nascar live by the motto "Drive Fast and Turn Left". And when I took a tour of the Indy 500 racetrack a few years ago they gave us a ride around the track and it ran counter clockwise.


Partially - but I think it's something else as well... perhaps the placement of the territory labels.

Note that it's not a nascar track as there are right turns too?!

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Re: The Conquer 500 - Gameplay Discussion (Lanes)

Postby Mad-elph on Wed Jan 27, 2010 8:01 pm

yeti_c wrote:
dolomite13 wrote:
yeti_c wrote:I'm not sure about this one - the one overriding thing I get though - is that the track seems to go the wrong way.


Do you mean counter clockwise? that is typical of american racing. Fans of Nascar live by the motto "Drive Fast and Turn Left". And when I took a tour of the Indy 500 racetrack a few years ago they gave us a ride around the track and it ran counter clockwise.


Partially - but I think it's something else as well... perhaps the placement of the territory labels.

Note that it's not a nascar track as there are right turns too?!


Again avid F1 fan here, but I believe NASCAR tried street course racing as recently as a couple years ago. They wanted to reply to comments of "HARD and LEFT". They even ran at the same Track F1 races on in Montreal, over a minute more a lap... hehe. But judging from the cars its based on Indy, seeing as how they are pretty much the Panoz evolution of car.
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Re: The Conquer 500 - Gameplay Discussion (Lanes)

Postby dolomite13 on Thu Jan 28, 2010 1:05 pm

I will do some research but I think I prefer counter clockwise regardless.

I have been playing around with some lane ideas. I personally prefer one lane and the ability to attack one or two positions ahead on the track which is how the track rules currently are. As represented below as #1

I would also be ok with track segments with multiple positions in them that could attack one or two track sections ahead. This way you wouldn't have locked in lanes. In this scenario we could have a win condition of capturing 1 location in each track section around the track. As represented in #2 below. a location in "a" could attack any location in "b" or "c" but not other sections in "a"

Click image to enlarge.

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Re: The Conquer 500 - Gameplay Discussion (Lanes)

Postby yeti_c on Thu Jan 28, 2010 3:12 pm

Note that Objectives aren't allowed to contain continents - and therefore will make your XML VERY large.

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Re: The Conquer 500 - Gameplay Discussion (Lanes)

Postby dolomite13 on Thu Jan 28, 2010 3:21 pm

yeti_c wrote:Note that Objectives aren't allowed to contain continents - and therefore will make your XML VERY large.

Hmmm ... yuk
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Re: The Conquer 500 - Gameplay Discussion (Lanes)

Postby Industrial Helix on Thu Jan 28, 2010 5:25 pm

One thing that stands out to me that doesn't make sense is the bit about the car conditions. Is it +1 for each car condition or +1 for not holding all 3 car conditions?
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Re: The Conquer 500 - Gameplay Discussion (Lanes)

Postby dolomite13 on Thu Jan 28, 2010 7:01 pm

Industrial Helix wrote:One thing that stands out to me that doesn't make sense is the bit about the car conditions. Is it +1 for each car condition or +1 for not holding all 3 car conditions?

+1 for each and an additional +2 for all 3. So +5 total.

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Re: The Conquer 500 - Gameplay Discussion (Lanes)

Postby Industrial Helix on Thu Jan 28, 2010 7:25 pm

dolomite13 wrote:
Industrial Helix wrote:One thing that stands out to me that doesn't make sense is the bit about the car conditions. Is it +1 for each car condition or +1 for not holding all 3 car conditions?

+1 for each and an additional +2 for all 3. So +5 total.


Right. I dunno if this qualifies under a graphics thing but I think it needs to be expressed that the +2 is additional.
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Re: The Conquer 500 - Gameplay Discussion (Lanes)

Postby dolomite13 on Thu Jan 28, 2010 7:27 pm

Industrial Helix wrote:
dolomite13 wrote:
Industrial Helix wrote:One thing that stands out to me that doesn't make sense is the bit about the car conditions. Is it +1 for each car condition or +1 for not holding all 3 car conditions?

+1 for each and an additional +2 for all 3. So +5 total.


Right. I dunno if this qualifies under a graphics thing but I think it needs to be expressed that the +2 is additional.

I agree

I have some additional gameplay ideas i'm about to post and the existing map will ned alot of changes.

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Re: The Conquer 500 - New Gameplay Ideas (1/28/2010)

Postby dolomite13 on Thu Jan 28, 2010 7:39 pm

I was thinking of adding a few locations along with creating more than one path around the track. These changes would make it impossible to conquer a pit crew, but they could be eliminated via bombardment. I would alo remove the automatic win for a lap of the track and instead build in a stalemate breaker with the winner circle similar to the "Arms Race!" nuke.

Territories: 77
- 24 car conditions (tires, fuel, engine)
- 8 pit crew
- 5 pit equipment
- 32 track locations
- 4 corner locations
- 1 pit entrance
- 1 pit exit
- 1 finish line
- 1 winner circle

+1 bonus for every 3 track locations you control.

(NOTE: players start on the pit crews and track locations for a total of 42 starting territories)

Car Conditions
- Start with 1 neutral in each location.
- Loose 1 army per turn.

+1 bonus for holding your teams Tires car condition and your pit crew.
+1 bonus for holding your teams Engine car condition and your pit crew.
+1 bonus for holding your teams Fuel car condition and your pit crew.
+2 bonus for holding all three of your teams car conditions.
(NOTE: the total bonus for all car conditions and your pit crew is +5 however loosing your pit crew and maintaining your car still grants +2)

Pit Equipment
- Tires pit equipment can bombard any Tires car condition.
- Engine pit equipment can bombard any Engine car condition.
- Fuel pit equipment can bombard any Fuel car condition.
- Tools pit equipment can bombard any car condition.
- Can bombard the finish line.

+1 bonus for holding a piece of pit equipment your pit crew.
+3 bonus for holding all pit equipment.
(NOTE: the total bonus for all pit equipment and your pit crew is +8 however loosing your pit crew and holding all pit equipment grants +3)

Pit Crews
- Start with 1 player controlled army.
- Your pit crew can one way attack all of your teams car conditions.
- All pit crews can one way attack all pit equipment.
- All pit crews can one way attack the Pit Exit.

+2 bonus for controlling your pit crew.

Pit Entrance
- can bombard any pit location.
- starts with 5 neutral.
- resets to 5 neutral each turn.
- is not needed to complete a lap of the track.

Pit Exit
- Can be attacked by all pits.
- starts with 5 neutral.
- resets to 5 neutral each turn.
- is not needed to complete a lap of the track.

Finish Line
- Starts with 10 neutral.
- Can one way attack the winners circle.

Winners Circle
- Starts with 20 neutral.
- Resets to 20 neutral every turn.
- Winners circle can bombard any pit location.

+50 bonus for holding the winners circle and an entire lap of the track.
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Re: The Conquer 500 - Gameplay Discussion (Lanes)

Postby ender516 on Fri Jan 29, 2010 12:43 am

If the winners circle resets to neutral every turn, it cannot be held for a bonus.
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Re: The Conquer 500 - Gameplay Discussion (Lanes)

Postby dolomite13 on Fri Jan 29, 2010 10:51 am

ender516 wrote:If the winners circle resets to neutral every turn, it cannot be held for a bonus.

Yep thats true perhapse I was thinking that the finish line and track lap would give the big bonus so you could then attack the winner circle and gain that position to attack pits. I would like it to be as difficult if not moreso to get that bonus as it would be to get a full track lap.

In general tho what do people think of the concept change from a win condition to having the big stalemate buster bonus?

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Re: The Conquer 500 - Gameplay Discussion (Lanes)

Postby Blitzaholic on Fri Jan 29, 2010 10:59 am

nice idea of the race car track, looks kool 8-)
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Re: The Conquer 500 - Gameplay Discussion (Lanes)

Postby Mad-elph on Sat Jan 30, 2010 12:47 pm

dolomite13 wrote:
Yep thats true perhapse I was thinking that the finish line and track lap would give the big bonus so you could then attack the winner circle and gain that position to attack pits. I would like it to be as difficult if not moreso to get that bonus as it would be to get a full track lap.

In general tho what do people think of the concept change from a win condition to having the big stalemate buster bonus?


I think its fine to have a stalemate buster, but you are forcing games to last a hundred turns or so to fight your way around, then take a 10 neutral and 20 neutral. Thats a lot. Plus if you are in a stalemate, noone would be able to keep the whole track plus winner's circle... as they would then hold 80% of the map and thus have way more than anyone else, thus not a stalemate. Plus, if you were to take it all then hold the winner's circle others might hit your men on the track before you'd get the bonus. Given the cost to get it, and how much you have to hold I doubt anyone would go for it cause they wouldn't likely keep it.
I'd make it a 5 Neutral (10 max), and give a 10 bonus, then everyone would scramble for it early and that would space everyone out throughout the map. It would be something that would be in play the whole game and mimic the ambition to 'win the race' as people would constantly be passing for the lead.
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Re: The Conquer 500 - Gameplay Discussion (Lanes)

Postby dolomite13 on Sat Jan 30, 2010 3:18 pm

Mad-elph wrote:
dolomite13 wrote:
Yep thats true perhapse I was thinking that the finish line and track lap would give the big bonus so you could then attack the winner circle and gain that position to attack pits. I would like it to be as difficult if not moreso to get that bonus as it would be to get a full track lap.

In general tho what do people think of the concept change from a win condition to having the big stalemate buster bonus?


I think its fine to have a stalemate buster, but you are forcing games to last a hundred turns or so to fight your way around, then take a 10 neutral and 20 neutral. Thats a lot. Plus if you are in a stalemate, noone would be able to keep the whole track plus winner's circle... as they would then hold 80% of the map and thus have way more than anyone else, thus not a stalemate. Plus, if you were to take it all then hold the winner's circle others might hit your men on the track before you'd get the bonus. Given the cost to get it, and how much you have to hold I doubt anyone would go for it cause they wouldn't likely keep it.
I'd make it a 5 Neutral (10 max), and give a 10 bonus, then everyone would scramble for it early and that would space everyone out throughout the map. It would be something that would be in play the whole game and mimic the ambition to 'win the race' as people would constantly be passing for the lead.

Interesting I like where your assessment =)
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Re: The Conquer 500 - Gameplay Discussion (Lanes)

Postby natty dread on Mon Feb 01, 2010 5:13 pm

I'm not sure if we're still discussing lanes, but IMO 2 lanes would be good for the gameplay. You could make it so that corners have 1 lane, and straights have 2. So that you can't pass at corners...

In general tho what do people think of the concept change from a win condition to having the big stalemate buster bonus?

I also think it's a good idea. The winning condition would not come to play very often. But the bonus still can't be too big, otherwise it'll be the deciding factor for the whole game.
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Re: The Conquer 500 - Gameplay Discussion (Lanes)

Postby yeti_c on Tue Feb 02, 2010 5:10 am

Not sure the last time you watched an F1 race - but the braking zone into corners is where (most of) the overtaking happens...

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Re: The Conquer 500 - Gameplay Discussion (Lanes)

Postby natty dread on Tue Feb 02, 2010 7:38 am

yeti_c wrote:Not sure the last time you watched an F1 race - but the braking zone into corners is where (most of) the overtaking happens...


So this is a F1 race now? I thought this was nascar or something?
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Re: The Conquer 500 - Gameplay Discussion (Lanes)

Postby dolomite13 on Tue Feb 02, 2010 12:24 pm

natty_dread wrote:
yeti_c wrote:Not sure the last time you watched an F1 race - but the braking zone into corners is where (most of) the overtaking happens...


So this is a F1 race now? I thought this was nascar or something?
It is f1 style as it isn't simply an oval track
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Re: The Conquer 500 - Gameplay Discussion (Lanes)

Postby natty dread on Tue Feb 02, 2010 12:30 pm

dolomite13 wrote:
natty_dread wrote:
yeti_c wrote:Not sure the last time you watched an F1 race - but the braking zone into corners is where (most of) the overtaking happens...


So this is a F1 race now? I thought this was nascar or something?
It is f1 style as it isn't simply an oval track

Oh well. Still, I think 2 lanes would work best for the map.
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Re: The Conquer 500 - Gameplay Discussion (Lanes)

Postby Mad-elph on Tue Feb 02, 2010 5:23 pm

dolomite13 wrote:
natty_dread wrote:
yeti_c wrote:Not sure the last time you watched an F1 race - but the braking zone into corners is where (most of) the overtaking happens...


So this is a F1 race now? I thought this was nascar or something?
It is f1 style as it isn't simply an oval track

By that you mean it is open wheeled formula style racing.... Nascar being close cockpit 'stock' car racing.
To me the little models look Indy esque but we need not attach names to these things as they are only representative of racing. As for the comment, passing happens 70% in the turns (if you exclude passing in the pits).

But I think we all knew this and I just want to see the next mock-up so I can get excited again... in other news anyone following F1s first tests of the season this week?
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Re: The Conquer 500 - New Gameplay Ideas (1/28/2010)

Postby iancanton on Wed Feb 03, 2010 5:53 pm

dolomite13 wrote:I was thinking of adding a few locations along with creating more than one path around the track. These changes would make it impossible to conquer a pit crew, but they could be eliminated via bombardment. I would alo remove the automatic win for a lap of the track and instead build in a stalemate breaker with the winner circle similar to the "Arms Race!" nuke.

u have some good support already for the stalemate breaker.

dolomite13 wrote:+1 bonus for every 3 track locations you control.

(NOTE: players start on the pit crews and track locations for a total of 42 starting territories)

Car Conditions
- Start with 1 neutral in each location.
- Loose 1 army per turn.
Pit Crews
- Start with 1 player controlled army.
- Your pit crew can one way attack all of your teams car conditions.
- All pit crews can one way attack all pit equipment.
- All pit crews can one way attack the Pit Exit.

+2 bonus for controlling your pit crew.

Pit Entrance
- can bombard any pit location.
- starts with 5 neutral.
- resets to 5 neutral each turn.
- is not needed to complete a lap of the track.

let's see. 2v2 game. each player starts with 2 pit crews and 8 track locations. in round 1, player 1 receives 3 troops for 10 regions, 4 for 2 pit crews and 2 for 6 track locations. he deploys these 9 troops on one of the 2 track locations that can assault the pit entrance (making a stack of 12), knocks out the 5 pit entrance neutrals and both of player 2's pit crews, leaving his surplus troops on the pit entrance, while forting 2 troops from elsewhere to his teammate, player 3. player 2 deploys his 5 troops to make a stack of 8 and annihilates one of player 3's pit crews. player 3, with his 7 troops, retakes the pit entrance and kills both of player 4's pit crews. if player 4 cannot break through player 3's defence at the pit entrance, then it's game over.

we need to reduce player 1's initial deployment, perhaps by changing

+1 bonus for every 3 track locations you control


+1 bonus for every 3 track locations you control while your car has fuel.

ian. :)
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