by JOHNNYROCKET24 on Tue Jan 26, 2010 12:20 am
Format/Rules- show
- You must have atleast 1 tourney medal to be eligible to play
32 player single elimination challenge ( best of 3 per round to advance )
Seeds will be assigned the day the games are created. I will check the scoreboard and collect everyones score for accuracy.
2 brackets set up of 1-16 according to your score. Winners of each bracket will play for championship.
No point min required to play in this challenge.
All games will be played seq/esc/chain/sunny/auto
All players have 24 hours to join their games or forfeit.
All CC rules apply. Please report any issue to me in this thread. I will review the problem and take corrective action. All decisions are final.
Maps- show
- Round 1- Random
Round 2- Random
Round 3- Random
Round 4- Random
Round 5- Random
Previous Winners- show
- JR's 1 vs 1 Battle I- mgconstruction
JR's 1 vs 1 Battle II- JoJo 123
JR's 1 vs 1 Battle III- HighlanderAttack
JR's 1 vs 1 Battle IV- aligator_al
JR's 1 vs 1 Battle V- HighlanderAttack
JR's 1 vs 1 Battle VI- Little Witt
JR's 1 vs 1 Battle VII- Deadpool
JR's 1 vs 1 Battle VIII- topper
JR's 1 vs 1 Battle IX- b00060
JR's 1 vs 1 Battle X- elmerfudd
JR’s 1 vs 1 Challenge I- prismsaber
JR’s 1 vs 1 Challenge II- killmanic
JR’s 1 vs 1 Challenge III- Diego_CR
JR’s 1 vs 1 Challenge IV- killmanic
JR’s 1 vs 1 Challenge V- tyler197802918
JR’s 1 vs 1 Challenge VI- Elijah S
JR’s 1 vs 1 Challenge VII- Witt13
JR's 1 vs 1 Challenge VIII- Demy7
JR's 1 vs 1 Challenge IX- Bruceswar
JR's 1 vs 1 Challenge X- Demy7
JR's 1 vs 1 Clash I- Little Witt
JR's 1 vs 1 Clash II- Kalano Sanchin
JR's 1 vs 1 Clash III- dowian2
JR's 1 vs 1 Clash IV- Highlanderattack
JR's 1 vs 1 Clash V- demy7
JR's 1 vs 1 Clash VI- demy7
JR's 1 vs 1 Clash VII- cpurcell
JR's 1 vs 1 Clash VIII- demy7
JR's 1 vs 1 Clash IX- aligator_al
JR's 1 vs 1 Clash X- uckuki
JR's 2 vs 2 Battle I- TBD
JR's 2 vs 2 Challenge I- Prismsaber/Foxglove
JR's 2 vs 2 Challenge II- Blitzaholic/Big Whiskey
JR's 2 vs 2 Challenge III- tyche73/shatners bassoon
JR's 2 vs 2 Challenge IV- Thebro/Velvecarrots
JR's 2 vs 2 Challenge V- pixar/slowreactor
JR's 2 vs 2 Challenge VI- Blitzaholic/Big Whiskey
JR's 2 vs 2 Challenge VII- BoganGod/Genoke
JR's 2 vs 2 Challenge VIII- gannable/ironwood
JR's 2 vs 2 Challenge IX- redfelt/lokisgal
JR's 2 vs 2 Challenge X- gannable/ironwood
JR's 3 vs 3 Challenge I- ga7/Drew483/banana_hammocks
JR's 3 vs 3 Challenge II- Blitzaholic/Big Whiskey/Nephilim
JR's 3 vs 3 Challenge III- Blitzaholic/Osujacket/Big Whiskey
JR's 3 vs 3 Challenge IV- gannable/ironwood/Emmdizzle
JR's 3 vs 3 Challenge V- aspalm/bigroo4601/hambone
JR's 4 vs 4 Challenge I- samuelc812, bfunny27, thezepman, DBandit70
JR's 4 vs 4 Challenge II- Darcogoal/Cowboyz/Nimic/Spijker81
JR's 4 vs 4 Challenge III- TBD
Eligible Players- show
- #1_stunna, -=- Tanarri -=-, -Maximus-, 2007spaceodyssey, 300spartans, 4red, 69Chevy, ^MsCarolyn^, _big_easy_, A Mans Part, AAFitz, aalii, Aalmeida17, abel, Absolute, ABSOLUTE_MASTER, abygorb, ACDC, ACE11, acerun3284, acores2005, acristescu, adolfoliverbush, Aerial Attack, AeroMate, AgEcon, Aggresso, agonzos, akiradragon, Alexinho, AlexZG, aligator_al, Aline_Cedrac, alstergren, amazzony, american_ninja, Amilo, Anders2004, andreas1977, andreslh, AndrewB, AndrewO, Angarita, angola, Angus Khan, Anila8, Annexator, anonymousguy54, anonymus, Antonio Gramsci, Aradhus, Arcee, ArgoW, Army of Achilles, Artic patrol, artur1, Arya, aselwyn1, aspalm, AtreidesHouse, aurora borealis, b rad, b00060, Bad Speler, badlouie, BagwellTheGreat, BaldAdonis, ballenus, Bam-Bam, bamage, banana_hammocks, BarbieB, barnsta b, Baron Von Cox, Barry Zuckerkorn, barterer2002, bazmac, BeakerWMA, Bean_, beanyuk, Beckytheblondie, Begbie, Beinion, Beko the Great, BENJIKAT IS DEAD, bfunny27, big jumbo, Big Whiskey, Big-Chone, BigBallinStalin, bigdaddyslim2, Bighab, Bigragooch, Bigroo4601, biscuit boy, bjc23, bkwill, BlAckICE, Blackice181, BlackIrish, blakebowling, Blind Date, blindmatt, Blitzaholic, Blobby, blockhead15, blue baron, bluenose, BoganGod, bomberman760, Bones2484, Boniman, Bonobo, bonus_mop, Boss_oss_ss, Boxcutta, bradlyg, brandoncfi, bretzsky, BrotherWolf, Bruceswar, Buba, cachejob, CandaVespin, Canek, Captain_Scarlet, CaptainMoo, carl2216, casper, cave man, cazmart, Chadwick31, chard, Chariot of Fire, checkmated, chemefreak, chessplaya, Chief Bartle, chiefsfan4ever, cho a$$ up, chopsiu, Chuuuuck, Cilindr0, Clearwater fl, Clive, clung99, coacheberhardt, Colossus, colson, concrete, Condor, conquerAce, corix, cowboyz, cpurcell, Craig82, Crash_22, ctgottapee, Cubs24, Culs De Sac, D.IsleRealBrown, D3A7H, danervinsucks, danfrank, danielcmr, danohsx, danryan, darbselod, DARCOGOAL, Darin44, darth emperor, DarthBlood, Darthvadar, Daryth, das killa, davelim, David Hoekstra, David_Wain, Daviedoo, DavSav, Dazoot, DBandit70, dcc1220, Dcswift, deacon432, Deadpool, deanios, deliaselene, Delving, demigod, Demon666, demonfork, demy7, denominator, dexterdexter, dfp2dep, Diamonds14, DIBS, diddy, Dieforasandwich, Diego_CR, DiM, dimeat, DimnjacarStef, dinustef, Ditocoaf, dittoeevee8888, dividedbyzero, DJ Teflon, DJoach, djt5483, dlayman21, Dominator7, Donkey, donny the bull, doochbagbill, Dota, dowian2, downfall, DPTigerFan, Dr.Belo, Dr.killitz, dragon dor, drags, drake_259, Draq, Dreamer, Drew483, Drunk_Idiot, DrunknHorny, dshedd, dtellis, DuGa, dustin800, dwwood7 17, e_i_pi, EagleofGreenErth, Easy n Dirty, Eats, edbeard, eddie666, EdwinG, efreddy, ekimlil216, Elijah S, elmerfudd, elric45, Emmaspoppy, endar1077, Ender_, Enormastitz, EnricoPalazzo, enterprise47, equalpants, estherilla47, Evil Crosby, Evil Semp, eye84free, Fag_Ash, fairman, Fancy_B, fantanyser, farrier101, FATHARRY, fbonsignori, ffgamer9, fidelx, field commander, Finneas, Fipa, Fircoal, fireearth, Fireside Poet, firstholliday, firth4eva, fish061, flavanoid, FloresDelMal, Forefall, Forza AZ, Foxglove, FrancisBoyle, freakns, freyme, friendly1, Frito Bandito, frozen_flame, fumandomuerte, Funkelee, fwblb, g3n1u5, G_M, ga7, galix, GallantPellham, gambler21210, Gamefreakguy, gameplayer, gannable, Gargalee, gcwca_4_life, gdeangel, gehrem, geigerm, General Anarchy, General Flashman, Genoke, Georgerx7di, ghirrindin, Ghost_Rider, gilgor, Gilles#1, Gilligan, GloriousL, God Emperor Q, Godd, goggles paisano, Gold Knight, gordito, gorehound, got tonkaed, GoVegan, Gozar, Gozo_the_Great, gp24176281, grant.gordon, GRAPE APE, graulenst, Greatwhite, GreazzzzMaster, GreenBaize, Greycloak, GROND 2cd., gubarretto, Guderian09, guinniboy, Gunner1980, Gunners101, Hacx5nine, Hado911, Haggis_McMutton, hambone, happy2seeyou, harvmax, hatchman, Hath, hbesh, Heart of Space, heavenly29, heelinbrasil, hendy, herus, hiddendragon, HighlanderAttack, HKnox76, Hoagy, HolgerHerz, Hollowman85, homer_jay, Hopscotcher, horizon, Hotdoggie, hotfire, hotspur, Hrvat, hschroed78, hulmey, Humrlmo, hundredand1aces, Huntyr Green, hwhrhett, iambligh, Iccinot Nabrus, Icefog99, igotaished, Incandenza, Industrial Helix, inonzuk, inos, insomniacdude, iOccupyBlackacre, irlLordy, Iron Maid, IronWood, J-mad22, jackal31, jackin_u_up, Jackofalltrades, jaimito101, jakegreer, jakewilliams, James Vazquez, jammyjames, jangles, japser_be, jasper1, Jay513, jbrettlip, JCsolidrock, jcstriker, jdenvil, jdw35, JeF, jefjef, Jefreus, JenBear, Jennybh, jerry1111, Jess-95, jetpac, jezboy, jgalioto, jim.rifle, jiminski, Jinks, jly_thechampion, jnd94, Jobiwan, john9blue, Johnny Rico, JOHNNYROCKET24, JoJo123, Jondalar, Jonny_Morbid, jorge717, joriki, joshrising, joshsoccer7, josko.ri, jpcloet, jpeter15, jrbedwell, jrhulk950, jricart, JustB, juventino, K-dub, Kahless, Kalano Sanchin, Kantankerous, karelpietertje, Karl_R_Kroenen, Katy, Katya, kc-jake, keeper16, keiths31, kendoh99, Kernal_Kronic, khazalid, KidWhisky, Kilazul, Killer619, killmanic, king sam, King_Herpes, kingkoswyn, KingOfGods, Kinnison, klut2z, knighthawk, knubbel, KoE_Sirius, komo, Kotaro, KraphtOne, kratos644, Krueger, kumandgo13, L M S, lach07, laci_mae, Lacika, laddida, lanceeee, lanyards, lardass76, Laskdjf, laughingcavalier, ldybajc, Lexitonia5, LFAW, lhcguy, Lindax, Linksniper, lipsondavid, lisbon101, Little Witt, littlebrother2k7, LLC22, LLLUUUKKKEEE, lluisferrater, loes, lokisgal, Lootifer, lord voldemort, lordnex, lordpejota, LordZack72, lostatlimbo, LSU Tiger Josh, lt.pie, LucaV, Lucifer4o, luckywar, Lufsen75, lunatic96, madman7, madmom, MadRMax, magiiiiiic, magneto_acolyte, mallenat, maniacmath17, Marfski, Maroon Beret, martyn, MarVal, Master Merlin, mattastrophe, mattattam, Me-Da-MiNoRiTY, MeanestBossEver, medic0311, Megadeth666, MEK, Meph the Rogue, Mepps, merlin2001, merz, mgconstruction, Miandw, michiganfan22, mightyal, Mikalf, mikeyresipsamac, mikiesdios, MikostheMudder, milehighace, militant, milo67, mishaa, mjs94, moguai, mongbane, morleyjoe, MostMackinest, Mozes, mrb8276, mrbang, MrBenn, mrkaris, MrMoody, Mrs Semper, MudPuppy, multiplayertim, MuzzaG, mwcc, MyrrhMan, MyTurnToWin, mzomboracz001, nachito, nadin, nagerous, Nanogram, nashlloyd, Natascha, Nate the Great, Natelya, Natewolfman, neanderpaul14, negoeien, Nephilim, Nephrops, neutrino51, newanda, nick11, nickfoxx, nikola_milicki, niMic, nippersean, nochance, Nola_Lifer, NoobX2000, Nooley, NormalGuy, notyou2, NW.Traveler, nystateomind, NZHostel, oakleyshole, odratsab, ognjen, oldbenjamin, OlJock99, olkok, OntJets09, opsmgr, Optimus Prime, original Doogie, osujacket, OTE, otis89, OutSider, overlander, owenator, owenshooter, ParadiceCity9, Parmenid, pascalleke, Pat, PaulG, Paulus, peacemakers, peanutsdad, Pedronicus, pelato, pempi, PepeAtila, perchorin, petewins1368, phantomfears, Phantomgate, phantomzero, Pheonix.bradley, pheonixuk, Phil Gates, philbert, philh, Phlaim, Phr34ky, pimphawks70, pistol, Pixar, PJDH, pjdonald, Plowable_Earth, pogophiles, Poisonous86, popeyelvc, poptartpsycho18, Portmangray, Powercrazy, ppgangster, pridekiller, Prinfi, prismsaber, psilotum, psychobkrazy, punky206765, pzaviski2003, Quack., quinnster9, qwert, qwertylpc, R0k0v, rabbiton, Raf_THFC, rallison, ralphcptc, RAM16, ramsrock00, rbelgrod, reahma, rebelman, reccentre, red_dragon, RedBaron0, redbugal, Redfelt, RedSoxFan, redtide, remy1309, renovamus, reptile, Rhinestone80, Ries89, riodeishere, rishark1969, Riskier Than You, RiskTycoon, RL_Orange, roadhawg, Rocketry, rocksolid, roelbianca, Rogue Warrior, Ronaldinho, ronc8649, ronzerox, RoOkAz, Ruben Cassar, rudibach, rudolphirvinpoir, Rumondo, Ryall55, Rémi, s3xt0y, saaimen, sadistic, sailorseal, sam02, samuelc812, samwisebrady, sapato, Sargentgeneral, schnitzella, Scorba, Scott-Land, scottishleaf, scottp, sdin15, seamusk, seamusvibe, seekmeup41, seeso, Serbia, Seulessliathan, Shadowstar, Shai, shaneback, Shatners Bassoon, shaunchef, Shazar77, sherkaner, Shino Tenshi, shoop76, ShootAndMiss, Sierra_Leon, Silver-, simor, Sir Sinclair, Sir. Ricco, sirron, SirSebstar, siutiapik, sjnap, skepticCS, skillfull, SkywardShadow, SlayerQC, slickstick, Sliver 2, slowreactor, smasher_123, smegal69, smiteo, SMITH197, snakedoctor, Snowgun, snusleppa, soccerghost, solar, Soldier4Christ, sooupy, soundman, sour, SpacerXP, Spawn Of Devil, spidey, Spijker81, spoofer, sportsdd2, sportsgod24, Steelhorse, Steve The Mighty, StrG8611, Strider24, Stroop, sugc7, sully800, Sun Tzup, Sunshiner, sunshining, superrag, SuperWang, Supposesublys, surfingmace, Suzy1, svenny24, sweetypie526, t-o-m, Tammerlane, Tammy DeLee, tanjyr, Taurelias, taxmanjle, tdans, tdog0533, tennisdarrell, Terminalcase56, The Fuzzy Pengui, The Mantis, The Neon Peon, the.killing.44, The1exile, TheBro, thegrimsleeper, thekidstrumpet, Theldin, thenikfox, TheTrueNorth, thezepman, thinktank, Thomo1970, thrambone, Tiburon, Tidan, Timminz, Tisha, Tobikera, TODRICH, tom913, topper, torresgerrard, totalni,, trboye, trestain, Tripitaka, TtD, TuesdayIsComing, Turu2001, tyche73, tyler197802198, TYRELL, ubcman64, Ucross, ultrafit, ultraman, unataqti, V.I., V.J., VampireM, Velodra, Velvecarrots, Vendetta06, verbalizer, vexx, Vikorus, ViperOverLord, vragus, vtonic, vykingsfan64, warlord06, waseemalim, watsy, wcaclimbing, Wellspring, Wendt100, White Moose, wickedcooldemi, Wilco, Wild_Tiger, wilderbeast, Windparson, Witt13, wolf2006, Wolffystyle, wolfmaster, wolfpack0530, wonderbeezz, WoWaholic, WPBRJ, wrexham, Wump, Xcalibur54, xelabale, xMBKx, Yokle, YoursFalsey, Z00T, zagi, Zemljanin, ZionT, zips5000, zissou2, Zivel, Zono, Zyber
Players- show
- 1- scottp 2123
2- fbonsignori 1567
3- Enormastitz 1996
4- barterer2002 2174 JOHNNYROCKET24
5- fairman 1971
6- nagerous 2336
7- Steelhorse 1796
8- hahaha3hahaha 1693
9- Darin44 1783
10- Anders2004 1550
11- phantomzero 2024
12- Fireside Poet 1802
13- Natascha 2229
14- jricart 1884
15- God Emperor Q 2063
16- Quack. 2173
17- HighlanderAttack 2156
18- Soldier4Christ 1855
19- shaunchef 1381
20- Gilligan 1676
21- AAFitz 2487
22- rbelgrod 2108
23- TODRICH 1554
24- cpurcell 2069
25- Ghost_Rider 1406
26- Beckytheblondie 2518
27- danryan 1882
28- osujacket 1841
29- jammyjames 1837
30- Iron Maid 2436
31- LLC22 2089
32- saaimen 1806
Seeds- show
- 1- Beckytheblondie
1- AAFitz
2- Iron Maid
2- nagerous
3- Natascha
3- barterer2002 JOHNNYROCKET24
4- Quack.
4- HighlanderAttack
5- scottp
5- rbelgrod
6- LLC22
6- cpurcell
7- God Emperor Q
7- phantomzero
8- Enormastitz
8- fairman
9- jricart
9- danryan
10- Soldier4Christ
10- osujacket
11- jammyjames
11- saaimen
12- Fireside Poet
12- Steelhorse
13- Darin44
13- hahaha3hahaha
14- Gilligan
14- fbonsignori
15- Anders2004
16- Ghost_Rider
16- shaunchef
Round 1- show
- Bracket 1
1- Beckytheblondie 3-0 vs 16- shaunchef
8- Enormastitz vs 9- danryan 2-1
5- scottp vs 12- Steelhorse 2-1
4- Quack. vs 13- hahaha3hahaha 2-1
6- LLC22 2-0 vs 11- saaimen
3- Natascha vs 14- fbonsignori 2-1
7- God Emperor Q vs 10- osujacket 2-1
2- Iron Maid 3-0 vs 15- Anders2004
Bracket 2
1- AAFitz 3-0 vs 16- Ghost_Rider
8- fairman 2-1 vs 9- jricart
5- rbelgrod vs 12- Fireside Poet 3-0
4- HighlanderAttack vs 13- Darin44 2-1
6- cpurcell 3-0 vs 11- jammyjames
3- JOHNNYROCKET24 2-1 vs 14- Gilligan
7- phantomzero 3-0 vs 10- Soldier4Christ
2- nagerous vs 15- TODRICH 2-0
Round 2- show
- Bracket 1
1- Beckytheblondie vs 9- danryan 2-1
12- Steelhorse 3-0 vs 13- hahaha3hahaha
6- LLC22 2-1 vs 14- fbonsignori
10- osujacket 2-1 vs 2- Iron Maid
Bracket 2
1- AAFitz 2-1 vs 8- fairman
12- Fireside Poet 2-1 vs 13- Darin44
6- cpurcell 2-1 vs 3- JOHNNYROCKET24
7- phantomzero vs 15- TODRICH 2-1
Round 3- show
- Bracket 1
9- danryan 2-0 vs 12- Steelhorse
6- LLC22 2-1 vs 10- osujacket
Bracket 2
1- AAFitz vs 12- Fireside Poet 3-0
6- cpurcell vs 15- TODRICH 2-1
Round 4- show
- Bracket 1
9- danryan 2-1 vs 6- LLC22
Bracket 2
12- Fireside Poet 2-1 vs 15- TODRICH
Round 5- show
- 9- danryan 2-0 vs 12- Fireside Poet
Winner- show
- danryan
Last edited by
JOHNNYROCKET24 on Wed Feb 24, 2010 7:51 pm, edited 44 times in total.
JR's Game Profile
- show
- Highest Score- 3969
Highest Place- 1st
Highest Rank- Conqueror
Total Medals Won- 157
6 time Wac-a-Mod Champion
June 2014 Monthly Challenge Winner
August 2020 Monthly Challenge Winner