Is this a worthy accusation? Poohcrumbs has been berating me all night. This comes after a friend (chase1999) of his decided to call me names in a game chat after I had broken his (Chase's) bonus. He called me such things as retard, idiot, and questioned where I bought my swords from. I then directed him to the CC store. Anyway, I've made a few postings on
chase1999's wall to stick it to him that I am not an idiot and know what I am doing. I eliminated him from the game and wanted to let him know that I did as such and made a comment that said something like, "hurts to fall from your high horse doesn't it." Poohcrumbs is apparently a friend of chase1999's and saw my post. He then took it upon himself to start trash talking me on my wall. I deleted the postings, so I don't know spefiically what they said, but there was a lot of swearing and threatening comments made. I replied and tried to explain to him why I had left the comments on chase's wall and even posted some of the game chat for him to see. He continued with the abusive comments so I foed him along with chase. Once he realized that I had foed him, he decided to drag a third party into this.
These postings were left on
persianempire's wall:
YO YOU fucking go tell mnduke hes a lil bitch..we do not tolerate shi talk to fucking go rep
by poohcrumbs
on Tue Feb 02, 2010 12:20 am
i fucking mean it...
by poohcrumbs
on Tue Feb 02, 2010 12:22 am
whats the beef ..hes picking on my boy who would knock the f*ck out of this site..look mnduke spammed my wall go look..a major cant talk shit to my noob boy so deal with it..out of respect ..u should..
by poohcrumbs
on Tue Feb 02, 2010 12:24 am
AND it dosnt matter the beef hes ALWAYS right..remember that
by poohcrumbs
on Tue Feb 02, 2010 12:25 am
chase deserves respect..based onhow solid in real life he is...and he is the toughest guy u will ever meet ..but the nicest..a good friend to have bros..give u the shirt off his one..even on this game talks shit..real shit to him ..if i can help it
by poohcrumbs
on Tue Feb 02, 2010 12:29 am
Followed by this on chase1999's wall:
man..persian told him what was what..but how u piss off every good player is fucking hilarious..keep up the good work me ..benny and perisan got your back to the max brotha..
by poohcrumbs
on Tue Feb 02, 2010 12:31 am
After receiving a nasty message from persian, I sent him a pm that explained the situation and told him not to get involved and left a pm on pooh's wall:
respect is earned and your buddy chase has not earned it by his childish antics just as you haven't with your foolishness. I sent a persian a pm that explains the situation and what will happen if you guys decide to keep on persisting with your foolishness.
by MNDuke
on Tue Feb 02, 2010 1:10 am
Upon posting this, I got a series of nasty PM's from Pooh.
* Quote poohcrumbs
Re: no one cares
Sent: Tue Feb 02, 2010 1:59 am
by poohcrumbs
ABOUT all u could do in ral life is GO TELL SOMEONE you make me laugh..go tell ...all you got man telling other people u got hurt lmfao..weak
* Quote poohcrumbs
Re: no one cares
Sent: Tue Feb 02, 2010 1:57 am
by poohcrumbs
go tell.. im waiting
* Quote poohcrumbs
Re: no one cares
Sent: Tue Feb 02, 2010 1:55 am
by poohcrumbs
your a failure go tell interenet cops u loser no one cares....oh wait u do..your a failure
* Quote poohcrumbs
Re: no one cares
Sent: Tue Feb 02, 2010 1:54 am
by poohcrumbs
LMFAO okay ..failure deal with me accordingly..YOUR AN EPIC FAILURE now f*ck OFF
Re: no one cares
Sent: Tue Feb 02, 2010 1:50 am
by MNDuke
You are out of control and will be dealt with accordingly. I never spammed your wall. I simply replied to the posts you left on mine. You clearly can't act like a reasonable adult and have digressed to name calling, not that I expected any more out of you. I don't make it a point to pick on noobs. You're buddy chase started in on me. He started by calling me names in the game chat. Just as you have now resorted to. Also, you are the one who has just sent me about 6 pms in the last 5 mins. This is my third. You are ridiculous and out of control. Get a grip man. Get a life. Get a clue. If you consider me a bully, then what do your actions make you? You have done nothing but try to bully me into silence. Really, I'm not sure what you are trying to accomplish other than you want to get kicked off of CC for using abusive language, which is something the moderators do take seriously. Do yourself a favor, shut up and grow up and I'll let this be. If not, we shall begin the process of getting you in trouble because your big mouth is running away with your brain.
* Quote poohcrumbs
Re: no one cares
Sent: Tue Feb 02, 2010 1:43 am
by poohcrumbs
UMMM FUCKING BLOW me goof quit emailing pm ing me your a fucking failure who fucking bugs noobs..your a failure...f*ck bout that ..go bug noobs...oh wait you spammed my wall so f*ck off go report me your a douchebag...major dochebag..liar and a douchebag..and a fucking one cares bout your threats asshole. quit writing to me asshole and ill stop your a peice of garbage go bug noobs or chefs u loser
Re: no one cares
Sent: Tue Feb 02, 2010 1:39 am
by MNDuke
I never spammed you wall you fool. You posted on my wall first if you don't remember. Also, you better cease with this childish attitude. You are violating CC policy because what you have been writing is considered abusive. Just forewarning you that you better stop or you will be turned into the mods. I really don't care about you or what you do. You contacted me first. You made the threats. Yet, you don't want a response. If you didn't want me to respond, you should have never contacted me to begin with. You are being petty and have gotten yourself involved with something you should not have. Now be smart and let sleeping dogs lie.
* Quote poohcrumbs
no one cares
Sent: Tue Feb 02, 2010 1:30 am
by poohcrumbs
How bout f*ck one cares what u do or who you PM..f*ck off u spammed my wall asshole and now u want to cry..f*ck off your a childish bitch..your the punk..its like a running joke..u got like all of us foed..yet u talk shit ..and then threaten..your a bitch..fucking GO TELL SOMEONE WHO CARES..cuz i sure as f*ck dont..your a pussy..f*ck off..go BUG CHEFS ASSHOLE..tuck your tail and go tell yo0ur MOM u fucking bitch
* Quote poohcrumbs
Re: bully your a pussy
Sent: Tue Feb 02, 2010 1:50 am
by poohcrumbs
pass this along u talk shit and foe they have no choice to talk thru pm..tell them that u fucking bitch..tell the mods that u coward..such a lil clown
* Quote poohcrumbs
Re: bully your a pussy
Sent: Tue Feb 02, 2010 1:48 am
by poohcrumbs
go RAT out for you being a douche bag and getting out manned ou fucking tattle tail man ur a pussy ..u center out new players and talk shit ..spam my wall tuff guy then go tell..YOUR AN EPIC FAILURE..pass that along to the mods,
* Quote poohcrumbs
Re: bully your a pussy
Sent: Tue Feb 02, 2010 1:45 am
by poohcrumbs
is that how u got swords lmfao by telling on noobs u make me sick..go tell you started it and now your crying..its kinda cute..go tell your cc buddies lmfao
Re: bully your a pussy
Sent: Tue Feb 02, 2010 1:41 am
by MNDuke
Last chance to shut your yap. You proceed and this goes above your head.
* Quote poohcrumbs
bully your a pussy
Sent: Tue Feb 02, 2010 1:37 am
by poohcrumbs
persian fucking told u fucking bully now f*ck off..ur a pussy
Sorry but the pms are in backwards chronological order.
The guy clearly doesn't get it. Not only did he send me all those pms but he cc'd chase, persian and
bennybladez on all of them. I sent him 3 replies and did not feel it was necessary to respond to each pm he sent. I have no ambition to continue or further this argument with him. Instead, I would like it if he were dealt with accordingly. He clearly doesn't care about violating CC policy and does not have it in him to behave in a respectful manner.
Thanks and I hope this helps in your decision as to what should be done with him. (hint: lifetime ban)
While creating this posting, I just got this PM. Totally unprovoked. I didn't send him anything. Just popped up.
did you go and tell
Sent: Tue Feb 02, 2010 2:39 am
From: poohcrumbs
To: MNDuke bennybladez
Did you go and tell yet? did you tell the MODS u talk shit and run..or they probably know that here waiting for you to tell...since your going abovbe peoples heads...make sure you when you tell your mom you get it right,,cry ..cry away....or is it spam away..someone might hear you..sux ur used to picking on noobs they probably dont fight back..GO TELL..tell everyone you mouth off and cant take it back..and when it comes down to it u go tell people..LMFAO go tell..that allu got telling people..teller..go find penn..OR did you RAT him out 2..go tell whoever floats your boat you spammed me 1st..ur a coward...go "above my head| u loser...NO ONE CARES ..alls YOU CAN DO is FOE the people you piss off...wich is everyone..go tell your be here before and after..go along and tell..