I think that the problem is not the deadbeats but who creates them. For example play a doubles game with 6 men and create a deadbeat so thereby eliminating 1 team. I am curious to know if a repository of ip addresses could be kept of deadbeats so that players could not create acounts on another computer to win a game. Take for example: Dan_the_man 23129,23130,23132, NoFate 22844,Stresstothemax 22064, Padewale 20503, General Bismo 20503, Wreckless Idiot 19977, 19976, Discostu 18684, Balugianshadow65 19540, Ming8 23131, continent 17606, 7nationarmy 17606, chickenTaco 15032, lars_a_rus 15028, 9039 (not a deadbeat but no attacks), gotham 14976, 308 14517 & 14506, Pompy 13495, CobraCommander 22064 & 12145, Vulture 12143, Swaz CfChrismo Thomaz 89 12087, Nashor 12085 and the list goes on....
Did any of these originate from the same computer?