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mr cookies [noted]

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Re: mr cookies

Postby alster on Tue Jan 19, 2010 4:16 pm

AAFitz wrote:Game 6261049 hax won...cookies and him eliminate everyone else first, only then attack each other

Game logs never lie. Nor does statistics. Skimmed the games referred to. Seeing stuff like this I'm baffled. Not two noobs hax/cookies play here and then not seeing a single attack in between them, jez... This is collusion. It may not be an explicit agreement, but this kind of collusion should as usual be result in a block and perhaps also a warning.

It's not a heinous thing, but it's wrong. There are players I would hesitate to have in the same standard game due to the fact that I know them and play a lot of team games with, having them as opponents along side of a bunch of people I don't know, well, wouldn't trust myself not to favor them when making my decisions. But that's only human. Here, seems to me that cookies indeed favors hax when making his in game decisions. And since he obviously does not have the self-restraint to back away, it seems prudent to put in a block.
Gengoldy wrote:Of all the games I've played, and there have been some poor sports and cursing players out there, you are by far the lowest and with the least class.
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Re: mr cookies

Postby Woodruff on Tue Jan 19, 2010 5:19 pm

mr cookies wrote:I am trying desperatly to get my officers ranking so i can leave the noobs that constantly suicide on me and play with dumbass tatics that lose me games behind.

If you're losing games to "dumbass tactics" (different from the suiciding point) very often, then your own tactics must be suspect or those "dumbass tactics" aren't really so dumbass.
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Re: mr cookies

Postby Snowgun on Tue Jan 19, 2010 5:30 pm

mr cookies wrote:I am trying desperatly to get my officers ranking so i can leave the noobs that constantly suicide on me and play with dumbass tatics that lose me games behind.

This quote is great, it's essentially the same shit you are doing, but with a suspicious consistency. :lol:

Alster has a great point about the possibility that you have a subconscious crush on Hax and therefore are tweaking your suicide style (probably without knowing it) to not go after him till he's the only one left.

BTW, it's too bad Hax is the one who got dragged into this for benefiting. I can further attest to his character if it makes any difference.
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Re: mr cookies

Postby mr cookies on Tue Jan 19, 2010 6:01 pm

OK, lets do proper analysis shall we ....

Game 6224981

this is the game that apparantly I was 1st accused of throwing games to Hax ...

the person that accuses me makes this statement :-
2010-01-05 15:56:12 - sideoutshu: so is there no way to get to the USSR from USA?

obviously a veteran of this map ^_^

Halfway through the game - my position
2010-01-05 15:54:43 - mr cookies received 2 troops for holding USA Launch Code
Hax's position
2010-01-05 15:55:57 - Hacx5nine got bonus of 2 troops added to USSR Bunker 2

opposite sides of the map

2 rounds later (green is still active at this point :-
2010-01-05 16:14:00 - mr cookies bombarded USSR Premier from USA Spy 1 and annihilated Hacx5nine's troops
2010-01-05 16:14:08 - mr cookies bombarded USSR Launch Code from USA Spy 1 and annihilated Hacx5nine's troops
same round, greens answer to me trying to stop red :-
2010-01-05 16:19:44 - sideoutshu assaulted USA Bunker 1 from Denver and conquered it from mr cookies
2010-01-05 16:19:47 - sideoutshu assaulted Seaborg from USA Bunker 1 and conquered it from neutral player
2010-01-05 16:19:53 - sideoutshu assaulted USA President from Washington and conquered it from mr cookies
2010-01-05 16:19:57 - sideoutshu assaulted Chicago from Washington and conquered it from mr cookies
2010-01-05 16:20:01 - sideoutshu assaulted New York from Washington and conquered it from mr cookies
2010-01-05 16:20:04 - sideoutshu assaulted Serber from New York and conquered it from mr cookies
2010-01-05 16:20:12 - sideoutshu ended the turn and got spoils.

futher conversation :-
2010-01-05 16:20:59 - mr cookies: oh i see... we are faced with imminent death and u kill my bonus
2010-01-05 16:21:04 - mr cookies: great
2010-01-05 16:27:18 - mr cookies: so he ruins any possible chance and then goes deadbeat !!!! grrrrr

so, I think this game is cleared up, green was a noob, ruined any chance we had of stopping Hax and then went on to accuse me of being the one that threw the game. Not exactly compelling evidence so far. lets continue the analysis

Game 6226625

quick one this one .... my first attacks of the game :-
2010-01-05 20:17:21 - mr cookies assaulted Moscow from Samara and conquered it from Hacx5nine
2010-01-05 20:17:25 - mr cookies assaulted USSR Premier from Moscow and conquered it from Hacx5nine

hardly the actions of someone trying to throw the game to Hax ....

Game 6261049

Hax's 1st attacks :-
2010-01-11 17:52:22 - Hacx5nine received 3 troops for 4 regions
2010-01-11 17:52:24 - Hacx5nine deployed 3 troops on Magadan
2010-01-11 17:52:26 - Hacx5nine assaulted USSR Launch Code from Magadan and conquered it from neutral player
2010-01-11 17:52:29 - Hacx5nine assaulted USSR Uranium 3 from Magadan and conquered it from neutral player
2010-01-11 17:52:34 - Hacx5nine reinforced Yakutsk with 8 troops from USSR Uranium 3
2010-01-11 17:52:34 - Hacx5nine ended the turn
My 1st attacks :-
2010-01-11 17:54:36 - mr cookies received 3 troops for 4 regions
2010-01-11 17:54:51 - mr cookies deployed 3 troops on Denver
2010-01-11 17:54:53 - mr cookies assaulted USA Bunker 1 from Denver and conquered it from neutral player
2010-01-11 17:54:57 - mr cookies assaulted Seaborg from USA Bunker 1 and conquered it from neutral player
2010-01-11 17:55:02 - mr cookies assaulted USA Launch Code from Seaborg and conquered it from neutral player
2010-01-11 17:55:08 - mr cookies assaulted USA Uranium 1 from Seaborg and conquered it from neutral player
2010-01-11 17:55:25 - mr cookies ended the turn

Different sides of the map .. not surprising we hadnt crossed paths on this one

later on after myself and green did some batles :-
2010-01-11 18:11:50 - mr cookies bombarded USSR Launch Code from USA Spy 2 and annihilated Hacx5nine's troops
2010-01-11 18:11:53 - mr cookies bombarded USSR Premier from USA Spy 2 and annihilated Hacx5nine's troops
2010-01-11 18:11:57 - mr cookies bombarded Sakharov from USA Spy 2 and annihilated Hacx5nine's troops

Hax climbs the missile and wins

Game 6267258 I win, so im hoping i dont have to defend throwing this game to Hax
Game 6267735

Hax's 1st attacks :-
2010-01-12 19:12:12 - Hacx5nine assaulted USSR Launch Code from Magadan and conquered it from neutral player
2010-01-12 19:12:17 - Hacx5nine assaulted USSR Uranium 3 from Magadan and conquered it from neutral player
My 1st attacks :-
2010-01-12 19:12:54 - mr cookies assaulted USA Launch Code from Seaborg and conquered it from neutral player

opposite sides again

game chat 2010-01-12 19:50:02 - mr cookies: aw cmon yellow... dont make it easy for him... blue isnt for me...

yes, im trying so hard to give him the game here again, i can see how me trying to get some1 to attack him when i cant could be constewed as cheating :p .... next game

Game 6271881 :- nothing of real interst here other than i missed my initial deploy and also another missed turn because i was involved in another game at the same time and missed a couple of turn ... woops another opportunity to gift hax a game missed (hoping the sarcasism is being translated in text)

Game 6278442 Now, i actually remember this game, cause i was so close to winning and lost it because the two on the USA side ganged up on me and kicked my ass (the tatic that myself and hax employed in the game in question). so again, i dont think i can be accused of throwing games when it was the other 2 players left in that killed me between them.

Game 6284852 again, i remember this game, there was nothing i could do, all my terts were destroyed and i was surrounded by yellow.. i tried stacking but yellow came and wiped me !!!!

So in conclusion to a thorough investigation, although your sweeping stats may look as to something untoward happened, what is most like and in fact, actually the case is, I am only just learning all the tatics of this map, I play against Hax because I enjoy the games because he is a nice guy, and I learn some of the finer aspects of this map from watching how he plays it. If you actually look at each of the games in question, the worst thing u can acuse me of is a lack of understaning of the map, poor tatics and being noobish. The maps I have been deplyed on the same side as Hax, he has been attacked by me. Even on the maps i am opposite, when possible i have bombarded from the spy where possible. How the hell you can conclude that I have cheated, thrown games, or any of the previous accusations if u only took the time to read the game logs properly god only knows... but i suppose your stubborness to prove your loss was more attributed to my underhand actions rather than your own poor tatics was a contributing factor. As stated in a previous post - you lost - deal with it
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Re: mr cookies

Postby king sam on Wed Jan 20, 2010 1:50 am

Oh boy..

gentlemen do I need to lock this before we all start measuring how big we are?

First off I am not analyzing this claim for the fact that I do not want this to be seen in any way shape or form as favoritism towards a clan member. I wouldn't do that to begin with, but perception is everything.

I will PM another C&A mod to get in here and start it up. Please hesitate from the name calling, heated battles/potential flaming, as we don't really like to see people on the site get punished, which I know is contrary to belief. But we will hand it out if it deems that it is necessary.

Fitz is in no trouble for making a claim. Its everyone's right to do so. We ask that when making one that you try your best to use the form, provide evidence/clarity of what the accusation is, and to not be spurious/vindictive. He made the accusation cause he felt wrong doing has/is occurring. His right.

However I will intervene and say one thing seeing as I read that whole chat, and I feel I am owed at least that after spending 5 minutes of my precious mod time ( :D ) .

As far as this game goes that involved you 3 and the other 2, I must say mr cookies speaks of suicide and the log obviously appears a strong attack against you when the accusations were flying, keep in mind I have no way of knowing the troops counts at those moments. But human nature will dictate a lot for you if you let it. Not condoning it, but if any member in that game was offended by name calling, accusations or what have you it very well could have been a key point in the way that person attacked. And with that I must say, given what I can see from the log & remember what I cant see, that I think that's what happened here. Not a thrown game on purpose, just worked out advantageous for the other party (hax) that was not getting the heat of attacks (from cookies) cause another player was pissing him off (fitz)

Forwarding this on. Please as I said watch the flaming, this thread probably already has enough evidence for a mod to research no sense in battling wits and getting Warnings for silly stuff.

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Re: mr cookies

Postby alster on Wed Jan 20, 2010 5:26 am

king sam wrote:As far as this game goes that involved you 3 and the other 2, I must say mr cookies speaks of suicide and the log obviously appears a strong attack against you when the accusations were flying, keep in mind I have no way of knowing the troops counts at those moments. But human nature will dictate a lot for you if you let it. Not condoning it, but if any member in that game was offended by name calling, accusations or what have you it very well could have been a key point in the way that person attacked. And with that I must say, given what I can see from the log & remember what I cant see, that I think that's what happened here. Not a thrown game on purpose, just worked out advantageous for the other party (hax) that was not getting the heat of attacks (from cookies) cause another player was pissing him off (fitz)

Just one game. What I see in the game logs for the games Fitz posted in post one, well, that looks systematic. Again though, perhaps not the most damning thing to do. But seeing those game logs, I would not want to be in a standard game with both cookies and hax since cookies seem to lean towards (to say the least with respect to some games) attacking players not being hax. That's simply not a level playing-field.
Gengoldy wrote:Of all the games I've played, and there have been some poor sports and cursing players out there, you are by far the lowest and with the least class.
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Re: mr cookies

Postby AAFitz on Wed Jan 20, 2010 9:22 am

king sam wrote:Oh boy..

gentlemen do I need to lock this before we all start measuring how big we are?

First off I am not analyzing this claim for the fact that I do not want this to be seen in any way shape or form as favoritism towards a clan member. I wouldn't do that to begin with, but perception is everything.

I will PM another C&A mod to get in here and start it up. Please hesitate from the name calling, heated battles/potential flaming, as we don't really like to see people on the site get punished, which I know is contrary to belief. But we will hand it out if it deems that it is necessary.

Fitz is in no trouble for making a claim. Its everyone's right to do so. We ask that when making one that you try your best to use the form, provide evidence/clarity of what the accusation is, and to not be spurious/vindictive. He made the accusation cause he felt wrong doing has/is occurring. His right.

However I will intervene and say one thing seeing as I read that whole chat, and I feel I am owed at least that after spending 5 minutes of my precious mod time ( :D ) .

As far as this game goes that involved you 3 and the other 2, I must say mr cookies speaks of suicide and the log obviously appears a strong attack against you when the accusations were flying, keep in mind I have no way of knowing the troops counts at those moments. But human nature will dictate a lot for you if you let it. Not condoning it, but if any member in that game was offended by name calling, accusations or what have you it very well could have been a key point in the way that person attacked. And with that I must say, given what I can see from the log & remember what I cant see, that I think that's what happened here. Not a thrown game on purpose, just worked out advantageous for the other party (hax) that was not getting the heat of attacks (from cookies) cause another player was pissing him off (fitz)

Forwarding this on. Please as I said watch the flaming, this thread probably already has enough evidence for a mod to research no sense in battling wits and getting Warnings for silly stuff.


I agree that its possible I gave cookies reason to attack me because of accusing him of working with hax in that game and others....but the accusation came after he was working with hax in that one and others. Now perhaps its still justified, but accusing someone of working with another player, when they clearly are, isnt necessarily justification to suicide...And if you look at the chat, you will see I am already certain I cant win that game, very early. There is another game, where mr cookies is telling another player that they just dont know how to play the map....hes won 4 out of 32 games on it himself. Perhaps it is the best plan to spend as much as you can on the people on the other map, allowing the one on your side to kill you....but its clear that that doesnt seem to work too well for him. Perhaps it is just that he really is that bad, that hax cant help but win the games. In any case, I agree that in any one game it is a players right to suicide, for nearly any reason...especially chat...and I obviously did so expecting nothing less. I of course knew it was going to happen anyways, so there was no harm in pointing out that hax wins more than half of the games that cookies joins, and cookies only won one.

I do fully agree no real punishment can be handed out, and maybe not even a note or a warning...however, for other players looking for a truly fair game...this thread does act as a warning to them, because many of us truly do know the difference between fair, and unfair, and prefer the former. This is the goal of the warn players, not exact justice or revenge. Just show what happens in games with those two, and let people be warned. Some will be concerned, others wont, but at the very least, all will know they may want to keep in mind that there is a very real chance that cookies will lose, and hax will win...and that they may want to keep a reserve of armies when the game gets to that point. Certainly, any player expecting an even shot of winning, realistically should not be.
Last edited by AAFitz on Wed Jan 20, 2010 9:47 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: mr cookies

Postby AAFitz on Wed Jan 20, 2010 9:43 am

alstergren wrote:
AAFitz wrote:Game 6261049 hax won...cookies and him eliminate everyone else first, only then attack each other

Game logs never lie. Nor does statistics. Skimmed the games referred to. Seeing stuff like this I'm baffled. Not two noobs hax/cookies play here and then not seeing a single attack in between them, jez... This is collusion. It may not be an explicit agreement, but this kind of collusion should as usual be result in a block and perhaps also a warning.

It's not a heinous thing, but it's wrong. There are players I would hesitate to have in the same standard game due to the fact that I know them and play a lot of team games with, having them as opponents along side of a bunch of people I don't know, well, wouldn't trust myself not to favor them when making my decisions. But that's only human. Here, seems to me that cookies indeed favors hax when making his in game decisions. And since he obviously does not have the self-restraint to back away, it seems prudent to put in a block.

Well, game logs can lie, but certainly they do offer glimpses into whats going on. I do wonder if its more obvious to a player like you or me however, that has been here for a long time, and has many friends, and in most games probably does know one or two. We also play with very good players, who can detect favoritism a mile a way. I believe its possible that we expect a more fair game than others, because we know that we have to actually work at not only winning, but insuring we do so in a fair way. We need to actively insure that we do not allow a friend to win, with even the slightest of help. In a single game, cant attack everyone, and we all have to avoid attacking someone we know from time to time, but in the interest of winning. Its when this practice repeats, in game after game that it becomes suspicious. Again, playing with experienced players, one will not get very far with fact, one must pro-actively make sure to make the games fair or they become subconsciously unfair.

I am also the first to point out, that one person may very well be more likely to win a set of games...even with another player in them, and that means no collusion whatsoever...but, when there is a history of working together, and other examples of favoritism, it is fair enough to suspect favoritism, which as you say is not the most vile form of cheating...but is something that others deserve to know about. Perhaps I could have avoided this thread, and I did start the thread in the game chat, where they did have an opportunity to respond in a semi-private forum. Instead, they simply called me an idiot, and a sore loser, and said it was because I was in a particular clan...that made me suspicious....all while they were working together in the very game of the accusation. They begged me to make the thread public, and so here it is.

I only post that the games look suspicious, and that the records are so skewed, that it warrants attention. I hardly suggest its proven that they work together, and even exclude hax from any wrongdoing, because I truly like the guy, believe he is honest, and a stand up guy as everyone says. Though there are mentions of flaming in here, no one has really lost their cool beyond what one might expect, and it goes to prove that further.

I knew full well this would take some time, and it would not be popular to post, but my choices were ignore something very suspicious to me, or put my name on the line to insure if there is something going on here, that either it stops, or people at least know about it. After chatting with hax the little that I have, I feel very bad about it too. I know full well it could be me in this situation, with another player, except for one thing. Even in the number of games Ive played...I would actually remember someone always losing in my games, and if I did see it happening, I personally would make sure it didnt continue. Because I play with so many people I know, I am very careful about this, because on some settings, I definitely win more than my expected fair share. It is very possible to win 5 player games half of the time. I have one setting that ive won 8 player games half of the time, so I know its possible to do....but its definitely suspicious when it happens with one player in the games repeatedly, especially when in at least two of the games, they completely did throw the game.
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Re: mr cookies

Postby Hacx5nine on Wed Jan 20, 2010 10:03 am

alstergren wrote:
AAFitz wrote:Game 6261049 hax won...cookies and him eliminate everyone else first, only then attack each other

Game logs never lie. Nor does statistics. Skimmed the games referred to. Seeing stuff like this I'm baffled. Not two noobs hax/cookies play here and then not seeing a single attack in between them, jez... This is collusion. It may not be an explicit agreement, but this kind of collusion should as usual be result in a block and perhaps also a warning.

It's not a heinous thing, but it's wrong. There are players I would hesitate to have in the same standard game due to the fact that I know them and play a lot of team games with, having them as opponents along side of a bunch of people I don't know, well, wouldn't trust myself not to favor them when making my decisions. But that's only human. Here, seems to me that cookies indeed favors hax when making his in game decisions. And since he obviously does not have the self-restraint to back away, it seems prudent to put in a block.

Going on your thought of "game logs never lie".... maybe you need to re-analyze the logs. Are you not familiar with the map?

Self restraint? 14 games.... 14. Spread out on different days. For the last time.... I play roughly 20-30 speed games if not more in a 7-8hr period mon-fri. Even if these games were all played in a week with Cookies...... say about 15/125 (roughly 12% in a week. Sorry if I do not remember a guy I havent played much with and don't notice that he "allegedly" is throwing games at the end to me. Just a silly comment.

Also... I keep hearing cookies and I referred to as friends. I have played 14 games with him. Ive played about 1000 with Danryan. About 500 with Risker Than You. About 500 with WPBRJ. Those are friends. No offense to cookie..... he seems like a good guy - but we are not friends lol. Unless you believe in love at first sight on conquer club.... I highly doubt he is so partial to me so quickly to want to hand me points. But he can defend himself in that regard. Im just aggravated that another one has stuck their nose in this and failed to say anything new or even have a proper account of how these events went down.

I need a drink. Now. And its only 10am here. Please stop lol. :roll:
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Re: mr cookies

Postby mr cookies on Wed Jan 20, 2010 10:15 am

I am finding it difficult to believe nobody seems to be acknowledging my quite lengthy and throrough analysis of ALL games on this map between myself and Hax .... which i truly and wholeheartedly believe, prove beyond doubt that the accusations are false and if anything prove that in fact, I am actually getting better at this map with the more experience I get on it. 2 of the last 3 times i have played it, i have been very close to winning it all albeit Hax snips my tail at the 11th hour .... but be warned Hax (my secret lover ;) ) Im gonna be winning a lot more of them in future !!!
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Re: mr cookies

Postby king sam on Wed Jan 20, 2010 4:46 pm

Alster & Fitz I just looked and commented based off that 1 game. And the only reason I commented was cause I had an analyzation of it after reading through it (which was lengthy). The opinion from me in that game is solely from that game and that game alone. The C&A mod/hunter that takes this case will obviously do a thorough check and review everything.

And I mean everything. If there is enough suspicion to warrant a disciplinary action then one will be given. Don't think that we take cases lightly, just as you the poster, you the accused and the rest of the community that post in here don't.

I am sure everyone reading this thread appreciates the banter back and forth defending both sides of the case but it really isn't needed. As I said before there is enough here to keep anyone busy enough that investigates this and it will be enough for an evaluation done on it. Please be patient.

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Re: mr cookies

Postby heatz on Wed Jan 20, 2010 5:00 pm

I have known Hacx a while now and i play alot of games with him on a regular basis and he is no cheat!
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Re: mr cookies

Postby AAFitz on Wed Jan 20, 2010 5:09 pm

king sam wrote:Alster & Fitz I just looked and commented based off that 1 game. And the only reason I commented was cause I had an analyzation of it after reading through it (which was lengthy). The opinion from me in that game is solely from that game and that game alone. The C&A mod/hunter that takes this case will obviously do a thorough check and review everything.

And I mean everything. If there is enough suspicion to warrant a disciplinary action then one will be given. Don't think that we take cases lightly, just as you the poster, you the accused and the rest of the community that post in here don't.

I am sure everyone reading this thread appreciates the banter back and forth defending both sides of the case but it really isn't needed. As I said before there is enough here to keep anyone busy enough that investigates this and it will be enough for an evaluation done on it. Please be patient.


All I did was reply to your post. No one said they aren't taken lightly. These threads are usually a discussion of the case, to see other sides of it. Has that changed. Are we no longer allowed to post our opinions on these, or explain when someone posts something we disagree with, or is wrong? As far as being patient, there is no rush whatsoever, the goal is without a doubt only to warn other players of what joining a game with those two may bring. Its not only meant for action by mods, which in a case like this, demands very little action if any. However, now, if it seems mr cookies continues to help hax win, or seems to throw more games, then this thread is very relevant. Am I wrong about any of this?

The reason for the responses is as much to insure fairness to those accused. Not explaining the reasons for suspicions is in my opinion far more unfair, and Ive certainly allowed for other possibilities here.
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Re: mr cookies

Postby king sam on Wed Jan 20, 2010 5:22 pm

I wasn't coming down on you in that or any of the posts fitz. Just explaining that the perception I gave was based off of 1 game and 1 game alone. When an investigation takes part there is always more then just 1 thing that is analyzed, and this will be the same in this case.

I mentioned that we don't take it lightly to let you and everyone else know that if it is deemed that the 2 accused are in violation of a rule then they will be dealt with accordingly. In an earlier post you had said that you didn't expect anything to come out of it, if found guilty of something they will be receive the appropriate infraction level regarding the offense and their past history. (not saying they are guilty/not guilty)

This is still a welcome place to discuss this, but continuing a heated battle that is nothing more then a circular argument will generally always end up in users mad and flames will begin to fly. I am just trying to be proactive on that to try to prevent that from happening.

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Re: mr cookies

Postby AAFitz on Wed Jan 20, 2010 5:40 pm

king sam wrote:I wasn't coming down on you in that or any of the posts fitz. Just explaining that the perception I gave was based off of 1 game and 1 game alone. When an investigation takes part there is always more then just 1 thing that is analyzed, and this will be the same in this case.

I mentioned that we don't take it lightly to let you and everyone else know that if it is deemed that the 2 accused are in violation of a rule then they will be dealt with accordingly. In an earlier post you had said that you didn't expect anything to come out of it, if found guilty of something they will be receive the appropriate infraction level regarding the offense and their past history. (not saying they are guilty/not guilty)

This is still a welcome place to discuss this, but continuing a heated battle that is nothing more then a circular argument will generally always end up in users mad and flames will begin to fly. I am just trying to be proactive on that to try to prevent that from happening.


Sorry, if I misunderstood anything there. Your warning is probably a good idea, but to be honest, it already seems as though everyone pretty respectful, or at least as much as they could be. Hax's reaction itself is very much a part of the reason that I completely agree he did absolutely nothing wrong, or would do nothing wrong.
Last edited by AAFitz on Thu Jan 21, 2010 7:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: mr cookies

Postby mr cookies on Thu Jan 21, 2010 4:43 pm

OK... this just isnt funny,

tonight I met someone who put me on foe list because of this stupid ridiculous accusation
someone has posted that because of this report they would not play with me

Why the hell should I suffer because of someone with sour grapes that cant lose with good grace

Please mods sort this out quickly and finish this thread before any more of the mud that has been thrown unjustly sticks to me

thanks in anticipation of a speedy resolution

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Re: mr cookies

Postby lord voldemort on Thu Jan 21, 2010 9:07 pm

ok....whilst in Game 6224981 it appears mr cookies did 'suicide' to give the game to hax this is really the only game where we have strong evidence of such actions. Looking at their win rates and all other information. WE mods have decided to note this report for now. Let this serve as a warning to both of you. If we get another report that mr cookies has allegedly suicided again to another player, thereby handing the game to Hacx5nine , then there is a big possibility of placing a block between the two of you.

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Re: mr cookies

Postby Woodruff on Thu Jan 21, 2010 11:19 pm

mr cookies wrote:OK... this just isnt funny,
tonight I met someone who put me on foe list because of this stupid ridiculous accusation

It was more likely they foed you because of your suicidal tendencies. That's not looked on in a positive way.
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Re: mr cookies

Postby mr cookies on Fri Jan 22, 2010 12:52 am

Woodruff wrote:
mr cookies wrote:OK... this just isnt funny,
tonight I met someone who put me on foe list because of this stupid ridiculous accusation

It was more likely they foed you because of your suicidal tendencies. That's not looked on in a positive way.

at no point did i suicde ... if you would take the time to read all the thread, you will see that. the conversation between myself and the other player informed me that he foed me because he also did not read the thread, only the accusation and made an uninformed decision !!!!
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Re: mr cookies

Postby AAFitz on Fri Jan 22, 2010 9:18 am

mr cookies wrote:
Woodruff wrote:
mr cookies wrote:OK... this just isnt funny,
tonight I met someone who put me on foe list because of this stupid ridiculous accusation

It was more likely they foed you because of your suicidal tendencies. That's not looked on in a positive way.

at no point did i suicde ... if you would take the time to read all the thread, you will see that. the conversation between myself and the other player informed me that he foed me because he also did not read the thread, only the accusation and made an uninformed decision !!!!

They probably foed you because if they join a game with you and hax, it is at least twice as likely that hax will win, and you did in fact suicide in two of those games. While you define suicide as killing all armies, we define suicide, as making an attack that will guarantee the win of the other player....and in your games, you make those moves favoring hax...quite often. Try winning, you may salvage your reputation.. CC is not stupid. We know how to read between the lines very well. It is very obvious you were going to continue playing this way, unless a thread was made, and now its noted to insure no one gets cheated in the future...if they dont, than enjoy your games.
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Re: mr cookies [noted]

Postby Hacx5nine on Fri Jan 22, 2010 9:48 am

Game 6314341

I am posting this now because I received a PM this morning from mr cookies who is quite upset about even being warned. At this point Im even feeling a bit more than bad for him. I respect the fact that you mods need to check into these things and lean towards taking action in some way when there is suspicious behavior.... but I just think in this situation there is nothing there. (I mean I know it.... but trying to take the view of an objective party)

I listed the game above as it was the first game we played after all this bs went down. If I had to plan the way the game would go in order to defend against the prior accusations.... this would have been exactly how I did it.

Anyone who has played a good amount of arms games knows it is pretty common practice that if you are 2v1 against the lone player on the other side.... and that lone player traps one of you in the missle..... that it is up to the other of the 2 to take them out before they just place blocking armies in the missle. Well thats not what happened here. Cookies and Heatz were in USA and I alone in USSR. I took cookies out of USA eventually and trapped him in missle. But what happens a few turns later? Heatz doesnt take him out.... and instead cookies stacks and breaks through the top and hits me followed by Heatz coming up behind him and finishing me. I wasnt thrilled about this.... and I gave Heatz a little flak because he was encouraging it even know he knows thats a bit cheap since cookies has no chance to win w/o me taking heatz out first.

Moral of the story: This time Cookies helped Heatz win. I am not saying this to say that Cookies is constantly helping other people win. Rather.... and please dont take offense Cookies..... but its CLEARLY OBVIOUS that the problem is his lack of understanding and strategy on the map as he has said he is pretty new to it.

I know it was just a warning.... but I as much as Cookies Im sure don't want to have to play my game different because Im afraid someone might supect something. Im also a little irked that my name is mentioned in the warning as I cannot see how this has anything to do with my actions. But I felt I had to put this up after seeing how truly upset Cookies felt and knowing how much this has pissed me off from the outset.
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Re: mr cookies [noted]

Postby heatz on Fri Jan 22, 2010 9:54 am

Yeah sorry for that guys :lol:

Well i have to totally agree with you there Hacx, no offence to you cookies but i have observed your stratagy so many times on arms race, with and without Hacx in the games and it is exactly the same everytime, sadly i dont think you have that winning stratagy for the map, you are easily mis-lead and do put to much in to certain attacks. I do not think you cheat i just think your tactics need to be inproved ( No offence)
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Re: mr cookies [noted]

Postby mr cookies on Fri Jan 22, 2010 9:58 am

both of you, thanks for your support, and i assure u no offence is taken. unfortunatly, i have now been warned not to play with hacx anymore or risk more suspicion, and as I try to play maps with people i am familiar with i will probably give this map up altogether and try for something new. seems i will never get the hang of that map after all.... thanks to some mardy arsed idiot that i see crys fowl play a lot after he loses ... but meh... the mods have spoken and i will respect thier decision even though i disagree profusly
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Re: mr cookies [noted]

Postby heatz on Fri Jan 22, 2010 10:08 am

I feel bad for you mate, was a pleasure playing arms race with you :)
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Re: mr cookies [noted]

Postby AAFitz on Fri Jan 22, 2010 10:11 am

so in a game started after he was accused of throwing games to you, he didnt throw a game to you. Im glad to see progress was made here.
Last edited by AAFitz on Fri Jan 22, 2010 10:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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