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Confx - Abusive language [Warned]

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Confx - Abusive language [Warned]

Postby Doctor Spin on Tue Jan 12, 2010 6:06 pm

Accused: Confx

The accused are suspected of:

Other: Extremely abusive language

Game number(s):

Comments: Whilst I accept that much of the banter that takes place in game chat can be amusing, even if swearing is sometimes involved. I would like to help protect other CC players (particularly the younger players) from the nastier side of this. Confx has illustrated my point very well in the above game - please take a look if you are over 18 years of age and you will see what I mean. There is simply no place for that language. It is clearly not meant in jest, it is vindictive, threatening, extremely unpleasant etc. I am asking that confx is expelled from CC purely for his abuse in this game alone. I haven't checked any of the game chat in his other games but note that his rating (4.3) is not high, so suspect he has not been over-popular with other members. Please get rid of confx so that we can enjoy playing CC for fun!
Doctor Spin
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Re: Confx - Abusive language

Postby Snowgun on Tue Jan 12, 2010 6:46 pm

Game 6237884

While his language is unfortunately crude, it's basic stuff for a foul mouthed UK player.

Since it's game chat, and there is no bigotry/racism, this is a "foe and rate accordingly" type of situation.

Why? Because if CC starts censoring/policing this, where does it end? All similar language (crude slang for body parts, ect) will have to be dealt with because of the push for consistency. Blame the anonymity of the internet.
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Re: Confx - Abusive language

Postby Doctor Spin on Wed Jan 13, 2010 4:04 am

Thanks for that, Snowgun. I understand what you're saying and I can see the difficulties in policing it, but you are effectively condoning this sort of abuse.
You say that there's no element of bigotry/racism in what confx says, yet he makes a point of referring to me as a "f*cking English twat" - you appear to be saying that it's ok for Irish people to be bigoted against the English! And you may be wrong about confx being from the UK - if he's Irish, he may be from Ireland (non-UK), as opposed to Northern Ireland (part of the UK). A little pedantic perhaps, but you also seem to be implying that people generally from the UK have a propensity for being foul-mouthed. This observation is bigoted in itself and, unless I have misunderstand your comment, I would question your own suitability to be commenting on confx's status.
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Re: Confx - Abusive language

Postby DJPatrick on Wed Jan 13, 2010 4:54 am

Strange that in game chat you say you "might have guessed" in relation to confx saying he is Irish....might that 'educated guess' be in relation to his use of foul language or in relation to your perception of him being "bigotted" against the English???? Either way, your interpretation appears based on your own perception of his nationality...
To then denigrate a US player for his alledged anti-UK bigotry is strange to say the least...
The foul language? Meh...seen (and recvd) worse - foe and move on; I have Scot, Welsh and Pom friends and they all take the piss out of each other in a way most other cultures wouldn't tolerate...the game looks like it is still on-going so try communicating in a common idiom rather than launching a complaint which takes up mods time going over well-trodden ground...
Chz 8-)
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Re: Confx - Abusive language

Postby TheForgivenOne on Wed Jan 13, 2010 5:35 am

Doctor Spin wrote:Accused: Confx

The accused are suspected of:

Other: Extremely abusive language

Game number(s):
Game 6237884

Comments: Whilst I accept that much of the banter that takes place in game chat can be amusing, even if swearing is sometimes involved. I would like to help protect other CC players (particularly the younger players) from the nastier side of this. Confx has illustrated my point very well in the above game - please take a look if you are over 18 years of age and you will see what I mean. There is simply no place for that language. It is clearly not meant in jest, it is vindictive, threatening, extremely unpleasant etc. I am asking that confx is expelled from CC purely for his abuse in this game alone. I haven't checked any of the game chat in his other games but note that his rating (4.3) is not high, so suspect he has not been over-popular with other members. Please get rid of confx so that we can enjoy playing CC for fun!
Doctor Spin

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Re: Confx - Abusive language

Postby jefjef on Wed Jan 13, 2010 12:33 pm

Actually it appears confx has broken rules. Looks like warning will be on it's way and rightly so.
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Re: Confx - Abusive language

Postby Snowgun on Wed Jan 13, 2010 1:49 pm

Doctor Spin wrote:Thanks for that, Snowgun. I understand what you're saying and I can see the difficulties in policing it, but you are effectively condoning this sort of abuse.
You say that there's no element of bigotry/racism in what confx says, yet he makes a point of referring to me as a "f*cking English twat" - you appear to be saying that it's ok for Irish people to be bigoted against the English! And you may be wrong about confx being from the UK - if he's Irish, he may be from Ireland (non-UK), as opposed to Northern Ireland (part of the UK). A little pedantic perhaps, but you also seem to be implying that people generally from the UK have a propensity for being foul-mouthed. This observation is bigoted in itself and, unless I have misunderstand your comment, I would question your own suitability to be commenting on confx's status.

What I was trying to say is that the TYPE of language used, which might sound foreign and more ominous to a non UK person, is standard for those in the UK, when they are trying to be foul. (and i'm including Ireland in this despite there supposed status)

And though I dont' condone the language, I more strongly don't condone the nanny policing of it either.

And any country that wants to get on a "dont' make fun of us as a country it's TERRIBLE" list can go soak themselves. The United States get shit on all day long with little snide remarks and bad generalizations, and I'd like to see anyone cry bigotry or whatnot in defense, they'd get effin laughed at. Lets strive for consistency here. Making fun of other members in the Empire Commonwealth is just as standard procedure.

I feel your anger and frustration, (maybe you have something against the irish? :lol: j/k), but it's foe and move on time. I've had to do it plenty...
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Re: Confx - Abusive language

Postby Snowgun on Wed Jan 13, 2010 1:53 pm

jefjef wrote:Actually it appears confx has broken rules. Looks like warning will be on it's way and rightly so.

Not really Jefjef. Could you spell out which rules and what Confx has done to break them? :-s

If you are referring to giving "the English" shit than you have to be prepared to hold that up to giving "the Yankee's" shit, and policing it consistently, which will never happen till the heat death of this universe...

Typical foe and move on, it's the price of the internet. Confx will get his in the end if more people do this off the bat.
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Re: Confx - Abusive language

Postby jefjef on Wed Jan 13, 2010 6:54 pm

Snowgun wrote:
jefjef wrote:Actually it appears confx has broken rules. Looks like warning will be on it's way and rightly so.

Not really Jefjef. Could you spell out which rules and what Confx has done to break them? :-s

If you are referring to giving "the English" shit than you have to be prepared to hold that up to giving "the Yankee's" shit, and policing it consistently, which will never happen till the heat death of this universe...

Typical foe and move on, it's the price of the internet. Confx will get his in the end if more people do this off the bat.

yes really snow.

Not to mention a couple other comments in the game chat.

We shall see.
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
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Re: Confx - Abusive language

Postby Snowgun on Wed Jan 13, 2010 11:05 pm

That thread just shows that nebulous actions were taken making a rule about equating country bashing to racism (or any other ridiculous charge), and the discussion in that thread also shows how many people think the idea is absurd.

Canadians, however, are off limits. :lol:

jefjef wrote:Not to mention a couple other comments in the game chat.

Since there WASN"T anything else in the game chat (that broke some kind of rule) it probably didn't warrant mentioning, so good call. ;)

jefjef wrote:We shall see.

See we shall.

If the mods rule to include tame country bashing into a punishable offense, I'm afraid the next month will be spent making C&A reports about all the snide remarks about Americans. 3/4 of CC will be warned, and half of them will probably be banned (to keep consistency of course). The monkey business forum will be eliminated as it is essentially an anti-American flame war thread. :lol: Not to mention all the race-baiting (since countries would now protected in the race category)that the Canadians do.

I can't wait!
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Re: Confx - Abusive language

Postby BoganGod on Thu Jan 14, 2010 4:08 am

About the only thing mods could take action/offense to is the "IRA style" comment. That could be misconstrued to be supporting terrorism, pretty mild stuff most of it.
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Re: Confx - Abusive language

Postby Doctor Spin on Thu Jan 14, 2010 5:47 am

Thanks everyone for your comments - it's all very interesting, and I can see it from both points of view.

I think that key to any judgement on this kind of thing is THE SPIRIT IN WHICH THE COMMENT IS INTENDED. I would be the last one to suggest we disallow all "country bashing" comments, as they can produce some great comedy, and great pieces of banter.

However, it is also very obvious when someone is intending these comments in jest, or as a bit of "leg-pulling" (and they don't even have to put "lol" at the end of the comment). But, like in the case of Confx, the comments are clearly not intended in jest - they are plain nasty - pure and simple! This cannot be contested. Whether he was having a bad day at work, I don't know. But I do believe his comments are angry ones, rather than jovial ones, and I believe that he has overstepped the bounds of good taste (e.g. IRA reference) and acceptable language.

I have foed Confx. To be honest, I wasn't really epecting CC to censure him. But at least it's sparked an interesting debate.

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Re: Confx - Abusive language

Postby DJPatrick on Thu Jan 14, 2010 6:54 am

Fair enough...for most of my life I wld have agreed with the IRA comment (I have an official government <OZ> response to a censure motion against my radio broadcasts affirming "there is no law against bad taste"...however, i have moved on as most more directly involved in the trubbles have...maybe some pps have residual greivances but in Mandela's words 'if we do not move on beyond this, we will drown in the past'...
Foe, move on and keep swimming you Pommie git,,,lol
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Re: Confx - Abusive language

Postby alster on Thu Jan 14, 2010 7:59 am

BoganGod wrote:About the only thing mods could take action/offense to is the "IRA style" comment. That could be misconstrued to be supporting terrorism, pretty mild stuff most of it.

Any suspected IRA supportes must, like all enemies of the Queen and empire, be shot on spot. :D
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Re: Confx - Abusive language

Postby DJPatrick on Thu Jan 14, 2010 8:42 am

alstergren wrote:
BoganGod wrote:About the only thing mods could take action/offense to is the "IRA style" comment. That could be misconstrued to be supporting terrorism, pretty mild stuff most of it.

Any suspected IRA supportes must, like all enemies of the Queen and empire, be shot on spot. :D

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Re: Confx - Abusive language

Postby Snowgun on Thu Jan 14, 2010 12:31 pm

BoganGod wrote:About the only thing mods could take action/offense to is the "IRA style" comment. That could be misconstrued to be supporting terrorism, pretty mild stuff most of it.

Ahaaaaa, Totally missed this! (As did jefjef, or at least he didn't point it out)

I can see this being a punishable offense then, and interpreted (misconstrued doesn't fit here) as supporting terrorism or making terroristic threats, which is over the line and not needed in CC (or anywhere) at all. (This whole case would have been more cut and dry had this been focused on from the get go...)

Yea I know that you commonwealth stepchild felons :lol: don't put much stock into the IRA, but that terrorism shit is something us yanks don't put up with, in any form.

Ding this guy.
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Re: Confx - Abusive language

Postby king sam on Sat Jan 16, 2010 3:37 am

Confx has been Warned for Game Chat Abuse.

Please also use the Foe/Ratings systems.

In this case the banter while may seem a little mild as compared to some cases stepped over the line with the context of the text that was there. In most cases we will not step in unless its gross abuse. There is no way for us to censor what a member says nor is there a way currently to take away game chat from users who abuse it, you can check the community guidelines to see the punishment levels for these things.

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