Raskholnikov wrote:Actually I disagree. Capitals were absolutely critical. every time when Napoleon got close to Vienna or Berlin peace treaties were proposed by the Austrians or Prussians. When Vienna or Berlin fell to Napoleon, Austria and Prussia actually switched sides and became French allies. When the Allies got close to Paris, Napoleon was forced to resign, in 1814, rather than have the Allies sack the capital. The very reason why Napoleon marched to Moscow is because he thought that taking Moscow would force the Russian emperor to seek for peace. The reason Alaxander did not is Russia's incredible depth and his abilitry to endlessly retreat east - which was Napoleon's undoing. This is reflected on the map though the Russian Winter and the territories to the East of Moscow. But as a general rule, it was quite clear that at the time, capitals were the nervous nodes which determined the fate of their countries. Even when Napoleon came back from Elbe, in 1814, he first had to ride to Paris and take control over the reigns of power there as Louis XVIII fled the capital for exile before the Emperor could again raise an army. So I am totally comfortable with the power vested in capitals. I think that the solution of not starting to get battle bonuses until one control a capital is both very elegant in terms of gameplay and very accurate historically. Great idea Kab - and as far as I know, unique for CC maps.
Therefore we should add to the legend:
"Must have a capital to get land/naval bonuses."
I like that idea as well.
One thing to think about is what should it mean in the game if you conquer 2, 3, 4 capitols and another player is stuck to 1,2 max ?
Does acquiring more capitols mean much more bonus ? (the conquered territories DO join the conquerer and troops and economics are 100% added) or should there be some sort of reduction modifier to the extra bonusses ? (always "franc-tireurs", revolts, occupation army being tied, conquered economy sinks in, less trade) ?
I'd vote for the latter.
Normally the "growing nearly unstoppable" player has already the benefit of acquiring more and more bonus each turn while he controls some bottle necks.
Now with eliminating other player's capitols he is depriving them immediately of some extra bonus..so the fresh troops difference is immediately larger... so it speeds up the "sound of inevitability"
So in order to temper that a bit in realistic and historical sense i'd say with conquering an extra capitol comes a reduction of e.g -3 (open for debate) ?
Or something like 2nd capitol: -2 3d capitol : -3 4th Capitol : -4 ?
Having said that:
From the WW2 europe map it became evident that on the long run the "german" central player hardly ever wins the game (in a 8 player field).
Some stronger bonusses were given to the central zones to compensate for it..(but not enough it seems).
So in this map too , the natural advantage players are russia and england and turkey.. and some supporting bonus should be given to the central states (prussia, vienna, france) or some deterioration modifiers for the periphery states.
That could be simple: a point less bonus on the turkish, russian, British territories or/and more for the prussian/habsburg/france territories.
Barbarus hic ego sum, quia non intellegor ulli.