The accused are suspected of:
ratings abuse
chat abuse
just being a general pain in the ass
Game number(s):
Three games with King Herpes, with some really bad chat abuse:
Game 6194867
Game 6179018
Game 6178999
The guy has played 628 games, but left ratings for only 5 players. All of those ratings were 1 star ratings. The three games against King Herpes are particularly interesting. KH beat him, and all this guy could do was fling abuse. Then he rates KH as rude and a complainer! KH was remarkably good natured about it, while this prick was just abusive.
FYI - I just had a game with this guy. He did well in the first round, then suicided and didn't take another turn. Annoying. Yes, I've foed him. But he needs a reality check so he doesn't put off other players.