Colton, have you ever considered that thinking is a perquisite to posting in C&A?
C&A form wrote:Be sure before you accuse someone!
I'm pretty sure that doing some research is necessary to be sure.
Now, if we apply a little logic... I know it may be difficult for people like you doing it for the first time, but I'll guide you through it.
- All of the ratings he leaves are about 30,000 games apart, and he is playing tons of games between each one...
- That means that he is leaving ratings rarely compared to the amount of games he is playing
- If he is leaving ratings only rarely, we can assume he is selecting certain people to rate and not others
- If he is leaving ratings only for certain selected people, we can assume they have something in common
- Now, we look at a random player he has rated poorly, and by checking the game chat of all the ones I just checked, there was evidence of suiciding, poor strategy, or foul language.
Now, here comes the part where we combine everything together: He is leaving all 1s foe the several people out of many that suicided or were abusive in game chat and is not leaving any ratings for others.
Congratulations colton, you have now managed to use logic for the first time. We hope you use it before you make C&A threads in the future.
The Neon Peon
P.S. When are you mods just going to ban him from posting in here? He is making at least 5 posts with no evidence and no thought put into them that get cleared per post with no evidence and no thought put into it that leads to a ban because it was just that obvious.