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Rail Africa [Quenched]

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Re: RAIL AFRICA [D,Gp,Gr] (V18)P16 XML passed??

Postby cairnswk on Sun Dec 06, 2009 8:42 pm

thenobodies80 wrote:Some coordinates on the small version seem different from the others, i don't think that it is a real issue... (e.g. N-PRA / I-PTN)
Another small thing is the link between G-ACC and G-LOS, with the 888 the rail is complitely cover, but honestly the game isn't worth the candle.


Well done, this map is ready for the man with the bowler hat ;)


i checked the coordinates for:
1. N-PRA, M-PRA and J-PRA and the small map x coordinate is all at <smallx>428</smallx>
2. Both PTN I & J are <smallx>319</smallx>
3. I appreciate the 888 covers the rail at ACC, but since that is not a station where a large army might be lodged for protection, i don't think it will be an issue.

Thanks for the stamp. :)
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Re: RAIL AFRICA [D,Gp,Gr] (V18)

Postby MrBenn on Tue Dec 08, 2009 4:53 pm

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Re: RAIL AFRICA [D,Gp,Gr] (V18)

Postby cairnswk on Tue Dec 08, 2009 5:01 pm

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Re: RAIL AFRICA [D,Gp,Gr,X] (V18)P16

Postby MrBenn on Tue Dec 08, 2009 5:02 pm

Thanks cairns ;-)
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Re: RAIL AFRICA [D,Gp,Gr,X] (V18)P16

Postby MrBenn on Tue Dec 08, 2009 5:06 pm

          Beta - Quenching

---The Final Forge period has concluded for the Rail Africa Map. All objections have had their time. The Foundry and I hereby brand this map with the Foundry Beta Brand. Let it be known that this map is now ready for BETA Play. After an extended period of time in BETA and once all quirks and issues have been resolved, the map will be put into Full Play (barring any Lack vetoes).

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Re: RAIL AFRICA [D,Gp,Gr,X] (V18) P16 Submitted for BETA

Postby captainwalrus on Tue Dec 08, 2009 7:50 pm

Congrats on this and on Jamaica, Carnis!
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Re: RAIL AFRICA [D,Gp,Gr,X] (V18) P16 Submitted for BETA

Postby AndrewB on Thu Dec 10, 2009 1:27 pm

Hey, sweet, great job, cairns!
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Re: RAIL AFRICA [D,Gp,Gr,X] (V18) P16 Submitted for BETA

Postby dolomite13 on Wed Dec 30, 2009 11:26 pm

a few spots open in this game come playtest with us =) ... gn=6184673

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Re: RAIL AFRICA [D,Gp,Gr,X] (V18) P16 Submitted for BETA

Postby hzogpsk on Thu Dec 31, 2009 8:47 am

The map looks great and eager to play.

One thing I noticed in my first game on the board is that there were 5 neutrals to start in a 4 person game.
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Re: RAIL AFRICA [D,Gp,Gr,X] (V18) P16 Submitted for BETA

Postby hzogpsk on Thu Dec 31, 2009 8:58 am

hzogpsk wrote:The map looks great and eager to play.

One thing I noticed in my first game on the board is that there were 5 neutrals to start in a 4 person game.

I checked another game that just got started. Three of the same regions are neutral: ATV-O, TUN-E and CAI-C. I've checked a few other games and it seems to be the same case with those three defaulted to neutral at the start. Is that supposed to be the case?
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Re: RAIL AFRICA [D,Gp,Gr,X] (V18) P16 Submitted for BETA

Postby cairnswk on Thu Dec 31, 2009 9:36 am

hzogpsk wrote:
hzogpsk wrote:The map looks great and eager to play.

One thing I noticed in my first game on the board is that there were 5 neutrals to start in a 4 person game.

I checked another game that just got started. Three of the same regions are neutral: ATV-O, TUN-E and CAI-C. I've checked a few other games and it seems to be the same case with those three defaulted to neutral at the start. Is that supposed to be the case?

Yes, it is to balance the drop so no-one gets the upper hand in the first round/s on small bonus lines.
Thanks for asking....and Happy New year. :)
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Re: RAIL AFRICA [D,Gp,Gr,X] (V18) P16 Submitted for BETA

Postby ender516 on Fri Jan 01, 2010 12:45 pm

Well, I'm enjoying my first game on this map: Game 6196012. Of course, dropping all 5 Cape Town stations has been a tremendous boost! One of the other players was also muttering about 4 of my troops withstanding 11 attackers, so I guess I'm holding my horseshoes just right today. I don't want to jinx it, but if I can go on and take this from two lieutenants, it will make me smile.
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Postby natty dread on Tue Jan 05, 2010 2:56 pm

Sorry if this has been mentioned already... but has anyone noticed that 5 player games start with 15 territories each? This makes it a bit unfair: the first two or so players will almost inevitably start with more troops, if they both conquer a territory from one of the last three guys.

Although, this is just a minor glitch, and if there is no convenient way to correct it, then just let it be. But I just thought I'd mention it.

Again, I'm terribly sorry if this is irrelevant, or has already been mentioned. I just wanted to help. Don't hold it against me... please.
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Re: RAIL AFRICA [D] (V14)P12

Postby cairnswk on Tue Jan 05, 2010 3:23 pm

iancanton wrote:
cairnswk wrote:does the Ivory Coast Express bonus increase from 3 to 4 or stay the same?

with consecutive non-border stations, this will be the only bonus that resembles the archetypal rail usa bonus. +3 is perfectly good, though i'm happy with +4 too if u prefer that.

cairnswk wrote:Towards starting positions....answer these for me please....assuming there is a drop where nobody benefits from bonuses
1. If you have 26 stations for 2/3 players, how many does the first player get?
2. If you have 19 stations for 4 players, how many does the first player get?
3. If you have 15 stations for 5 players, doesn't someone lose out as soon as they loose a territory?

26 stations gives 8 to deploy, 19 gives 6 and 15 gives 5. 15 stations each isn't a good number, but 5-player is one of the least popular formats, whereas 6-player, for example, is the only number possible for someone who wants to gain a triples medal. i've just checked the similar-sized forbidden city, which has 85 finished 5-player games compared with 281 4-player and 167 6-player games; neither of the latter formats is well-served by having only 74 non-neutral stations.

cairnswk wrote:If ian and nobodies want start positions, where do you want them placed, because to my way of thinking they have to be very strategic in order to stop any first players losing bonuses as a result of the first round assaults.

if we have ATV-O neutral (because la madagascan is the easiest bonus to hold) plus 78 starting stations, then how about LYN-E with CAI-C for start position 1 and TUN-E with PSN-C for start position 2? i don't like TUN-E with CAI-C so much because that combination becomes strong if BGZ happens to drop in this player's favour. in 1v1, it's not easy to conquer 3 of ur opponent's stations on turn 1. in 3v3, conquering 2 stations on turn 1 is also against the odds. in 2v2, player 1 has maybe a 60% chance of being able to conquer 2 stations to reduce player 2's deployment to 5 troops while rolling sensibly, but there's not much we can do about this unless we have 80 non-neutral stations (and we're already pressed for room in the most likely locations).

is there a different abbreviation that u can use for khartoum, perhaps KRT? i always find myself thinking kathmandu when i see KTM, but maybe that's just me!

ian. :)

natty_dread wrote:Sorry if this has been mentioned already... but has anyone noticed that 5 player games start with 15 territories each? This makes it a bit unfair: the first two or so players will almost inevitably start with more troops, if they both conquer a territory from one of the last three guys.

Although, this is just a minor glitch, and if there is no convenient way to correct it, then just let it be. But I just thought I'd mention it.

Again, I'm terribly sorry if this is irrelevant, or has already been mentioned. I just wanted to help. Don't hold it against me... please.

please refer to the discussion above between myself anf iancanton.
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Postby grunion on Fri Jan 08, 2010 6:29 am

New to this thread. Looks like a great map, looking forward to playing it. I think the text "ABA-O connects only with DSM-M" is confusing - doesn't it connect with ATV-O? If you mean to explicitly state no connection to DSM-K then I think it should be stated that way. If there is indeed no ABA=O to ATV-O connection (?!) then erase the rail line between them.

Thanks for the work on this, I like the rail series and this looks like the best one yet.
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Postby cairnswk on Fri Jan 08, 2010 8:05 am

grunion wrote:New to this thread. Looks like a great map, looking forward to playing it. I think the text "ABA-O connects only with DSM-M" is confusing - doesn't it connect with ATV-O? If you mean to explicitly state no connection to DSM-K then I think it should be stated that way. If there is indeed no ABA=O to ATV-O connection (?!) then erase the rail line between them.

Thanks for the work on this, I like the rail series and this looks like the best one yet.

grunion...thanks for your feedback.
that text was placed there because there are two stations on DSM, and it was felt by the foundry at the time of production that it would be beneficial so that players didn't get confused and misinterpreted the sea route. That's why it says "only".
The connection to ATV-O is from either ABA-O or TLR-O :)
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Postby vodean on Fri Jan 08, 2010 9:11 am

sorry to say this so late... but in rl, Addis only connects to Djibouti. This line was built by the french in the late 19th century/early 20th century. It is currently out of service from Addis to Dire Dawa, and is under renovation by an EU funded company. dont know how that would fit into this map though...
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Re: RAIL AFRICA [D,Gp,Gr] (V18)

Postby cairnswk on Fri Jan 08, 2010 2:59 pm

Current Version 18
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Click image to enlarge.

vodean wrote:sorry to say this so late... but in rl, Addis only connects to Djibouti. This line was built by the french in the late 19th century/early 20th century. It is currently out of service from Addis to Dire Dawa, and is under renovation by an EU funded company. dont know how that would fit into this map though...

vodean...thanks for your input. Yes i understand that might be the case.
There are many lines in existance throughout Africa that i had to exclude to make the gameplay.
That's why the ticket is dated 2019, you know, futuristic version.... :)
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Postby onbekende on Sat Jan 09, 2010 8:24 am

again a train map, I love you :D

won my first already >_>, first try, direct victory, that hardly happens :o

btw, isn't it "Zuid Afrikaanse" as the N railway, thats the correct dutch name for it, dunno if the south africans went crazy and took over the S from south during there english period, but if you went for the sole dutch correct name, its with a Z.
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Re: RAIL AFRICA [D,Gp,Gr] (V18)

Postby vodean on Sat Jan 09, 2010 2:27 pm

cairnswk wrote:Current Version 18
PNG Files
Click image to enlarge.

vodean wrote:sorry to say this so late... but in rl, Addis only connects to Djibouti. This line was built by the french in the late 19th century/early 20th century. It is currently out of service from Addis to Dire Dawa, and is under renovation by an EU funded company. dont know how that would fit into this map though...

vodean...thanks for your input. Yes i understand that might be the case.
There are many lines in existance throughout Africa that i had to exclude to make the gameplay.
That's why the ticket is dated 2019, you know, futuristic version.... :)

sure. could you connect addis to djibouti, though?
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Re: RAIL AFRICA [D,Gp,Gr] (V18)

Postby cairnswk on Sat Jan 09, 2010 3:22 pm

vodean wrote:....
sure. could you connect addis to djibouti, though?

Had you asked when the map was in production i would have considered it, but not now, since it is not important to the current gameplay which is already worked out.
Thanks for asking anyways.
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Postby cairnswk on Sat Jan 09, 2010 3:24 pm

onbekende wrote:again a train map, I love you :D

won my first already >_>, first try, direct victory, that hardly happens :o

btw, isn't it "Zuid Afrikaanse" as the N railway, thats the correct dutch name for it, dunno if the south africans went crazy and took over the S from south during there english period, but if you went for the sole dutch correct name, its with a Z.

Glad you've had a win,,,i think it has more to do with your luck with dice than anything else having watched your play... :)
Suid - what gogle gave gave in it's translator, and since this map is based in 2019, let's pretend eh?
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Postby onbekende on Sun Jan 10, 2010 6:43 am

yeah probably the dices :D

really, did you translate to dutch or to south african?
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Postby cairnswk on Sun Jan 10, 2010 6:44 am

onbekende wrote:yeah probably the dices :D

really, did you translate to dutch or to south african?

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Postby onbekende on Sun Jan 10, 2010 9:05 am

figured, darn africans >_>

must blame the english, they made them being unable to speak a "z" >_>
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