Hey guys, welcome to Matt's Bash - 1v1 Extravaganza! First time I've used that word I swear . This should be fun! Here are the specs for the tournament:
32 person 1 v 1 Tournament
1st & 2nd round best 2 of 3 3rd & 4th round best 3 of 5 Final round best 4 of 7
Each round will be as follows: 1st round - Arm’s race – fog, chained, escalating 2nd round - Prohibition Chicago – sunny, chained, escalating 3rd round - World 2.1 – sunny, unlimited, no spoils 4th round - USApocalypse - sunny, chained, escalating Final round - Egypt: Nubia – sunny, chained, no spoils
All games will be Sequential Automatic Other specifications listed above
I decided to change this to Freemium but you must have 2 spots open during the tournament
To sign up simply post in the thread
Players will have 24 hours to join their games after the P.M.'s are sent.
I am taking a break from playing conquerclub games right now so this tourny will be updated well and often.