Ace - winner Gromph

Hello mates I would like you to enjoy playing Poker:

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Freemiums will need While the tournament always one dedicated slot.
Inscription open till january 2nd... (at least 5 tables)
Except the Final Table, all the games are in Poker Club map, 4 or 5 players, Terminator, manual, sequential, Flat Rate (testing if Nuclear spoils fit), Chained, no fog
Rules for Z Poker
1. Each player will begin with 1000 chips.
2. Players are going to be distributed by tables of 4 or 5 players each one.
First the seads will be by CC Rank... every game tables can change but still by rank. When only 11 players left, it will be a table of 6 players and another with 5.
3. Ante
Before each game, every player is going to deposit "automaticaly"an amount of chips known as "ante" the total amount of these chips is known as "pot" and will be for the winner in each game.
Ante will be 100 in the 1st game and will be increased by 50 more in each game.(2nd game 150)
4. Blind
we are going to name "blind" the lower amount of chips you should bet while the game. It began with 10 $ and is going to be increasing each game 10, 20, 30, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200 and from then always 200.
5. Bets
1st round, after see the drop, while the initial deployment, each player will say in the game chat the number of chips of his game...(from "the blind" to the total amount of chips you own) if you didnt say anything by default you will bet the blind amount.
what are you betting for? the price of your "life" while the game, you will earn these chips you bet if you kill smbdy, you will lose these amount of chips if you are killed. (but to do it correctly it is going to be won/lost the lower amount between killer/killed.)
*You bet deppending on your drop (just "the blind" or more if you want).
*You will win your bet or the other's bet when you terminate smbdy in the game (the lower amount).
6. Re-raise
In any moment you can rise your initial "bet", but this re-raise just is valid against those players who "call" your re-raise clearly ... smthing like "call yellow raise".
7. Fold
when/if you regret about your re-raise you can "fold", and from then no new players can "call" it. Of course if smbdy called it before it is a deal that you cannot change.
8. After each game we are going to count the chips. If the amount of your chips you own is lower than "ante" you cannot "Bet" and only can continue if you win that game (you will win just a part of the "pot" and second one is going to take the rest).
Of course people will be elimited when chips become 0.
9. Final Table
When just 7 players still alive they are going to sit in the Final Table. Playing games until only one of them take all the chips.
10. Last changes
Now we are in final table, a little change will improve the system. When a player has not enough chips, I will use them for the blind and then for the pot. So if somebody kill them is not going to take 0 chips, but the amount of chips owned by this player (if it is lower than the blind, or the blind). Example: one player owns 350 chips, the blind is 200 and pot 800. The person who kills him will take 200 chips and the winner of the game will take the other 150 (because the pot).
Good luck.