so, Nikola is Czech then?
and im sure blitz have his fingers in this! masking IP so jp doesnt see a difference? easy!
truthfully, with marvelous duel like this one, things like this are bound to happen... good thing is that there is no bad blood after all what is said... that is true sportsmanship, from both THOTA and TSM, and for that, i salute you
@Nikola: a brate, to je do jaja. najjace pornicarke su Cehinje! i ja bi da budem malo Ceh! jedino sto ne bih isao na SP... ali to je tebi svejedno
(kakva je razlika izmedju fudbalera i nogometasa? nogometasi ne idu u JA :p
)doduse, morao bih nositi bele sportske carape na sandale
hm... moracu uskoro do Madjarske, vidim ja