ELIMINATED: yanakis,josko.ri,Steve The Mighty, Artic patrol, Darin44, ivanbuba, Pixar, Anders2004
CONTINUING TO NEXT ROUND: Pat, Nicho, angola, HighlanderAttack, DBandit70, cille, Witt13, Tezu
WHO BEAT WHO: angola beat yanakis
nicho beat Steve The Mighty
Pat beat josko.ri
It's been a hard fought game and if you look at game 6115257, then you can see that some players are having extremely bad luck in this first round. I must say that I feel very sorry for Pixar in this game. He was my first player and I have to say it hurts me to see ANYONE have that bad of luck. no insults to Witt13, I'm sure it would be a very hard fought game between them. But as most of you know by now, luck comes and goes. " LUCK is a bee. it has a song, it has a sting, ah, yes, it has a wing. LUCK is a bee." some of you have heard this poem and know that I tweaked it a bit.