Concise description:
- Fog-up the number of regions when Fog-of-War is chosen as a game setting.
- Make Fog of War how it should be, and used to be for non-script users
- Prevent opponents from knowing how many regions you have
- Put the work in the hands of the opponent to scroll the Game Log for your number of regions
This will improve the following aspects of the site:
- This will make the game truly fog-of-war as it was before the new integration was added to the game board. While certain scripts might allow players to know how many regions an opponent has in fog-of-war, it would be vastly more interesting and challenging to have the number of regions fogged up by the actual game interface.
- Keeps Fog-Of-War truly foggy. By allowing us to see our opponents number of regions, we can intuitively determine how many armies they will receive on their turn. Certainly some players may start a game with a bonus, but we can see that in the game log. If we're required to look to the game log for data about bonuses, then put us in the position of determining the number of teritories by looking at the Game Log as well.
- xxxxxxx