brian fletcher wrote:Excuse my ignorance here. 2 players are using the same ip and one of those loses all his points to the other one. Yet they are not proven to be multis? This stinks!
It seriously looks to me like "not what you know but who you know."
Like I said in an earlier post.
Ive now lost all respect for the mods!
Woodruff wrote:I have to agree that it seems to me that this is a VERY CLEAR situation where they either ARE multis (regardless of the father-son claim) or they're VERY CLEARLY ACTING AS the worst kind of multis and should be treated as such.
This states that the punishment for point-dumping is a point reset. This makes no sense at all.
Woody you are arguing to argue here. You have been a frequent poster in the C&A forum for quite sometime so you of all people should know that just cause someone shares an IP address doesn't make them multis. There are things that are checked that are beyond you that help to conclusively determine if an account is a multiple account or not. These 2 accounts had an IP scan and were not even on the same address, nor gave any tell tale evidence for us to determine at this time that they were in fact just one account.
No where has a mod came in here and said they were the same IP. No where in this thread has a mod came in here and said they were guilty of being a multiple account. Its pretty easy to determine what has happened in this case, seeing as my last post I clearly defined what each user was found guilty of and what punishments they incurred.
Mage did not receive a point reset for dumping points.
Mage did not receive a point reset for dumping points.Said it twice for the hard of hearing.
He received a Block from playing with the 2 other players and a 1 month Vacation, both of which are effective as soon as all the Active games these players are in are finished.
Also said above.
Rebl received a point reset, a Block from playing with the other 2, and a 1 month Vacation, also effective after the completion of all Active games.
Babil received a Block from playing with the other 2 and is still pending further punishment.
That's the ruling. It clearly states the measures we took in the community guidelines as well as many times in this thread.
If you have further questions on this read over the guidelines or this thread.
This is locked.