Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team
DarkPhoenix101 wrote:Accused:
The accused are suspected of:
Severe PM Abuse
Put all 128 armies on one spot in World map and somehow knew EXACTLY where I placed my troops(i put my soldiers in Mexico, they put everything in Hawaii).
Farming my friend, NPiper5 and I, DarkPhoenix101.
alstergren was entering the games that I started, then reserving one position for his friend.
alstergren also admitted to hacking into my friend NPiper5's screen name, taking a peak where we were placing our armies, and then struck there. (i have the chat screenshotted, and am willing to send it if requested.)
Game number(s):
Game 6055341
Comments: They are both on my foes list, yet they somehow entered my game.
Gengoldy wrote:Of all the games I've played, and there have been some poor sports and cursing players out there, you are by far the lowest and with the least class.
Little Witt wrote:it's sunny dumby they can see the hole map and of course they saw where yo deployed cause there was not fogofwar in the game
Little Witt wrote:it's sunny dumby they can see the hole map and of course they saw where yo deployed cause there was not fogofwar in the game
DarkPhoenix101 wrote:Accused:
The accused are suspected of:
Severe PM Abuse
Put all 128 armies on one spot in World map and somehow knew EXACTLY where I placed my troops(i put my soldiers in Mexico, they put everything in Hawaii).
Farming my friend, NPiper5 and I, DarkPhoenix101.
alstergren was entering the games that I started, then reserving one position for his friend.
alstergren also admitted to hacking into my friend NPiper5's screen name, taking a peak where we were placing our armies, and then struck there. (i have the chat screenshotted, and am willing to send it if requested.)
Game number(s):
Game 6055341
Comments: They are both on my foes list, yet they somehow entered my game.
DarkPhoenix101 wrote:alstergren also admitted to hacking into my friend NPiper5's screen name, taking a peak where we were placing our armies, and then struck there. (i have the chat screenshotted, and am willing to send it if requested.)
drunkmonkey wrote:I'm filing a C&A report right now. Its nice because they have a drop-down for "jefjef".
Well hopefully colton.24 will review this quickly and drop the ban hammer.
Little Witt wrote:it's sunny dumby they can see the hole map and of course they saw where yo deployed cause there was not fogofwar in the game
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