hahaha3hahaha wrote:Mr Changsha wrote:Good result this. I remember the last time they got blocked and what I remember most was the bullshit 'Dad' came out with to justify it. Great to see he lost all his points...I hope this will discourage others from attempting the same thing.
Like others on this thread I find it truly amazing the lengths players will go to in an effort to reach 3,000 points. I mean, I give a shit as much as the next point whore but really...getting your son to throw games for you???
Sucks to be rbelgrod.
People say 'but he is a great player really'. Balls. The man has no honour. Take away honour from a game (in this case the 'climb the scoreboard game') and all you have is a pointless cheat.
Farming I can accept in general (sometimes I even applaud it), but this crap deserved a website ban.
What you say is true. But I think what people (including me) are referring to when we say he's a good player is his gameplay (in team games especially), which he is. His point dumping scheme which was very disappointing was more of a moral issue and brings down his character, not his tactical abilities.
I think the big problem is that he did it once back in 2008 and all these players lined up to say what a good chap he was, salt of the earth...his shit simply didn't stink. He declared that he was 'teaching his son' (winning 60 games in a row as I recall) and all these players said "Yeah, why not? The guys a great player" He never put his hands up at any point and said "Ok..I did it."
Now he does exactly the same thing, if to a greater scale this time it seems to me...and still people write "he's a good player in his gameplay". What??? The chap
might be a good player, but the cheating overshadows all. How can one be sure about just how many
other games he cheated in? How much of this 'great record' was a sham?
Of course the biggest problem with your argument is basic human nature. Those that cheat are usually the ones who have some real ability at the game, but nowhere near enough to achieve their goals without resorting to cheating. Those that have no ability don't tend to bother (or their attempts to cheat so retardedly pathetic as to suggest a lack or real motivation to successfully cheat for the long-haul)..for what's the point if you can never maintain it once you start playing legit.? Which all cheats have to eventually. Those with
real ability don't need to cheat to reach their goals. It simply wouldn't make sense for those players to cheat.
No, it is the 'grasping betas' (as Fc would say) who cheat. They have the motive. Hence I know that rbelgrod couldn't have been all that good. If he was, then he wouldn't have felt the need to cheat.