Okaaaaaayyyy!~ Final results:
First off, [yeah, whatever

not results yet. You can skip this part if you wish]; I'd like to thank ALL to those participated in this tournament. It was slow, but, most of those participated right now, stuck to the end, and I'm grateful for that.
And now the results

Group A:
goggles paisano - $1600 + $1600 = $3200
aspalm - $3600 + $3600 = $7200
Group B:
Bones2484 - $2800 + $2700 = $5500
knighthawk - $3800 [didn't play final Jeopardy]
MEK - $1000 [didn't play final Jeopardy]
Group C:
Lufsen75 - $6500 + $6500 = $13000
AtreidesHouse - $2000 - $2000 = 0
supposesublys - $3200 + $1600 = $4800
Group D:
harvmax - $1600 + 1400 = $3000
Gilligan - $1400 - $1399 = $1
reahma - $2600 + $1300 = $3900
Group E:
dustin800 - $5800 + $1200 = $7000
WPBRJ - $200 [didn't play final Jeopardy]
RedBaron0 - $2400 - $2400 = 0
Group F:
sd031091 - $4200 [playing final Jeopardy with Group A] - $4200 = 0
Group G:
denominator - $1700 + $1700 = $3400
DBandit70 - $7450 + $7400 = $14820
grant.gordon - $0 [didn't play final Jeopardy]
Group H:
KidWhisky - $3600 - $3600 = 0
HighlanderAttack - $1800 + $1800 = $3600
shoop76- $800 [didn't play final Jeopardy]
Group I:
poptartpsycho18 - $1600 + $1600 = $3200
amazzony - $2000 + $2000 = $4000
BrotherWolf - $3000 [didn't play final Jeopardy]
Final standings: [those who haven't played in Final Jeo. are automatically placed at end of list.
DBandit70 - $7450 + $7400 = $14820
Lufsen75 - $6500 + $6500 = $13000
aspalm - $3600 + $3600 = $7200
dustin800 - $5800 + $1200 = $7000
Bones2484 - $2800 + $2700 = $5500
supposesublys - $3200 + $1600 = $4800
amazzony - $2000 + $2000 = $4000
reahma - $2600 + $1300 = $3900
HighlanderAttack - $1800 + $1800 = $3600
denominator - $1700 + $1700 = $3400
poptartpsycho18 - $1600 + $1600 = $3200
goggles paisano - $1600 + $1600 = $3200
harvmax - $1600 + 1400 = $3000
Gilligan - $1400 - $1399 = $1
RedBaron0 - $2400 - $2400 = 0
AtreidesHouse - $2000 - $2000 = 0
KidWhisky - $3600 - $3600 = 0
sd031091 - $4200 [playing final Jeopardy with Group A] - $4200 = 0
BrotherWolf - $3000 [didn't play final Jeopardy]
knighthawk - $3800 [didn't play final Jeopardy]
MEK - $1000 [didn't play final Jeopardy]
WPBRJ - $200 [didn't play final Jeopardy]
shoop76- $800 [didn't play final Jeopardy]
grant.gordon - $0 [didn't play final Jeopardy]
Congrats to DBandit70 for winning with a grand total of $14820!