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Global Warming: fact or fiction?

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Where do you stand on the topic of Global warming?

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Postby jay_a2j on Tue Feb 06, 2007 11:04 pm

Backglass wrote:
jay_a2j wrote:Backglass you hacking into my computer stealing pics of my wife again! ROFL.

I hate to admit it, but yes.

I also found this one of you and the family. It seems your whole family needs that hairspray...and your daughter looks just like you!



Aahhh the 80's! Such a good decade. When hair was big, Pac-Man ruled and Republicans held the highest office in the land!
PLAYER57832 wrote:Too many of those who claim they don't believe global warming are really "end-timer" Christians.

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Postby vtmarik on Wed Feb 07, 2007 3:01 am

jay_a2j wrote:Aahhh the 80's! Such a good decade. When hair was big, Pac-Man ruled and Republicans held the highest office in the land!

I remember the 80s. Back when MTV played music.

The national debt hadn't broken into the 100 billions yet, Black Monday, Reagan taking the credit for the downfall of the Soviet Union...

Good times.
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Postby PE24 on Thu Feb 08, 2007 1:19 am

nah i liked it better when the cold war was in full swing when people were afraid to go outside in case a nuke fell on them. :D
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Postby mikecanswim on Wed Feb 14, 2007 4:39 pm

Apparently some scientists have discovered that if 100 nukes the size of the ones dropped on Hiroshima were lobbed between Pakistan and India the soot and ash blown in the atmosphere would block enough of the Sun for long enough that it would eliminate global warming. Apparently it would lower the global temperature by 1.5 c
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Postby Jesse, Bad Boy on Wed Feb 14, 2007 4:57 pm

mikecanswim wrote:Apparently some scientists have discovered that if 100 nukes the size of the ones dropped on Hiroshima were lobbed between Pakistan and India the soot and ash blown in the atmosphere would block enough of the Sun for long enough that it would eliminate global warming. Apparently it would lower the global temperature by 1.5 c

Do you have a source for this? I recall hearing once (although I can't place the source, so just take this as at it's speculative worth) that two more bomb drops above the surface would up the temperature a degree, which would prohibit Canada from growing wheat (the only reason why I remember this is because of that possible outcome. It struck me as rather fascinating).
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Postby Stopper on Wed Feb 14, 2007 6:35 pm

Canada grows wheat? Bugger me, every day's a school day.
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Postby foolish_yeti on Wed Feb 14, 2007 10:00 pm

mikecanswim wrote:Apparently some scientists have discovered that if 100 nukes the size of the ones dropped on Hiroshima were lobbed between Pakistan and India the soot and ash blown in the atmosphere would block enough of the Sun for long enough that it would eliminate global warming. Apparently it would lower the global temperature by 1.5 c

It's called global dimming- and it's happening at the same time that global warming is happening- mitigating some of the effects. Clouds (and other particles- eg. aerosols) in the atmosphere blocking sun rays- those rays still contribute to global warming but not as much as ones that make it to the ground. Speeding up global dimming is a horrible're basically increasing the amount of particulate matter in the air, not to mention the decreased amount of sunlight for vegetation, which has an effect on every living organism...

And what is with people arguing against global warming by saying it's happened before...nobody who believes in global warming (worth their salt) is denying that the earth's temperature moves in cycles. There is a natural fluctuation of greenhouse gases on earth- going along with a natural fluctuation of plant and animal life. The earth as a system is set up to handle it's own carbon cycle. However- free millions of years worth of trapped carbon in a matter of hundred years- there's no way that doesn't mess things up... could somebody please explain how they view this having no (or little) effect?
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Postby unriggable on Wed Feb 14, 2007 10:04 pm

The average non-ice-age CO2 amount is about 250-275 PPM - we are at about 325-350 PPM. I think something is wrong.

Plus how do you explain this? ... 1439772004
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Postby areon on Wed Feb 14, 2007 10:41 pm

Because they aren't willing to admit co2 has a direct effect on global temperatures. Then the US would have to admit that the kyoto protocol is a good thing and should be adopted. The strategy is to deny it until the evidence is concrete but the lag time between emission and temperature change makes the situation scary.
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Postby hecter on Sat Feb 17, 2007 3:58 pm

People focus to much on just the fact that the earth is getting warmer. That in itself is not a bad thing. The earth goes through natural warming and cooling cycles. The earth has been warmer than this and cooler than this. The problem is the fact that it is happing far to fast. The plants and animals don't have time to adapt and so they are dieing. Another problem is the fact that the melting polar ice caps willl completely change the ocean currents and the climate of many regions. We are causing this by dumping all of these chemical compounds and carbon dioxide ect. into the atmosphere. We are also destroy forests and other plant life with our big cities magnafying the problem. This is a big problem, and we as the cause of the problem should help to fix the enviroment we are destroying.
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