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Re: Vancouver Map [BETA] (Sep25 - p29)

Postby shakeycat on Mon Nov 16, 2009 6:16 pm

That's funny, I could've sworn I posted a few hours ago.

Burnaby I am more concerned about, so I'll swap it to that one. This work? And I forget, are we keeping the +5 or lowering it to +4?

Code: Select all
<territory>Cypress Mountain</territory>
<territory>Seymour Mountain</territory>
<territory>Deer Lake</territory>
<territory>Horseshoe Bay</territory>
<territory>Grouse Mountain</territory>
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Re: Vancouver Map [BETA] (Sep25 - p29)

Postby JustCallMeStupid on Tue Nov 17, 2009 1:40 am

Burnaby is an awesome bonus for the map. I think unrandomizing territories on a map makes it less fun. Burnaby has so many break points that it should be left completely random. Tuning it down to a +4 bonus is probably fair considering each territory protects itself but please dont make the territories default to different players. The random advantage of having 2 of the burnaby territories adds to team game excitement and is so rare it should matter in most games. Its like saying that the dice should be fixed so that after so many rounds the players are even on their wins/losses. Or maybe it isnt like that.
But I think Burnaby should remain completely random in terms of starting territories.
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Re: Vancouver Map [BETA] (Sep25 - p29)

Postby iancanton on Wed Nov 18, 2009 2:59 am

it looks as if there's nothing wrong with the new start positions.

donā€™t worry, justcallmestupid. in most 2-player and 3-player games with the start positions, at least one player will continue to start with at least 2 burnaby regions. the start positions merely prevent someone from starting with all 4. games with 4 or more players, including all team games, will have no start positions and burnaby will be completely random.

a +4 bonus for burnaby seems fairer (except to those players who are holding it in a game just now).

ian. :)
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Re: Vancouver Map [BETA] (Nov18 - p32)

Postby shakeycat on Wed Nov 18, 2009 3:21 pm

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Re: Vancouver Map [BETA] (Nov18 - p32)

Postby MrBenn on Tue Dec 08, 2009 4:36 pm

There have been no further issues, so once these changes have gone live, it shouldn't be long before we can take this out of Beta.
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Re: Vancouver Map [BETA] (Nov18 - p32)

Postby shakeycat on Tue Dec 08, 2009 6:51 pm

Good to know, thanks MrBenn :)
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Re: Vancouver Map [BETA] (Nov18 - p32)

Postby Konquerer on Fri Dec 18, 2009 6:31 am

I haven't been able to participate in this thread so far because I took a lengthy break from CC. Wish I'd been here from the beginning. I want to congratulate you on a fun and very playable map.

I do have just a few suggestions with the accuracy of the names. "Musqueam" is the biggest concern. I see the need for the territory, but Musqueam is simply not in that location. It's in Vancouver, where "Kerrisdale" is located.
I guess one could argue that a huge chunk of the map is the traditional territory of the Musqueam people, but most associate the word 'Musqueam' with the rez in Vancouver.

If this territory must be kept I suggest renaming it. One thing that logically and immediately comes to mind is "South Delta". The territory represented on the map is a sort of agricultural no man's land between Ladner and Tsawwassen.

Alternately, because it is on the coast of that territory, perhaps 'Deltaport' --

Deer Lake would barely touch the actual Deer Lake, if at all. "Brentwood" or "The Heights" would be more suitable geographically.

There are other geographic issues I have with it, but they would probably qualify as "nitpicky" so I'll leave it at that. ;)

Please take these suggestions with a large dose of respect for the work done and regret for not having been able to contribute earlier! I really enjoy playing this map and I know plenty of others do too.

I would be very interested in collaborating with someone on a "BC" or even "BC coast" map. Perhaps in some way based on this template and maybe with ferry routes? I've had ideas and sketches. Anyway, thanks again.

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Re: Vancouver Map [BETA] (Nov18 - p32)

Postby shakeycat on Fri Dec 18, 2009 7:46 pm


Thank you for your input, I wish you had come around a year ago!! I used various maps to pick names from, as my familiar territory only stretches so far. North Burnaby is one of those places I am not very familiar with. Actually, I'm more concerned about the North Burnaby territory name than Musqueam ;)

Deer Lake and Willingdon (more appropriately Brentwood or The Heights, as you said) were two seperate territories when I first drew the map, but it made Burnaby too busy to have so many territories. When I expanded Deer Lake to the North, even though the Deer Lake itself is probably in the Metrotown territory, I kept the name because it fit physically, not geographically. It just doesn't work in that spot to have a long name, unless I split it and hyphenate it. The Heights works, or Brent- wood (willing- don?).

Musqueam. After marking off the obvious areas in Delta on the aerial from Google, there was this blank area. The only word there was Musqueam 4, as there is a reservation before the road to Deltaport, so I put that. I wanted unique names too, not ones where I would misdeploy to. Deltaport and Roberts Bank both occur offland, which makes Musqueam reserve the only thing onland, even if the Southlands one is more well-known. Deltaport I won't use because I'll probably mix it up when deploying. Roberts Bank may work, as it is a unique name.

Something more like ... ?

I'm surprised you didn't point out how I named Reifel Island ;)

And, I'm also considering a larger BC map, I'm curious to hear your ideas.

...But we've all been playing on this map with these names for the last few months. Is it a bit late to change the names of territories? Though in the long run, accuracy may be best.
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Re: Vancouver Map [BETA] (Nov18 - p32)

Postby Konquerer on Sat Dec 19, 2009 2:37 am

Hey, I'd be amiss if I didn't give you kudos for spelling Tsawwassen correctly. :lol:

You're tempting me to add comment about those other 'minor quibbles' (yes, yes, 'Bird Sanctuary' was originally one of them-- and actually the main island mass shown on the map is 'Westham Island'), but I think I'll withhold further name critique.
Because really, I'm quite late to the party.

I like the updated map with Roberts Bank.
Don't have a bone to pick with the hyphenated Brent-wood, but others might I guess. Comes down to a matter of minor geographical accuracy vs minor aesthetic, I s'pose.
Whether it's too late for these changes, I guess someone else here can answer that one.

Regardless, thanks for hearing me out anyway. I will upload a BC map someplace or other for your perusal soon. Certainly poses its fair share of challenges! Will save that talk for elsewhere.

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Re: Vancouver Map [BETA] (Nov18 - p32)

Postby iancanton on Mon Dec 21, 2009 5:30 pm

it certainly isn't too late to change the names, if no one objects. we must ensure that the order of the names in the xml file remains exactly the same as before. i imagine that this will be the final update before the map goes fully live. thanks for popping in to contribute to the map, konquerer!

ian. :)
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Re: Vancouver Map [BETA] (Dec23 - p33)

Postby shakeycat on Wed Dec 23, 2009 7:47 pm

Simple search and replace on the XML, all should be in order.

I am keeping Bird Sanctuary as is, unless someone objects. The island is called Westham Island, and is home to the Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary which takes up half the island. I figure that Bird Sanctuary is a more interesting name, and explains the dead-end.
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Re: Vancouver Map [BETA] (Dec23 - p33)

Postby MrBenn on Fri Jan 08, 2010 5:44 pm

Apparently there's some discrepancies between the new image files and the updated XML...

What changes have you made?

I know there were some amendments made to the XML by lack previously - you might need to take the XML file from the site ( to use as your new master copy...
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Re: Vancouver Map [BETA] (Jan11 - p33)

Postby shakeycat on Mon Jan 11, 2010 2:48 pm

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Re: Vancouver Map [BETA] (Jan11 - p33)

Postby MrBenn on Mon Jan 11, 2010 6:30 pm

Are all the region names the same as the new map image? I think there was a discrepancy - did you rename a couple of terrs?
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Re: Vancouver Map [BETA] (Jan11 - p33)

Postby shakeycat on Mon Jan 11, 2010 7:25 pm

Yes, Roberts Bank/Musqueam and Brentwood/Deer Lake. The van/vans images should line up with the latest XML.
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Re: Vancouver Map [BETA] (Jan11 - p33)

Postby lzrman on Mon Jan 18, 2010 5:47 pm

:!: Looking forward to the finalizing of this map!
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Re: Vancouver Map [BETA] (Jan11 - p33)

Postby MrBenn on Mon Jan 18, 2010 7:56 pm

shakeycat wrote:Yes, Roberts Bank/Musqueam and Brentwood/Deer Lake. The van/vans images should line up with the latest XML.

Sorry to be a pain - could you post the correct links all in the same post - it makes it easier for me to keep track of things!

Thanks ;-)
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Re: Vancouver Map [BETA] (Jan11 - p33)

Postby MrBenn on Wed Jan 20, 2010 4:38 pm

The new files are live, and lack has dropped the "2" from the map name.

There wasn't anything else that needed further discussion was there?
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Re: Vancouver Map [BETA] (Jan11 - p33)

Postby MrBenn on Mon Jan 25, 2010 5:07 pm


---The Beta period has concluded for the Vancouver Map. All objections have had their time. The Foundry and I hereby brand this map with the Foundry Brand. Let it be known that this map is now ready to be released into live play.

ImageCongratulations shakeycat, your shiny new medal is well-earned =D>

Conquer Club, enjoy!

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Re: Vancouver [Quenched]

Postby bedub1 on Mon Jan 25, 2010 6:42 pm

Time to start working on the "2010 Olympic Special" modification of this map with a new theme but the exact same map/gameplay to be featured as a running spot-light with tournaments and Battle Royals and new events etc during this years Winter Olympics.
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Re: Vancouver [Quenched]

Postby lzrman on Mon Jan 25, 2010 9:19 pm



Congratulations !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! w00000000000000000tttttttttttttttt

When's the first Vancouver Tourney?
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Re: Vancouver [Quenched]

Postby Joodoo on Thu Jun 03, 2010 2:25 am

A late congratz on the completion of the map (I was on "vacation"), I'm quite eager to play it right now.
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