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Postby Qwert on Fri Feb 16, 2007 5:57 pm

Teya you hate my map and these you tell open dont change yours opinion now.
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Postby Teya on Fri Feb 16, 2007 6:00 pm

if thats the case, would I be happier if you didnt finish it? Isnt that enough to make you finish it? To do what I "dont want"

And when the hell did I say I HATED your map? Im sick of your attitude, that doesnt make me hate your map. I also said I was sick of all the europe maps. That was when there were about 5 or 6 of them in the making. Yours is pretty much the only 1 now.
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Postby hulmey on Fri Feb 16, 2007 6:02 pm

why should he make the changes just because of 3 people!!!

I agree that the changes need to happen...But from reading this thread, there are alot of people with there own preferences...Not every1 can be pleased and that is why the map foundry is flawed.

Sumone likes this and sum1 else likes that and in the end it just makes the map maker go crazy.

I can understand the map foundry are now getting more pickey about the maps that get on the site...But too lose this map would be a shame and a disgrace.

So i suggest that the latest problem be fixed by qwert and nobody else post here about this map apart from ANDY ( too many cooks spoil the broth).
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Postby Teya on Fri Feb 16, 2007 6:03 pm

I think the last few pages are just about moving a couple borders so the shadows dont touch. And it is more than 3 people.
Then there is the fact quite a few pages back andy suggested a couple things and qwert flat out refused.
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Postby Qwert on Fri Feb 16, 2007 6:09 pm

Do you know what he sugested? I know and i put explain for these and Andy Newer reply in this what i wrote, its these right. :x
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Postby Teya on Fri Feb 16, 2007 6:12 pm

qwert. Im not having a go, but can you please explain why you dont want to move the borders a little? And please dont say because keyogi said it and he hates my map, or that I hate your map. And dont use other maps as an excuse either.

I know this all must be extremely frustrating for you. But please, explain the reasons.
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Postby cmckinney on Fri Feb 16, 2007 6:14 pm

wtf is going on here? this map is in the final forge stage. WHY ARE U QUITTING IT QWERT? and dont tell me im not getting "the respect that is due to me as a cratographer. just make the freakin minor changes, then u can bitch all u want
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Postby Qwert on Fri Feb 16, 2007 6:27 pm

Well teya if you want explain you have 58 pages and find explain, please stop posting and go work in yours map.
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Postby hulmey on Fri Feb 16, 2007 6:29 pm

i agree.....stop posting and calling names like stupid and so really gets u know where....

So lets just stop posting and if qwert feels like finishing his map he can do so
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Postby bedplay on Fri Feb 16, 2007 6:29 pm

bedplay wrote:and teya, shut up, i have grown a huge dislike of you from just what you've said, you are a narcissistic, arrogant, impatient, blithering, idiot. Qwert may not be the most commited guy, but you didn't give him a chance right from the start.

Wow, that's a mature and relevant comment. All the problems this map has endured are a result of qwerts own stubborness to make changes. He has had a lot of helpful suggestions along the way and refused to make some minute changes to better his map. Refusing change is fine, but qwert never offers a reasonable and legitimate reason to do so. It is little wonder that so many have become so impatient and frustrated with qwerts attitude.

And Teya has a point, if there is no map then it makes no sense for it to be in Final Forge status.[/quote]

Ok yes, not too relevant, it's just, Teya seems to be the most blunt about things, plus having never made a map he seems to think he knows most about it. If he gave qwert a break, qwert wouldn't have anyone to blame and probably wouldn't have abandoned this (he thinks teya hates him.)

qwert puts up most resistance when teya and keyogi suggests something because of the way Teya speaks to him, on the 2nd page of this map Teya describes things as crap... I wouldn't care but it might get to qwert?

Teya just needs to remember, compassion is a virtue.

But about the map, qwert, just get it done and post the latest images.

after this ONE change I'm pretty sure andy will think this map is deemed playable.

qwert just think, nearly 60,000 registered uses playing your map, no-one will hassle you about it ever again, plus, in games, people will think, wow, hes created a great map. Plus I think Teya and KEYOGI will have a lot more respect for you too.

just PLEASE finish this map off. ASAP!!!
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Postby Qwert on Fri Feb 16, 2007 6:35 pm

1.what these mean ASAP?
2. For all these work i newer say that some map its crap and that of some map i sick, becouse not all man can draw map but he got respect for he try to create map, and teya dont show hes map creation, but show that hes good in insulting people.
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Postby cmckinney on Fri Feb 16, 2007 6:39 pm

asap= as soon as possible= DO IT
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Postby bedplay on Fri Feb 16, 2007 6:40 pm

ASAP = as soon as possible = QUICK!!!

And yes, that is what i was talking about Teya,

qwert, you need to learn to be less stubborn, and your lack of motivation has annoyed me.

but Teya, i think you are just as bad, you need to learn to be a bit more understanding, and patient.

and me, well i have to stop judging people, but most in real life seem to like me :roll: :lol:
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Postby KEYOGI on Fri Feb 16, 2007 6:42 pm

bedplay wrote:Ok yes, not too relevant, it's just, Teya seems to be the most blunt about things, plus having never made a map he seems to think he knows most about it. If he gave qwert a break, qwert wouldn't have anyone to blame and probably wouldn't have abandoned this (he thinks teya hates him.)

First off, Teya is a she. :)

Secondly, I fail to see how the fact that Teya herself hasn't made a map has anything to do with it. Andy is Foundry Foreman and I have a map on the site, but our requests seem to have no more weight than Teya's or anyone elses.

If you go back to somewhere in the middle of the thread, the posting by all parties is quite friendly, civilized and helpful. qwert seems to randomly put his foot down on certain suggestions without good reason and this is when things begin to get heated.

Page 32, January 20th I first mentioned the borders and it had been mentioned before that by someone else. We now have 58 pages of nonsense about borders and army shadows.

This map would've been finished a long time ago if qwert took advice and suggestions as help and took advantage of this rather than take anything said as a personal attack. I've made a few heated comments towards qwert myself, but they are always retalitory. I'm not looking to start any trouble and neither is anyone else. Everyone just wants the map finished the way it deserves to be.

qwert, just make a fresh start. Why doesn't everyone just put the last 58 pages behind them and qwert post his image again and we can all start with a fresh beginning.
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Postby bedplay on Fri Feb 16, 2007 6:48 pm

KEYOGI wrote:
First off, Teya is a she. :)

Secondly, I fail to see how the fact that Teya herself hasn't made a map has anything to do with it. Andy is Foundry Foreman and I have a map on the site, but our requests seem to have no more weight than Teya's or anyone elses.

If you go back to somewhere in the middle of the thread, the posting by all parties is quite friendly, civilized and helpful. qwert seems to randomly put his foot down on certain suggestions without good reason and this is when things begin to get heated.

Page 32, January 20th I first mentioned the borders and it had been mentioned before that by someone else. We now have 58 pages of nonsense about borders and army shadows.

This map would've been finished a long time ago if qwert took advice and suggestions as help and took advantage of this rather than take anything said as a personal attack. I've made a few heated comments towards qwert myself, but they are always retalitory. I'm not looking to start any trouble and neither is anyone else. Everyone just wants the map finished the way it deserves to be.

qwert, just make a fresh start. Why doesn't everyone just put the last 58 pages behind them and qwert post his image again and we can all start with a fresh beginning.

But that's the thing, i don't get a bad impression at all from you or andy... Teya just seems... like the bad cop!

and about the new post idea, i totally agree. If you really wanted qwert, you could even make a poll about if you prefer the army circles touching borders or not. as long as it's not biased!

I probably shouldn't have said that.

Just please, get this map sorted, it's one final job, i have no other issues, and i'm sure keyogi, andy and teya don't either.

No one hates you or discriminates against you qwert, a lot of people love this map and are eager to play it, just PLEASE finish it! :P
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Postby Qwert on Fri Feb 16, 2007 6:49 pm

You now what most strange, nobody sems to be a problem what in 1 terittory circle taching borders before you demand to i change these.
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Postby AndyDufresne on Fri Feb 16, 2007 6:50 pm

KEYOGI wrote:...
Secondly, I fail to see how the fact that Teya herself hasn't made a map has anything to do with it. Andy is Foundry Foreman and I have a map on the site, but our requests seem to have no more weight than Teya's or anyone elses


qwert, just make a fresh start. Why doesn't everyone just put the last 58 pages behind them and qwert post his image again and we can all start with a fresh beginning.

I haven't even made a map, yet I'm Foundry Foreman. Perhaps hypocritical? :)

Anyways. I agree with Keyogi and a number of the other Foundry posters.

Qwert, lets put it all behind us. I know you've got a sense of humor, I've seen it in other threads. Lets all just take a deep long breath, and figure everything out.

What do you say? Lets be friends again! :)

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Postby KEYOGI on Fri Feb 16, 2007 6:51 pm

qwert wrote:You now what most strange, nobody sems to be a problem what in 1 terittory circle taching borders before you demand to i change these.

I don't get that comment at all. Can you explain further?
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Postby MarVal on Fri Feb 16, 2007 6:53 pm

    Go on
    Finish the map
    I wanna play it
    ..... Go with the flow ......
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Postby Qwert on Fri Feb 16, 2007 6:57 pm

Its easy i got kviz question, its hard question
1.who want desperate to se my changing borders.
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Postby Teya on Fri Feb 16, 2007 7:00 pm

bedplay wrote:
but Teya, i think you are just as bad, you need to learn to be a bit more understanding, and patient.

Its been tried. And seriously, there is only so much I can handle qwert being as stubborn as me. Since he thinks I hate his map (which he is still yet to provide proof of) It doesnt matter how I say things.

I even tried reverse psycology - trying to get him to finish him map by saying that I dont want it to be finished.

Yeah, I may have been too hard on qwert, but he also seems to forget the things I have said in his favour..... Like the fact that this map is the best of the maps he has tried and he should put all of his effort into this map to finish it. Because when it comes down to it, I think this map would be a great addition to this site. But not in its current state. It is a few things holding this map back. He cant continue to blame me & keyogi for it as he is the one refusing to make the simple changes. Just like he did with the font. If qwert did things when they were first suggested this map would have been quenched about 30 pages ago. Since about 30 of the nearly 60 pages is just backwards and forwards arguing about silly things like font and border changes.

Qwert, I'll be nicer if you stop saying I hate this map (cos I really dont)

And bedplay, the comment of yours was very immature. Not nice at all.
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Postby bedplay on Fri Feb 16, 2007 7:01 pm

I do qwert.

if you look at my map, I have to squash the whole thing. (haven't got round to it yet sorry peeps) it's quite a big job, but I know I have to do it because a lot more people will play it if they don't have to scroll.

One of the reasons i don't play, middle east, british isles, brazil, indochina.... is because they are not asthetically pleasing.

a lot more people will play this map if the army circles aren't touching borders.

Oh and Teya, I'm sorry, shouldn't have said what I did, I just hope you realise sometimes you come across as slightly, blunt, and sorry for calling you a he!!! :oops:
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Postby Qwert on Fri Feb 16, 2007 7:01 pm

Andy why you dont reply in yours last sugestion, i give you explain.
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Postby Teya on Fri Feb 16, 2007 7:03 pm

in answer to your question, I would like to see the borders changed. It would look much neater. And you do have room to manage these changes.
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Postby Qwert on Fri Feb 16, 2007 7:16 pm

its to late, i must go to sleep
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