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Emmdizzle Invitation Abuse [Cleared]

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Re: Emmdizzle Invitation Abuse [pending]

Postby Mr Changsha on Mon Nov 09, 2009 6:29 am

Bruceswar wrote:There is a large difference here.

1. Game invite abuse was noted, not cleared.
2. Ppeople used to be left alone when they point dumped. Spikeboat was the first to get banned and now everybody gets banned. They changed the rules and this could happen with this case. Not saying he should be banned, but a stop to this practice needs to happen. It is nothing more than setting up players to lose. He hand picks who he wants to join. He is not picking people who know the map, rather people who have never even seen it, much less played it. He has farmed in the past on this map with the double turn, until that was taken away, and now he is looking for new sources of income.

But is that 'farming' as we know it?

I think we would both agree that it is not...the level of rank (for that matter not NR's) precludes it.

So we are looking at a NEW rule then: Players should not invite players, no matter their rank, who have not played the map/style invited.


Well I hope the hunters/admins consider that proposition very carefully indeed as it will open up a whole new can of worms.

Under the present rules he is not at fault (the level of rank he plays surely clears him) so we are looking at an entirely new offence here.

Personally, I think it would be a hell of a leap. On this basis, if I invited 6 major ranks to my 8 man 2.1 dubs, but none of them had played it before, then I'd be guilty of...well I think that has yet to be decided.
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Re: Emmdizzle Invitation Abuse [pending]

Postby Bruceswar on Mon Nov 09, 2009 6:41 am

Players should not use the Invite a person to get around having a good team join vs them.

Sure while it may not be the same thing as a ? joining ... but for the same token this falls under...

Unwritten Rules

Obviously any gross abuse of the game is forbidden.This includes but is not limited to: throwing games or deliberately benefiting from thrown games, intentional deadbeating, holding players hostage, serial teammate killing, hijacking accounts, systematically "farming" new recruits.

Any way you slice this it falls under abuse.
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Re: Emmdizzle Invitation Abuse [pending]

Postby Bruceswar on Mon Nov 09, 2009 6:44 am

BTW Farming is a loose term. You know it when you see it is the best way to describe it. As per what CC will do we shall see.
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Re: Emmdizzle Invitation Abuse [pending]

Postby Mr Changsha on Mon Nov 09, 2009 6:52 am

Bruceswar wrote:BTW Farming is a loose term. You know it when you see it is the best way to describe it.

No! That is completely wrong!

This kind of attitude is exactly why C and A is currently full of spurious allegations and exactly why a great many players have no faith in the hunter's competence on a lot of the recent cases. It rather reminds me of the old 'how to spot a witch' argument. 'You know it when you see it...' Bah!
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Re: Emmdizzle Invitation Abuse [pending]

Postby Bruceswar on Mon Nov 09, 2009 7:24 am

Mr Changsha wrote:
Bruceswar wrote:BTW Farming is a loose term. You know it when you see it is the best way to describe it.

No! That is completely wrong!

This kind of attitude is exactly why C and A is currently full of spurious allegations and exactly why a great many players have no faith in the hunter's competence on a lot of the recent cases. It rather reminds me of the old 'how to spot a witch' argument. 'You know it when you see it...' Bah!

You fail to miss my point of that it was a agreed upon opinion by most all of CC. Weather CC takes Action vs any of it other than ?'s is another story. So for now people can only report new recruit farming, though we all know other forms happen.
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Re: Emmdizzle Invitation Abuse [pending]

Postby KraphtOne on Mon Nov 09, 2009 10:13 am

i have to agree with changsta here bruce, farming apparently is not a loose term...

you apparently are only farming if you're playing new recruits...

you can play 10000 games where you did nothing but join freestyle games with privates and cooks and padded your stats, and its not farming because they are not new recruits...

and as players we think that the "spirit of the rule" when it comes to farming is to keep people from having inflated ranks...

but the player perception and the mod perception of "spirit of the rule" are two different things... they only want to stop new players from buying premium, not keep players from beating the bejesus out of people on settings or maps that allow the more experienced player to win almost every time...

becoming conqueror is not a testament to the best player (even though obviously conquerors are good players)... it's more of a testament to "i am only going to play games that i have an almost zero % chance of losing... Most players (like myself) are too impatient to sit and only play 1vs1 games against bad players, gaining 5 points at a time...

hell i joined a freestyle game with a cook the other day and felt like an asshole... i don't see how they do it...
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Re: Emmdizzle Invitation Abuse [pending]

Postby Mr Changsha on Mon Nov 09, 2009 12:06 pm

KraphtOne wrote:i have to agree with changsta here bruce, farming apparently is not a loose term...

you apparently are only farming if you're playing new recruits...

And I want to keep it that way. I can see the slow creep towards both rank exclusivity in games and a culture of denouncing in the forums.

What really makes me annoyed is this sense of high ranking players (though bruce seems to be slumming it at the moment) saying that low ranking players are apparently so fucking stupid that they are not able to evaluate the risks entailed in the games they join.

This is patently absurd.

These chaps KNOW they are taking on a General at his chosen style, they know they have a hard job to win, but they think the 50-100 point possible victory is well worth the 5-10 point risk.

I agree with them.

When did it become wrong to use the tools the site provides (in this case the new invite system) to INVITE who you want to play a game and then leave it up to the invitees to find a partner?

It isn't wrong, obviously.

When did playing a bunch of NCO's and junior officers become 'farming'?

It isn't farming, obviously.

When did the culture of this place take a turn for the worst, when did it become absolutely fine to denounce whomever you want whenever you want? After the original farming regulations (which have so many holes you could drive a bendy bus through them) were instituted.

'You know farming when you see it' says Bruce. Yeah, 8 man dubs games with mainly officers. Obvious farming that. Need a new pair of glasses, bruce?
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Re: Emmdizzle Invitation Abuse [pending]

Postby king sam on Mon Nov 09, 2009 4:50 pm

This is a loophole that is being used, but seeing as you are not inclined to accept an invitation unless you do it on your own free will then you know very well what your getting into. My suggestion is if you run across a player that has sent out invites to 1 player on the opposing teams and you really want to play in that game then wait until the invitation reserved spot is denied giving you the ability to join and invite a different partner or move on.

This case is Cleared.
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Re: Emmdizzle Invitation Abuse [pending]

Postby Bruceswar on Mon Nov 09, 2009 4:57 pm

king sam wrote:This is a loophole that is being used, but seeing as you are not inclined to accept an invitation unless you do it on your own free will then you know very well what your getting into. My suggestion is if you run across a player that has sent out invites to 1 player on the opposing teams and you really want to play in that game then wait until the invitation reserved spot is denied giving you the ability to join and invite a different partner or move on.

This case is Cleared.

The bolded part. Low ranks have no clue what they are getting into. They just know a very high rank(to them) invited them to a game. Most low ranks would jump at the chance to play with a (some) high rank(s). This is just as bad as the double turn, which is now abolished. This practice should be as well, before the abuse gets really heavy. Monkey see, monkey do.
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Re: Emmdizzle Invitation Abuse [pending]

Postby king sam on Mon Nov 09, 2009 5:15 pm

Bruceswar wrote:The bolded part. Low ranks have no clue what they are getting into. They just know a very high rank(to them) invited them to a game. Most low ranks would jump at the chance to play with a (some) high rank(s). This is just as bad as the double turn, which is now abolished. This practice should be as well, before the abuse gets really heavy. Monkey see, monkey do.

If I saw a team game that was awaiting players and for all the teams I could only join 1 spot and not invite a partner of my own selection then I wouldn't join. Seeing as everyone has the option to see either the player they are playing with as a partner (if the invite was already accepted) or see that they have no clue who their partner could be cause someone else has been invited and it shows as reserved cause its pending either an acceptance or denial of that invite then all are well aware of the circumstance they are getting into.

Like I said if it were me I would wait for the opportunity to join the game and send an invite to my partner or I wouldn't join at all.
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Re: Emmdizzle Invitation Abuse [pending]

Postby jammyjames on Mon Nov 09, 2009 5:55 pm

king sam wrote:This is a loophole that is being used, but seeing as you are not inclined to accept an invitation unless you do it on your own free will then you know very well what your getting into. My suggestion is if you run across a player that has sent out invites to 1 player on the opposing teams and you really want to play in that game then wait until the invitation reserved spot is denied giving you the ability to join and invite a different partner or move on.

This case is Cleared.

KS you fail to see the point, its not the inviting of low ranked players that does it... its the fact that no "Team" can join the "team" game.... get it?
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Re: Emmdizzle Invitation Abuse [pending]

Postby king sam on Mon Nov 09, 2009 6:02 pm

jammyjames wrote:KS you fail to see the point, its not the inviting of low ranked players that does it... its the fact that no "Team" can join the "team" game.... get it?

I am very certain that you are not inclined to join a game unless you want to. If you come across a game like this simply don't join if one or more slots for the team that you wish to join is reserved.

After 24 hours or upon the decline of the invitation from the member that was invited it becomes an open slot again. At that time you are able to join and reserve your remaining team slots for your own choosing.

I understand the implications of what is trying to go on by inviting other team members on separate teams that may lack the needed skill set to competitively compete in a game, but bottom line is no one is forcing anyone to join these games under those precedences. Therefor it is not abuse, just poor form. This case is closed, feel free to take this to the GD forum or sugs & bugs if you wish to try to get something changed about it.

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Re: Emmdizzle Invitation Abuse [pending]

Postby KraphtOne on Mon Nov 09, 2009 9:45 pm

what exactly are the requirements to be a mod? because apparently you are not required to understand what the hell is going on...

If I saw a team game that was awaiting players and for all the teams I could only join 1 spot and not invite a partner of my own selection then I wouldn't join. Seeing as everyone has the option to see either the player they are playing with as a partner (if the invite was already accepted) or see that they have no clue who their partner could be cause someone else has been invited and it shows as reserved cause its pending either an acceptance or denial of that invite then all are well aware of the circumstance they are getting into.

Like I said if it were me I would wait for the opportunity to join the game and send an invite to my partner or I wouldn't join at all.

that's exactly the point... if you see a game with 3 slots already reserved and you are any kind of intelligent player you're not going to join that game... which is why he's doing it, to keep people from joining...

eh what's the point, block me from the forum please so i don't have to see this shit anymore...
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Re: Emmdizzle Invitation Abuse [pending]

Postby Bruceswar on Mon Nov 09, 2009 10:27 pm

KraphtOne wrote:what exactly are the requirements to be a mod? because apparently you are not required to understand what the hell is going on...

If I saw a team game that was awaiting players and for all the teams I could only join 1 spot and not invite a partner of my own selection then I wouldn't join. Seeing as everyone has the option to see either the player they are playing with as a partner (if the invite was already accepted) or see that they have no clue who their partner could be cause someone else has been invited and it shows as reserved cause its pending either an acceptance or denial of that invite then all are well aware of the circumstance they are getting into.

Like I said if it were me I would wait for the opportunity to join the game and send an invite to my partner or I wouldn't join at all.

that's exactly the point... if you see a game with 3 slots already reserved and you are any kind of intelligent player you're not going to join that game... which is why he's doing it, to keep people from joining...

eh what's the point, block me from the forum please so i don't have to see this shit anymore...

Spot on here... though CC wants to allow this to happen...
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Re: Emmdizzle Invitation Abuse [pending]

Postby king sam on Tue Nov 10, 2009 5:05 pm

KraphtOne wrote:that's exactly the point... if you see a game with 3 slots already reserved and you are any kind of intelligent player you're not going to join that game... which is why he's doing it, to keep people from joining...

eh what's the point, block me from the forum please so i don't have to see this shit anymore...

You tell me where the abuse is coming from.. Is it not out there for you or anyone to join?
Yes it is.

Are you joining a game under these premises that are set in this game?
No, cause you don't like not being able to invite a partner of your choosing.

Does those reserved slots go away after 24 hours of the invitee not joining?
Yes, so you could wait 24 hours and join the game and select your own partner.

Everyone is afforded the option of joining these games under these settings, like any game, just because your a smarter player and choose to not join doesn't make it against the rules.

Once again for the hard of hearing, if you don't like the settings, move on. Find another game, or wait 24 hours after a reserved slot or 2 come available and join and invite a partner of your choosing.

This is not systematically targeting a type of player.
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Re: Emmdizzle Invitation Abuse [Cleared]

Postby khazalid on Tue Nov 10, 2009 5:11 pm

what if after 24 hours another invitation is sent, ad infinitum?
had i been wise, i would have seen that her simplicity cost her a fortune
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Re: Emmdizzle Invitation Abuse [Cleared]

Postby KraphtOne on Tue Nov 10, 2009 6:05 pm

or if you join and then the player in question drops the game?

...just asking don't yell at me
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Re: Emmdizzle Invitation Abuse [Cleared]

Postby king sam on Tue Nov 10, 2009 7:08 pm

Invitations are sent based upon request of someone that is already in a game.

If that invitation is denied the reserved spot for them is now open. Which can happen at anytime.

If 24 hours pass without confirmation or denial of said invitation then the reserved spot for them is now open.

Do you really think anyone to include Emmdizzle is on this site 24 hours of the day waiting for either of those to happen so they can re-invite another player to take up a slot in one of those teams?

I highly doubt it.

Farming is systematically trying to gain an advantage in your rank/score by targeting ranks of lesser skill levels by setting up incredibly complex games. Cut and dry. This rule was brought in to effect to lessen the point influx that can be caused because of it, and to take care of those lesser skill level players so that they can maintain a positive experience on this site. I can only assume your complaint of invitation abuse has to due with this, or it has to do with users being angry cause they are forced to join a teams game unaware of their partner if they join while their team mate is already a reserved spot.

What has happened in this claim is Emmdizzle has created games invited at least 1 player on each opponents team and as far as I have seen it has waited for the game to begin. Every player that was invited was said to have been equal or above a rank of sergeant first class.
(Unless proof is provided that lesser ranks are the ones invited this is what we have to go on)

Seeing as both the players that were invited and are taking up a reserved spot and the whole rest of the community have the opportunity to either join or not to join said game then she is not systematically forcing the outcome of who the opponents are. And thus is not guilty of abuse of the invitation process to help her score.

She is disturbing the process of joining these said games seeing as most savvy users wouldn't join a team game blindly. But seeing as at any moment all slots can come available for a whole team to join then she is not systematically controlling the fact of who will fill up the game. Just delaying the process of the game to get filled. Until either those invitations are denied/expired/accepted I myself would not join the game.

Everyone can choose to do the same or not to.

This case has been Closed, and this thread has served its purpose. I am locking it to prevent any baiting or flames seeing as some of you are getting real close here. If you feel this was an error in the decision by all means open up an E-Ticket and it will be looked at by another set of eyes. You can also take the conversation to the GD or sugs & bugs forum for a push for a change.

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