Conquer Club

Battle of Annihilation [Winners: See 1st post]

Tournaments completed in 2010.

Moderator: Tournament Directors

Re: Battle of Annihilation

Postby Blitzaholic on Tue Oct 27, 2009 1:43 pm


all joined
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Re: Battle of Annihilation

Postby danryan on Fri Oct 30, 2009 8:23 am

Game 5801764 O&H win.
Sergeant 1st Class danryan
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Re: Battle of Annihilation

Postby Blitzaholic on Sat Oct 31, 2009 6:50 pm

danryan wrote:Game 5801764 O&H win.

adding on seige

over Fourskins
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Re: Battle of Annihilation

Postby Blitzaholic on Sat Oct 31, 2009 6:54 pm

5th Round PAC-MAN ongoing


Outsiders ()

Endzone (1.9)

Four Skins (0.7)

O&H (1.0)

Sexaholics (1.7)

Pannekoeken-met-stroop (1.0)

Teddybears (2.7)

6th Round SEIGE


Outsiders (1.0)

Endzone (1.0)

Four Skins (1.0)

O&H (2.0)

Sexaholics (1.0)

Pannekoeken-met-stroop (1.0)

Teddybear Alliance (0.0)

7th Round SOLAR


Outsiders (1.0)

Endzone (1.0)

Four Skins (1.0)

O&H (1.0)

Sexaholics (1.0)

Pannekoeken-met-stroop (1.0)

Teddybear Alliance (0.0)

of the Battle of Annihilation
Round Robin Masters Tourney :!:
After 4 rounds completed.

1st, 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Rounds
on AOM, MAX, EURO, & ARD Completed

1. O&H (21.8.)

2. HORSEMEN (20.0)

3. Sexaholics (15.9)

4. Endzone (14.2)

5. Four Skins (11.6)

6. Pannekoeken-met-stroop (11.4)

7. Outsiders (9.2)

8. Teddybear Alliance (1.0)

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Re: Battle of Annihilation

Postby Natascha on Sun Nov 01, 2009 12:19 pm

we won Game 5778678
FBI = Fabulous Body Inside
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Re: Battle of Annihilation

Postby brian fletcher on Sun Nov 01, 2009 7:36 pm

Lieutenant brian fletcher
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Re: Battle of Annihilation

Postby danryan on Sun Nov 01, 2009 7:39 pm

brian fletcher wrote:Game 5801768O&H win

Ayup. GG natascha, where's our spankings?
Sergeant 1st Class danryan
Posts: 3418
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Re: Battle of Annihilation

Postby Natascha on Mon Nov 02, 2009 4:31 am

danryan wrote:
brian fletcher wrote:Game 5801768O&H win

Ayup. GG natascha, where's our spankings?

okay undress all & bend over 8-)
FBI = Fabulous Body Inside
Sergeant Natascha
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Re: Battle of Annihilation

Postby Mageplunka69 on Mon Nov 02, 2009 5:26 am

Game 5801766sex wins
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Re: Battle of Annihilation

Postby Mageplunka69 on Mon Nov 02, 2009 5:27 am

Natascha wrote:
danryan wrote:
brian fletcher wrote:Game 5801768O&H win

Ayup. GG natascha, where's our spankings?

okay undress all & bend over 8-)

are we ready for a slide
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Re: Battle of Annihilation

Postby freakns on Mon Nov 02, 2009 7:10 am

whats this? Natasha delivering?! get me the place in front row!
Brigadier freakns
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Re: Battle of Annihilation

Postby Blitzaholic on Mon Nov 02, 2009 10:02 pm

Natascha wrote:heya,

we won Game 5778678

pancakes over endzone on pacman map

will add soon
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Re: Battle of Annihilation

Postby Blitzaholic on Mon Nov 02, 2009 10:03 pm

danryan wrote:
brian fletcher wrote:Game 5801768O&H win

Ayup. GG natascha, where's our spankings?

O&H over the spanking pancakes on seige, lol

adding soon
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Re: Battle of Annihilation

Postby Blitzaholic on Mon Nov 02, 2009 10:04 pm

rbelgrod wrote:Game 5801766sex wins

sexaholics win over O+H on seige

adding soon
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Re: Battle of Annihilation

Postby Blitzaholic on Tue Nov 03, 2009 1:04 am

1st, 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Rounds
on AOM, MAX, EURO, & ARD Completed

1. O&H (21.8.)

2. HORSEMEN (20.0)

3. Sexaholics (15.9)

4. Endzone (14.2)

5. Four Skins (11.6)

6. Pannekoeken-met-stroop (11.4)

7. Outsiders (9.2)

8. Teddybear Alliance (3.7)

5th Round PAC-MAN ongoing


Outsiders (0.0)

Endzone (1.9)

Four Skins (0.7)

O&H (1.0)

Sexaholics (1.7)

Pannekoeken-met-stroop (2.0)

Teddybears (2.7)

6th Round SEIGE


Outsiders (1.0)

Endzone (1.0)

Four Skins (1.0)

O&H (3.0)

Sexaholics (2.0)

Pannekoeken-met-stroop (1.0)

Teddybear Alliance (0.0)

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Re: Battle of Annihilation

Postby Blitzaholic on Wed Nov 04, 2009 10:04 am

Game 5801762

Thota won

round 6

over pancakes

stroop party for me

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Re: Battle of Annihilation

Postby Blitzaholic on Wed Nov 04, 2009 10:07 am

Game 5603544

Round 13

[refresh map] [larger map] [add colour codes]


* Team 1:
* AndrewB 4.9
* David_Wain 4.9
* osujacket 4.8
* Nephilim 4.9

* Team 2:
* aspalm 4.9
* Bigroo4601 4.9
* vicmasters 4.9
* hambone 4.9

team 2 won on pacman
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Re: Battle of Annihilation

Postby Blitzaholic on Thu Nov 05, 2009 12:47 pm

2009-11-04 14:09:22 - Blitzaholic, AndrewB, dividedbyzero, osujacket won the game

2009-11-04 14:09:22 - rbelgrod lost 20 points
2009-11-04 14:09:22 - hiddendragon lost 20 points
2009-11-04 14:09:22 - Commander62890 lost 20 points
2009-11-04 14:09:22 - PROFITS lost 20 points
2009-11-04 14:09:22 - Blitzaholic gained 20 points
2009-11-04 14:09:22 - AndrewB gained 20 points
2009-11-04 14:09:22 - dividedbyzero gained 20 points
2009-11-04 14:09:22 - osujacket gained 20 points

2009-11-04 14:09:22 - Blitzaholic, AndrewB, dividedbyzero, osujacket won the game

Game 5801761

will add later
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Re: Battle of Annihilation

Postby Blitzaholic on Thu Nov 05, 2009 1:16 pm

Battle of Annihilation Seige Games with #'s

Sent: Thu Nov 05, 2009 12:57 pm
From: Blitzaholic
To: Blitzaholic danryan Natascha aspalm Bigroo4601 ultraman rbelgrod freakns
Team Rosters:
1. *Blitzaholic, Osu, Andrewb, David_Wain, Dividedbyzero, Neph---------HORSEMEN
2. *Ultraman, magneto_acolyte, reahma, elmerfudd, okolk----------------Outsiders
3. *freakns, lordnex, dinustef, trboye, omiljeni, Finsfleet------------------Endzone
4. *aspalm, bigroo4601, hambone, vicmasters-------------------------------Four Skins
5. *danryan, rocketry, brian fletcher, pander88uk, Master Fenrir, wolfpack0530----O&H
6. *rbelgrod, zips5000, hidden dragon, #1stunna , profits, Commander62890--Sexaholics
7. *natascha, dragon dor, Mar-De-Lafayette , SC man, Silvanus--Pannekoeken-met-stroop
8. *alstergren, cmeb4udie, ptlowe, eye84free----------------------------------Teddybears

captain, please pm your partners to join games asap

password to all games is xxxxxxx

Team: Outsiders Game 5878938

Team: Outsiders Game 5878940
Team: Endzone

Team: Outsiders Game 5878941
Team: Four Skins

Team: Outsiders Game 5878943
Team: O&H

Team: Outsiders Game 5878945
Team: Sexaholics

Team: Outsiders Game 5878946
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop

pm's sent
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General Blitzaholic
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Re: Battle of Annihilation

Postby Blitzaholic on Sat Nov 07, 2009 7:07 am

keeping you all busy?
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Re: Battle of Annihilation

Postby Blitzaholic on Sat Nov 07, 2009 7:07 am

Blitzaholic wrote:5th Round Pacman

Games 200-249:
Game 5603542
Team: HORSEMEN (1.0)
Team: Outsiders

Game 5603543
Team: Endzone (0.9)

Game 5603544
Team: Four Skins ()

Game 5768335
Team: O&H ()

Game 5768336
Team: Sexaholics ()

Game 5768337
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop ()

Game 5516830
Team: HORSEMEN (1.0)
Team: Teddybears ()

Games 200-249:
Game 5603542
Team: Outsiders ()
Team: HORSEMEN (1.0)

Game 5768338
Team: Outsiders ()
Team: Endzone ()

Game 5768339
Team: Outsiders
Team: Four Skins

Game 5772663
Team: Outsiders ()
Team: O&H ()

Game 5772664
Team: Outsiders ()
Team: Sexaholics ()

Game 5772665
Team: Outsiders ()
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop ()

Game 5516831
Team: Outsiders ()
Team: Teddybears (0.7)

Games 200-249:
Game 5603543
Team: Endzone (0.9)

Game 5768338
Team: Endzone ()
Team: Outsiders

Game 5778675
Team: Endzone ()
Team: Four Skins ()

Game 5778676
Team: Endzone ()
Team: O&H ()

Game 5778677
Team: Endzone ()
Team: Sexaholics ()

Game 5778678
Team: Endzone ()
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop (1.0)

Game 5516832
Team: Endzone (1.0)
Team: Teddybears

Games 200-249:
Team: Four Skins Game 5603544

Game 5768339
Team: Four Skins
Team: Outsiders

Game 5778675
Team: Four Skins ()
Team: Endzone ()

Team: Four Skins (Game 5818455)
Team: O&H ()

Team: Four Skins (Game 5818456)
Team: Sexaholics ()

Team: Four Skins (Game 5818457)
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop

Game 5516833
Team: Four Skins (0.7)
Team: Teddybears ()

Games 200-249:
Game 5768335
Team: O&H

Game 5772663
Team: O&H
Team: Outsiders

Game 5778676
Team: O&H
Team: Endzone

Team: O&H Game 5818455
Team: Four Skins

Team: O&H (Game 5825316)
Team: Sexaholics ()

Game 5676123
Team: O&H (1.0)
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop ()

Game 5516834
Team: O&H ()
Team: Teddybears (0.7)

Games 200-249:
Game 5768336
Team: Sexaholics

Game 5772664
Team: Sexaholics
Team: Outsiders

Game 5778677
Team: Sexaholics
Team: Endzone

Team: Sexaholics (Game 5818456)
Team: Four Skins

Team: Sexaholics (Game 5825316)
Team: O&H

Team: Sexaholics Game 5676124 (1.0)
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop ()

Team: Sexaholics Game 5516835 (0.7)
Team: Teddybears ()

Games 200-249:
Game 5768337
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop

Game 5772665
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop
Team: Outsiders

Game 5778678
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop (1.0)
Team: Endzone

Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop (Game 5818457)
Team: Four Skins

Game 5676123
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop
Team: O&H (1.0)

Game 5676124
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop
Team: Sexaholics (1.0)

Game 5516836
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop (1.0)
Team: Teddybears ()

Games 200-249:
Game 5516830
Team: Teddybears ()
Team: HORSEMEN (1.0)

Game 5516831
Team: Teddybears (0.7)
Team: Outsiders

Game 5516832
Team: Teddybears
Team: Endzone (1.0)

Game 5516833
Team: Teddybears ()
Team: Four Skins (0.7)

Game 5516834
Team: Teddybears (0.7)
Team: O&H ()

Game 5516835
Team: Teddybears ()
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop (1.0)

Game 5516836
Team: Teddybears ()
Team: Sexaholics (0.7)

6th Round SEIGE

Games 250-299:

Team: Outsiders

Team: HORSEMEN Game 5825311
Team: Endzone

Team: HORSEMEN Game 5825313
Team: Four Skins

Team: HORSEMEN (Game 5825314)
Team: O&H

Team: HORSEMEN (Game 5801761)
Team: Sexaholics

Team: HORSEMEN (Game 5801762)
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop

Team: HORSEMEN (1.0)
Team: The Unholy Alliance

Games 250-299:

Team: Outsiders

Team: Outsiders
Team: Endzone

Team: Outsiders
Team: Four Skins

Team: Outsiders ()
Team: O&H ()

Team: Outsiders ()
Team: Sexaholics ()

Team: Outsiders ()
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop ()

Team: Outsiders (1.0)
Team: The Unholy Alliance ()

Games 250-299:
Team: Endzone Game 5825311

Team: Endzone
Team: Outsiders

Team: Endzone ()
Team: Four Skins ()

Team: Endzone ()
Team: O&H ()

Team: Endzone ()
Team: Sexaholics ()

Team: Endzone ()
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop ()

Team: Endzone (1.0)
Team: The Unholy Alliance

Games 250-299:

Team: Four Skins Game 5825313

Team: Four Skins
Team: Outsiders

Team: Four Skins ()
Team: Endzone ()

Team: Four Skins (Game 5801764)
Team: O&H (1.0)

Team: Four Skins ()
Team: Sexaholics ()

Team: Four Skins
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop ()

Team: Four Skins (1.0)
Team: The Unholy Alliance ()

Games 250-299:
Team: O&H Game 5825314

Team: O&H
Team: Outsiders

Team: O&H
Team: Endzone

Team: O&H (Game 5801764) (1.0)
Team: Four Skins

Team: O&H (Game 5801766)
Team: Sexaholics (1.0)

Team: O&H (Game 5801768) (1.0)
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop ()

Team: O&H (1.0)
Team: The Unholy Alliance ()

Games 250-299:
Team: Sexaholics (Game 5801761)

Team: Sexaholics
Team: Outsiders

Team: Sexaholics
Team: Endzone

Team: Sexaholics
Team: Four Skins

Team: Sexaholics (Game 5801766) (1.0)
Team: O&H ()

Team: Sexaholics
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop ()

Team: Sexaholics (1.0)
Team: The Unholy Alliance ()

Games 250-299:
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop (Game 5801762)

Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop
Team: Outsiders

Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop
Team: Endzone

Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop
Team: Four Skins

Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop (Game 5801768)
Team: O&H (1.0)

Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop
Team: Sexaholics ()

Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop (1.0)
Team: The Unholy Alliance ()

Games 250-299:

Team: The Unholy Alliance ()
Team: HORSEMEN (1.0)

Team: The Unholy Alliance ()
Team: Outsiders (1.0)

Team: The Unholy Alliance
Team: Endzone (1.0)

Team: The Unholy Alliance ()
Team: Four Skins (1.0)

Team: The Unholy Alliance ()
Team: O&H (1.0)

Team: The Unholy Alliance ()
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop (1.0)

Team: The Unholy Alliance ()
Team: Sexaholics (1.0)

7th Round SOLAR

Games 300-349:

Team: Outsiders

Team: Endzone

Team: Four Skins

Team: O&H

Team: Sexaholics

Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop

Team: HORSEMEN (1.0)
Team: The Unholy Alliance

Games 300-349:

Team: Outsiders

Team: Outsiders
Team: Endzone

Team: Outsiders
Team: Four Skins

Team: Outsiders ()
Team: O&H ()

Team: Outsiders ()
Team: Sexaholics ()

Team: Outsiders ()
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop ()

Team: Outsiders (1.0)
Team: The Unholy Alliance ()

Games 300-349:
Team: Endzone

Team: Endzone
Team: Outsiders

Team: Endzone ()
Team: Four Skins ()

Team: Endzone ()
Team: O&H ()

Team: Endzone ()
Team: Sexaholics ()

Team: Endzone ()
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop ()

Team: Endzone (1.0)
Team: The Unholy Alliance

Games 300-349:

Team: Four Skins

Team: Four Skins
Team: Outsiders

Team: Four Skins ()
Team: Endzone ()

Team: Four Skins ()
Team: O&H ()

Team: Four Skins ()
Team: Sexaholics ()

Team: Four Skins
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop ()

Team: Four Skins (1.0)
Team: The Unholy Alliance ()

Games 300-349:
Team: O&H

Team: O&H
Team: Outsiders

Team: O&H
Team: Endzone

Team: O&H
Team: Four Skins

Team: O&H ()
Team: Sexaholics ()

Team: O&H ()
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop ()

Team: O&H (1.0)
Team: The Unholy Alliance ()

Games 300-349:
Team: Sexaholics

Team: Sexaholics
Team: Outsiders

Team: Sexaholics
Team: Endzone

Team: Sexaholics
Team: Four Skins

Team: Sexaholics ()
Team: O&H ()

Team: Sexaholics
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop ()

Team: Sexaholics (1.0)
Team: The Unholy Alliance ()

Games 300-349:
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop

Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop
Team: Outsiders

Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop
Team: Endzone

Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop
Team: Four Skins

Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop
Team: O&H

Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop
Team: Sexaholics ()

Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop (1.0)
Team: The Unholy Alliance ()

Games 300-349:

Team: The Unholy Alliance ()
Team: HORSEMEN (1.0)

Team: The Unholy Alliance ()
Team: Outsiders (1.0)

Team: The Unholy Alliance
Team: Endzone (1.0)

Team: The Unholy Alliance ()
Team: Four Skins (1.0)

Team: The Unholy Alliance ()
Team: O&H (1.0)

Team: The Unholy Alliance ()
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop (1.0)

Team: The Unholy Alliance ()
Team: Sexaholics (1.0)

1st Round AOM
Games 1-49:
Team: HORSEMEN Game 5313382 (1.0)
Team: Outsiders

Team: HORSEMEN Game 5340221 (1.0)
Team: Endzone

Team: HORSEMEN Game 5313578 (1.0)
Team: Four Skins

Team: HORSEMEN Game 5340223 (1.0)
Team: O&H

Team: HORSEMEN Game 5340224 (1.0)
Team: Sexaholics

Team: HORSEMEN Game 5340225 (1.0)
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop

Team: HORSEMEN Game 5322778 (1.0)
Team: The Unholy Alliance

Games 1-49:
Team: Outsiders Game 5313382
Team: HORSEMEN (1.0)

Team: Outsiders Game 5337952
Team: Endzone (1.0)

Team: Outsiders Game 5372375
Team: Four Skins (1.0)

Team: Outsiders (Game 5313388 )
Team: O&H (1.0)

Team: Outsiders (Game 5322780)
Team: Sexaholics (1.0)

Team: Outsiders Game 5372370 (1.0)
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop ()

Team: Outsiders Game 5387092 (1.0)
Team: The Unholy Alliance (-0.1)

Games 1-49:
Team: Endzone Game 5340221
Team: HORSEMEN (1.0)

Team: Endzone Game 5337952 (1.0)
Team: Outsiders

Team: Endzone Game 5372376 (1.0)
Team: Four Skins ()

Team: Endzone (Game 5313386 )
Team: O&H (0.9)

Team: Endzone Game 5387167 (1.0)
Team: Sexaholics (-0.1)

Team: Endzone (Game 5372372)
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop (1.0)

Team: Endzone Game 5322639 (1.0)
Team: The Unholy Alliance (-0.5)

Games 1-49:
Game 5313578
Team: Four Skins
Team: HORSEMEN (1.0)

Game 5372375
Team: Four Skins (1.0)
Team: Outsiders

Game 5372376
Team: Four Skins ()
Team: Endzone (1.0)

Game 5372377
Team: Four Skins ()
Team: O&H (1.0)

Game 5372378
Team: Four Skins (0.7)
Team: Sexaholics ()

Game 5313385
Team: Four Skins (0.3)
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop ()

Game 5387093
Team: Four Skins (1.0)
Team: The Unholy Alliance (-0.1)

Games 1-49:
Game 5340223
Team: O&H
Team: HORSEMEN (1.0)

Game 5313388
Team: O&H (1.0)
Team: Outsiders

Game 5313386
Team: O&H (0.9)
Team: Endzone

Game 5372377
Team: O&H (1.0)
Team: Four Skins

Game 5387169
Team: O&H (1.0)
Team: Sexaholics ()

Game 5420894
Team: O&H (1.0)
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop ()

Game 5387094
Team: O&H (1.0)
Team: The Unholy Alliance (-0.1)

Games 1-49:
Game 5340224
Team: Sexaholics
Team: HORSEMEN (1.0)

Game 5322780
Team: Sexaholics (1.0)
Team: Outsiders

Game 5387167
Team: Sexaholics (-0.1)
Team: Endzone (1.0)

Game 5372378
Team: Sexaholics
Team: Four Skins (0.7)

Game 5387169
Team: Sexaholics
Team: O&H (1.0)

Game 5313387
Team: Sexaholics (1.0)
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop ()

Game 5313384
Team: Sexaholics (1.0)
Team: The Unholy Alliance ()

Games 1-49:
Game 5340225
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop
Team: HORSEMEN (1.0)

Game 5372370
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop
Team: Outsiders (1.0)

Game 5372372
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop (1.0)
Team: Endzone

Game 5313385
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop
Team: Four Skins 0.3

Game 5420894
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop
Team: O&H (1.0)

Game 5313387
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop
Team: Sexaholics (1.0)

Game 5387095
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop (1.0)
Team: The Unholy Alliance (-0.1)

Games 1-49:
Game 5322778
Team: The Unholy Alliance ()
Team: HORSEMEN (1.0)

Game 5387092
Team: The Unholy Alliance (-0.1)
Team: Outsiders (1.0)

Game 5322639
Team: The Unholy Alliance (-0.5)
Team: Endzone (1.0)

Game 5387093
Team: The Unholy Alliance (-0.1)
Team: Four Skins (1.0)

Game 5387094
Team: The Unholy Alliance (-0.1)
Team: O&H (1.0)

Game 5387095
Team: The Unholy Alliance (-0.1)
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop (1.0)

Game 5313384
Team: The Unholy Alliance ()
Team: Sexaholics (1.0)

2nd Round MAX

Games 50-99:
Game 5356447
Team: Outsiders (1.0)

Game 5322784
Team: Endzone (1.0)

Game 5415802
Team: HORSEMEN (1.0)
Team: Four Skins (-0.4)

Game 5356449
Team: O&H (1.0)

Game 5356450
Team: Sexaholics (1.0)

Game 5415803
Team: HORSEMEN (1.0)
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop

Game 5322782
Team: HORSEMEN (1.0)
Team: The Unholy Alliance (-0.1)

Games 50-99:
Game 5356447
Team: Outsiders (1.0)

Game 5337955
Team: Outsiders
Team: Endzone (1.0)

Game 5456089
Team: Outsiders
Team: Four Skins (0.7)

Game 5456091
Team: Outsiders (0.7)
Team: O&H ()

Game 5456093
Team: Outsiders (0.7)
Team: Sexaholics ()

Game 5456095
Team: Outsiders (0.7)
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop ()

Game 5456096
Team: Outsiders (0.7)
Team: The Unholy Alliance ()

Games 50-99:
Game 5322784
Team: Endzone (1.0)

Game 5337955
Team: Endzone (1.0)
Team: Outsiders

Game 5456097
Team: Endzone ()
Team: Four Skins (0.7)

Game 5491990
Team: Endzone (1.0)
Team: O&H ()

Game 5491991
Team: Endzone ()
Team: Sexaholics (1.0)

Game 5491992
Team: Endzone ()
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop (1.0)

Game 5471231
Team: Endzone (0.7)
Team: The Unholy Alliance ()

Games 50-99:
Game 5415802
Team: Four Skins (-0.4)
Team: HORSEMEN (1.0)

Game 5456089
Team: Four Skins (0.7)
Team: Outsiders

Game 5456097
Team: Four Skins (0.7)
Team: Endzone ()

Game 5456098
Team: Four Skins ()
Team: O&H (1.0)

Game 5491993
Team: Four Skins (0.7)
Team: Sexaholics ()

Game 5491994
Team: Four Skins (0.7)
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop ()

Game 5471232
Team: Four Skins (1.0)
Team: The Unholy Alliance ()

Games 50-99:
Game 5356449
Team: O&H (1.0)

Game 5456091
Team: O&H
Team: Outsiders (0.7)

Game 5491990
Team: O&H
Team: Endzone (1.0)

Game 5456098
Team: O&H (1.0)
Team: Four Skins

Game 5491989
Team: O&H ()
Team: Sexaholics (1.0)

Game 5420897
Team: O&H (1.0)
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop ()

Game 5471233
Team: O&H (1.0)
Team: The Unholy Alliance ()

Games 50-99:
Game 5356450
Team: Sexaholics (1.0)

Game 5456093
Team: Sexaholics
Team: Outsiders (0.7)

Game 5491991
Team: Sexaholics (1.0)
Team: Endzone

Game 5491993
Team: Sexaholics
Team: Four Skins (0.7)

Game 5491989
Team: Sexaholics (1.0)
Team: O&H ()

Game 5516542
Team: Sexaholics (1.0)
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop ()

Game 5471235
Team: Sexaholics (1.0)
Team: The Unholy Alliance ()

Games 50-99:
Game 5415803
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop
Team: HORSEMEN (1.0)

Game 5456095
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop
Team: Outsiders (0.7)

Game 5491992
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop (1.0)
Team: Endzone

Game 5491994
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop
Team: Four Skins (0.7)

Game 5420897
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop
Team: O&H (1.0)

Game 5516542
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop
Team: Sexaholics (1.0)

Game 5471234
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop (1.0)
Team: The Unholy Alliance ()

Games 50-99:
Game 5322782
Team: The Unholy Alliance ()
Team: HORSEMEN (1.0)

Game 5456096
Team: The Unholy Alliance ()
Team: Outsiders (0.7)

Game 5471231
Team: The Unholy Alliance ()
Team: Endzone (0.7)

Game 5471232
Team: The Unholy Alliance ()
Team: Four Skins (1.0)

Game 5471233
Team: The Unholy Alliance ()
Team: O&H (1.0)

Game 5471234
Team: The Unholy Alliance ()
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop (1.0)

Game 5471235
Team: The Unholy Alliance ()
Team: Sexaholics (1.0)

3rd Round Euro-War

Games 100-149:
Game 5418726
Team: HORSEMEN (1.0)
Team: Outsiders

Game 5418730
Team: HORSEMEN (1.0)
Team: Endzone

Game 5418732
Team: HORSEMEN (1.0)
Team: Four Skins

Game 5418733
Team: O&H (1.0)

Game 5418734
Team: Sexaholics (1.0)

Game 5313401
Team: HORSEMEN (1.0)
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop

Game 5313406
Team: HORSEMEN (1.0)
Team: Unholy Alliance

Games 100-149:
Game 5418726
Team: Outsiders
Team: HORSEMEN (1.0)

Game 5516595
Team: Outsiders
Team: Endzone (0.7)

Game 5516598
Team: Outsiders
Team: Four Skins (1.0)

Game 5516600
Team: Outsiders ()
Team: O&H (1.0)

Game 5313405
Team: Outsiders (1.0)
Team: Sexaholics ()

Game 5516602
Team: Outsiders ()
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop (1.0)

Game 5481419
Team: Outsiders ()
Team: Teddybear Alliance (1.0)

Games 100-149:
Game 5418730
Team: Endzone
Team: HORSEMEN (1.0)

Game 5516595
Team: Endzone (0.7)
Team: Outsiders

Game 5546859
Team: Endzone ()
Team: Four Skins (0.7)

Game 5313403
Team: Endzone ()
Team: O&H (1.0)

Game 5431897
Team: Endzone (1.0)
Team: Sexaholics ()

Game 5546855
Team: Endzone (-0.2)
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop (0.8.)

Game 5481421
Team: Endzone (1.0)
Team: Teddybears ()

Games 100-149:
Game 5418732
Team: Four Skins
Team: HORSEMEN (1.0)

Game 5516598
Team: Four Skins (1.0)
Team: Outsiders

Game 5546859
Team: Four Skins (0.7)
Team: Endzone ()

Game 5546860
Team: Four Skins (1.0)
Team: O&H ()

Game 5322787
Team: Four Skins ()
Team: Sexaholics (1.0)

Game 5546856
Team: Four Skins ()
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop (-0.2)

Game 5313408
Team: Four Skins (0.7)
Team: Alliance ()

Games 100-149:
Game 5418733
Team: O&H (1.0)

Game 5516600
Team: O&H (1.0)
Team: Outsiders

Game 5313403
Team: O&H (1.0)
Team: Endzone

Game 5546860
Team: O&H
Team: Four Skins (1.0)

Game 5322788
Team: O&H (-0.1)
Team: Sexaholics (1.0)

Game 5546857
Team: O&H ()
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop (0.8.)

Game 5431898
Team: O&H (1.0)
Team: The Unholy Alliance ()

Games 100-149:
Game 5418734
Team: Sexaholics (1.0)

Game 5313405
Team: Sexaholics
Team: Outsiders (1.0)

Game 5431897
Team: Sexaholics
Team: Endzone (1.0)

Game 5322787
Team: Sexaholics (1.0)
Team: Four Skins

Game 5322788
Team: Sexaholics (1.0)
Team: O&H (-0.1)

Game 5546855
Team: Sexaholics (1.0)
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop ()

Game 5431900
Team: Sexaholics (1.0)
Team: The Unholy Alliance ()

Games 100-149:
Game 5313401
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop
Team: HORSEMEN (1.0)

Game 5516602
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop (1.0)
Team: Outsiders

Game 5546855
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop (0.8.)
Team: Endzone (-0.2)

Game 5546856
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop (-0.2)
Team: Four Skins

Game 5546857
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop (0.8.)
Team: O&H ()

Game 5546858
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop
Team: Sexaholics (1.0)

Game 5431899
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop (1.0)
Team: Unholy Alliance ()

Games 100-149:
Game 5313406
Team: Teddybears ()
Team: HORSEMEN (1.0)

Game 5481419
Team: Teddybears (1.0)
Team: Outsiders

Game 5481421
Team: Teddybears ()
Team: Endzone (1.0)

Game 5313408
Team: Alliance ()
Team: Four Skins (0.7)

Game 5431898
Team: Teddybears ()
Team: O&H (1.0)

Game 5431899
Team: Teddybears ()
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop

Game 5431900
Team: The Unholy Alliance ()
Team: Sexaholics (1.0)

4th Round Ardennes

Games 150-199:
Game 5627587
Team: HORSEMEN (1.0)
Team: Outsiders

Game 5527766
Team: HORSEMEN (1.0)
Team: Endzone

Game 5627591
Team: HORSEMEN (1.0)
Team: Four Skins

Game 5527768
Team: O&H (1.0)

Game 5527771
Team: Sexaholics (1.0)

Game 5627592
Team: HORSEMEN (1.0)
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop

Team: HORSEMEN (1.0)
Team: Teddybears

Games 150-199:
Game 5627587
Team: Outsiders
Team: HORSEMEN (1.0)

Game 5627357
Team: Outsiders (0.7)
Team: Endzone

Game 5654594
Team: Outsiders
Team: Four Skins (0.7)

Game 5579777
Team: Outsiders ()
Team: O&H (1.0)

Game 5579778
Team: Outsiders (0.7)
Team: Sexaholics ()

Game 5579779
Team: Outsiders ()
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop (1.0)

Team: Outsiders (1.0)
Team: Teddybears ()

Games 150-199:
Game 5527766
Team: Endzone
Team: HORSEMEN (1.0)

Game 5627357
Team: Endzone
Team: Outsiders (0.7)

Game 5627359
Team: Endzone (1.0)
Team: Four Skins ()

Game 5627360
Team: Endzone ()
Team: O&H (1.0)

Game 5675891
Team: Endzone (1.0)
Team: Sexaholics ()

Game 5627362
Team: Endzone (1.0)
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop (-0.1)

Team: Endzone (1.0)
Team: Teddybears

Games 150-199:
Game 5627591
Team: Four Skins
Team: HORSEMEN (1.0)

Game 5654594
Team: Four Skins (0.7)
Team: Outsiders

Game 5627359
Team: Four Skins ()
Team: Endzone (1.0)

Game 5654595
Team: Four Skins ()
Team: O&H (1.0)

Game 5706916
Team: Four Skins ()
Team: Sexaholics (1.0)

Game 5654592
Team: Four Skins
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop (1.0)

Team: Four Skins (1.0)
Team: Teddybears ()

Games 150-199:
Game 5527768
Team: O&H (1.0)

Game 5579777
Team: O&H (1.0)
Team: Outsiders

Game 5627360
Team: O&H (1.0)
Team: Endzone

Game 5654595
Team: O&H (1.0)
Team: Four Skins

Game 5654597
Team: O&H (1.0)
Team: Sexaholics ()

Game 5654593
Team: O&H (1.0)
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop ()

Team: O&H (1.0)
Team: Teddybears ()

Games 150-199:
Game 5527771
Team: Sexaholics (1.0)

Game 5579778
Team: Sexaholics
Team: Outsiders (0.7)

Game 5675891
Team: Sexaholics
Team: Endzone (1.0)

Game 5706916
Team: Sexaholics (1.0)
Team: Four Skins

Game 5654597
Team: Sexaholics
Team: O&H (1.0)

Game 5603492
Team: Sexaholics
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop (1.0)

Team: Sexaholics (1.0)
Team: Teddybears ()

Games 150-199:
Game 5627592
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop
Team: HORSEMEN (1.0)

Game 5579779
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop (1.0)
Team: Outsiders

Game 5627362
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop (-0.1)
Team: Endzone (1.0)

Game 5654592
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop (1.0)
Team: Four Skins

Game 5654593
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop
Team: O&H (1.0)

Game 5603492
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop (1.0)
Team: Sexaholics ()

Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop (1.0)
Team: Teddybears ()

Games 150-199:

Team: Teddybears ()
Team: HORSEMEN (1.0)

Game 5579780
Team: Teddybears ()
Team: Outsiders (1.0)

Team: Teddybears
Team: Endzone (1.0)

Team: Teddybears ()
Team: Four Skins (1.0)

Team: Teddybears ()
Team: O&H (1.0)

Team: Teddybears ()
Team: Pannekoeken-met-stroop (1.0)

Team: Teddybears ()
Team: Sexaholics (1.0)

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General Blitzaholic
Posts: 23050
Joined: Wed Aug 09, 2006 11:57 pm
Location: Apocalyptic Area

Re: Battle of Annihilation

Postby Blitzaholic on Sat Nov 07, 2009 9:15 am

thota won

Game 5768335

we won this game on conquerman

over o+h
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General Blitzaholic
Posts: 23050
Joined: Wed Aug 09, 2006 11:57 pm
Location: Apocalyptic Area

Re: Battle of Annihilation

Postby brian fletcher on Sat Nov 07, 2009 10:12 am

Blitzaholic wrote:thota won

Game 5768335

we won this game on conquerman

over o+h

Bastards caught us with our trousers down.
Well played guys.
Lieutenant brian fletcher
SoC Training Adviser
Posts: 570
Joined: Tue Mar 17, 2009 2:42 pm
Location: Bournemouth UK

Re: Battle of Annihilation

Postby Blitzaholic on Sun Nov 08, 2009 2:12 pm

brian fletcher wrote:
Blitzaholic wrote:thota won

Game 5768335

we won this game on conquerman

over o+h

Bastards caught us with our trousers down.
Well played guys.

thx fletch
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General Blitzaholic
Posts: 23050
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Location: Apocalyptic Area

Re: Battle of Annihilation

Postby Mageplunka69 on Sun Nov 08, 2009 4:44 pm

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Sergeant 1st Class Mageplunka69
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