Community Medal Recievers: Mr. Squirrel, Gypsys Kiss, Godd, PricklyPear, kushluk, anonymus tyche73, Shazar77, mgconstruction, lascheves, fairman, frankiebee, Tang Kai, Artic Patrol, timmy1, sam02, Gold Knight, qwertylpc, JBlomier, JoshyBoy, skillfusniper33, DJ Teflon, darkangelsguy205, AndrewB, elfish_lad, Shai, sjnap, Grifter, mgourley, Greazzzmaster, White Moose, ask me2, jojo123, the.killing.44, 69chevy, caymanmew, Cherry Pepsi?, Tiller, AAFitz, L M S, 40kguy, csh1979, merch313, Nanogram, Widowmakers, Beckytheblondie, Frozen_flame, danryan, Natewolfman, Namor, Cawdor, Eyestone, angola, alstergren, Crash_22, GloriousL, Dako, Shatneers Bassoon, phantomzero, MudPuppy, colton24, King_Herpes, pimphawks70, GrimReaper., #1_stunna, azezzo, Azgard, lgoasklucyl, Nat-Idn, chiefsfan4ever, Wellspring, danalan, ImissSCca, 2moned, SirSebstar, t-o-m, john9blue, MEK, jefjef, magneto_acolyte, Neil Champion, KraphtOne, WPBRJ, Kotaro, SFX!, Velvecarrots, TheBro, Aradhus, Draq, Jace22, BoganGod, GallantPellham, Blitzaholic, osujacket, dividedbyzero, nagerous, JerryB, Chuuuuck, Lubawski, anamainiacks, beardbuster, 72o, trinicardinal, nippersean, yeti_c, whitestazn88, safariguy5, ChrisBeerens, The Voice, TheSpaceCowboy, IronWood, Ninja Champion, Evilpmpkinhedman, owenshooter, dragon dor, Godsav1, 4red, perchorin, waiting4oct, JCKing, karelpietertje, igozd, JustCallMeStupid, DARCOGOAL, calkid, AceArtemis, n00blet, slash17, gannable, codierose, nemrehs1, hwhrhett, Knight2254, pinphawks20, dowian2, blinkadyblink, bones2484, Caldirmr, Blobby, cliffaspinall, ThrushAAX, Raskholnikov, superrag, cowboyz, MostMackinest, kylegraves1, demy7, Foxglove, Bruceswar, padsta, yowzer14, AgentSmith88, Ryall55, God Emperor Q, gcwca_4_life, just surrender, Iron Maid, 69Chevy, ga7, Masli, UpandRising, targetman377, Astyanax, Timminz, KingofGods, jnd94, Raptor1, killer33, loes, 300spartans, -Maximus-, jammyjames, Frozen, Riazor, Serbia, Spidey, King tet, MegasWoman, BlAckICE, Scott-land, superkeener, HardAttack, baterer2002, kgbpizza, Georgex7di, cpurcell, drake_259, lokisgal, riodeishere, Mageplunka, killerpit4e, cdogg85, Redbaron0, padsta, VampireM, zips5000, jakewilliams, slowreactor, jpeter15, Eddy_26, hahaha3hahaha, CamelToe, Koganosi, rumpyou, assassin07, nesterdude, psychobkrazy, alex951, TheOtherOne, fraggle, Master Fenrir, Big Whiskey, DAnyael, jricart, Supermarioluigi, guylian, ronc8649, knighthawk, ben79, JOHHNYROCKET24, littlebrother2k7, The Neon Peon, ObliterationX, HighlanderAttack, Little Witt, Witt13, pmchugh, jdw35, brian fletcher, wickedosity.