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Mystique + Arish Babil, regarding Racial Abuse [busted]

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Re: Mystique + Arish Babil, regarding Racial Abuse (Insult)

Postby king sam on Mon Oct 19, 2009 7:53 pm

merged the 2 complaints seeing as they are both along the same lines. We don't need any more multiple claims sprouting up about this people. As I said before this is being looked into for the mere fact that we want to cover all angles to make sure we hand the right judgement out to set the precedent for the future.

With that being said, this is a gaming site, trash talk is expected, as Ron and many others have said you have a Foe button, use it. Then you wont have to tolerate trash talk from any player. The only reason this is getting looked at further by us is the possible racial side of trashing a person's origin of country.

Be patient let us collectively come to a decision and we will let you know. Stop the baiting and flaming in here or this will get locked.

and have a good day and enjoy your self in some games for crying out loud.

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Re: Mystique + Arish Babil, regarding Racial Abuse (Insult)

Postby ronsizzle on Mon Oct 19, 2009 7:56 pm

i agree with king sam almost 100 percent.

i could care less if someone roasts the us of a.

seriously? i dont think the person who made this complaint does either.

this claim is just trying to stir the pot.

i hope cc's stance is "foe, rate accordingly, and for the love of god, suck it up cupcake"
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Re: Mystique + Arish Babil, regarding Racial Abuse (Insult)

Postby hahaha3hahaha on Mon Oct 19, 2009 8:22 pm

You're not the only one who gets sick of self-righteous americans. Arish Babil is a good guy though, hes probably trying to impress the brigadier. Just ban Mystique, her head is too far up her ass to come back to earth.
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Re: Mystique + Arish Babil, regarding Racial Abuse (Insult)

Postby ronsizzle on Mon Oct 19, 2009 8:35 pm

what in the hell is racist about any of this? riddle me that.

he calls this person a loser, and said they hate canadians.

he is allowed to hate canadians. i hate french people. that is why we had freedom fries. wtf.

*waiting for someone to report me for saying i hate french people*
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Re: Mystique + Arish Babil, regarding Racial Abuse (Insult)

Postby hahaha3hahaha on Mon Oct 19, 2009 8:53 pm

ronc8649 wrote:what in the hell is racist about any of this? riddle me that.

he calls this person a loser, and said they hate canadians.

he is allowed to hate canadians. i hate french people. that is why we had freedom fries. wtf.

*waiting for someone to report me for saying i hate french people*

If this is directed at me, and I'm assuming it is....

I could give a flying f*ck about the racism (if you can even call it that), it's not even that bad at all. I myself am definately a racist. What pisses me off in this case is mystique's big head (not just in this particular case/game), and self-righteous americans who happen to think they are the greatest country in the world.
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Re: Mystique + Arish Babil, regarding Racial Abuse (Insult)

Postby ronsizzle on Mon Oct 19, 2009 9:05 pm

hahaha3hahaha wrote:
ronc8649 wrote:what in the hell is racist about any of this? riddle me that.

he calls this person a loser, and said they hate canadians.

he is allowed to hate canadians. i hate french people. that is why we had freedom fries. wtf.

*waiting for someone to report me for saying i hate french people*

If this is directed at me, and I'm assuming it is....

I could give a flying f*ck about the racism (if you can even call it that), it's not even that bad at all. I myself am definately a racist. What pisses me off in this case is mystique's big head (not just in this particular case/game), and self-righteous americans who happen to think they are the greatest country in the world.

it was not directed to you hahaha3. that is what this person is bitching about.
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Re: Mystique + Arish Babil, regarding Racial Abuse (Insult)

Postby prettyshaved on Mon Oct 19, 2009 11:04 pm

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Re: Mystique + Arish Babil, regarding Racial Abuse (Insult)

Postby owenshooter on Tue Oct 20, 2009 1:27 am

prettyshaved wrote:A RACE IS DEFINED BY PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND ETHNICITY BY EITHER ANCESTOR OR GEOGRAPHIC...ALL ARE EQUAL IN THE LAW. I think the poster was trying to say this, also the fact that MYSTIQUE is allowed to freely do this continually with most incidents unreported. Not a way to treat new players

It has not been proven across multiple games with multiple players. Don't creat evidence that does not exist... go find the unreported cases that you claim exist and have those members weigh in...-0
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Re: Mystique + Arish Babil, regarding Racial Abuse (Insult)

Postby xelabale on Tue Oct 20, 2009 3:11 am

I report all of you in this thread for being big meanies. You said mean things to each other which may cause irreparable psychological harm. You're all nasty and mean and it makes me want to cry.
Honestly, where does it end - soon it will go like this:

Windger: gl
Baybee: gla
Windger: gosh you were jolly lucky with the dice just then!
Baybee: reported. You are claiming I didn't win because of skill, rather because of luck. This has caused irreparable psychological harm.
Windger: reported. Claiming that I would do such a thing is hurtful.
CC: Both banned - this is a family WAR site, don't be so HURTFUL. (feel free to buy back in for only $25!!).
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Re: Mystique + Arish Babil, regarding Racial Abuse (Insult)

Postby ronsizzle on Tue Oct 20, 2009 3:42 am

xelabale wrote:I report all of you in this thread for being big meanies. You said mean things to each other which may cause irreparable psychological harm. You're all nasty and mean and it makes me want to cry.
Honestly, where does it end - soon it will go like this:

Windger: gl
Baybee: gla
Windger: gosh you were jolly lucky with the dice just then!
Baybee: reported. You are claiming I didn't win because of skill, rather because of luck. This has caused irreparable psychological harm.
Windger: reported. Claiming that I would do such a thing is hurtful.
CC: Both banned - this is a family WAR site, don't be so HURTFUL. (feel free to buy back in for only $25!!).

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Re: Mystique + Arish Babil, regarding Racial Abuse (Insult)

Postby chephren on Tue Oct 20, 2009 4:29 am

I live in Thailand.... if I say "I hate Thais" meaning the people of Thailand, then am I being racist? Of course I am.
Same applies to Chinese, Indians...meaning the people of China or the people of India...I won't go on.

How is "I hate Canadians" meaning the people of Canada, any less offensive than the above statements, which would all be racist?

I have never reported anyone for any type of behaviour but this "Mystique" object (he/she/it?) has "previous".... and it should not be tolerated....outrightly abusive to many many people on here.

I should add that Arish Babil should not be tarred with the same brush.

And no, I'm not Canadian.
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Re: Mystique + Arish Babil, regarding Racial Abuse (Insult)

Postby Megadeth666 on Tue Oct 20, 2009 7:19 am

Image Image

:lol: Most other countries are sick in the head anyways, cause they can't afford to go to the doctors :-$
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Re: Mystique + Arish Babil, regarding Racial Abuse (Insult)

Postby lord voldemort on Tue Oct 20, 2009 8:03 am

Ok, It has been decided that while we are very liberal by what is said in game chat. The insult is there, obviously. I don't think we have room for that kind of talk. The thing is, he didn't insult specifically, but generally. People will look at that game chat differently. Some may be offended, some may not. Too controversial and endless debates for it. I We can always tell them to make use of the foe option, but if it has been reported, well, we have to respond and have warned Mystique as we really do not need game talk like that. I agree that common sense prevails in this case. If you are intentionally or continually making this community less enjoyable for others, you're going to be removed from it. It's that simple. This applies to any part of the site where interaction takes place; in Forums, Private Messages, Live Chat and Game Chat.

That was said by King A (with slight paraphrasing)

However, Mystique has been busted with Lost Soul and Star Scream.
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Re: Mystique + Arish Babil, regarding Racial Abuse (Insult)

Postby trinicardinal on Tue Oct 20, 2009 8:24 am

lord voldemort wrote:Ok, It has been decided that while we are very liberal by what is said in game chat. The insult is there, obviously. I don't think we have room for that kind of talk. The thing is, he didn't insult specifically, but generally. People will look at that game chat differently. Some may be offended, some may not. Too controversial and endless debates for it. I We can always tell them to make use of the foe option, but if it has been reported, well, we have to respond and have warned Mystique as we really do not need game talk like that. I agree that common sense prevails in this case. If you are intentionally or continually making this community less enjoyable for others, you're going to be removed from it. It's that simple. This applies to any part of the site where interaction takes place; in Forums, Private Messages, Live Chat and Game Chat.

That was said by King A (with slight paraphrasing)

However, Mystique has been busted with Lost Soul and Star Scream.

lol...Multi to boot. I think a warning is in order though for Arish Babil (even if informally). That chat was not in the best of tastes.
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Re: Mystique + Arish Babil, regarding Racial Abuse [busted]

Postby Hamanu on Tue Oct 20, 2009 8:53 am

Mystique's comments were chauvinist (as in nationalist, not sexist) and that should have no place in a game that targets an international audience. Its different from racism by definition as it targets a different group (in this case non-US and specifically Canadians) but its still a "hate crime."

I guess the greatest punishment for this noob-farmer is that several of the games he was busted in will end up in a loss of points for him and that will ruin his precious win/loss ratio that he keeps on bragging about and lower his points somewhat.

I'd like to contribute to this punishment, but, seeing how I beat him twice I'm on his foe list.

In any case, serves him right. :)
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Re: Mystique + Arish Babil, regarding Racial Abuse [busted]

Postby cisco2001 on Tue Oct 20, 2009 9:07 am

Southern racists adopt "Canadian" as a euphemism for "black"
Posted by Cory Doctorow, January 27, 2008 12:10 AM | permalink
The Canadian National Post looks on with mild horror as American linguists report on the growing trend in the American south to use "Canadian" as a masking euphemism for black people, so that white racists can say socially inappropriate things without tipping listeners off about the cancer in their souls.

I was wondering how long is was going to take for somebody to notice that the word "Canadian" is being used in a more subtle way. That's what they were really saying......

Just do a little Google research. Am I the only one ,besides Mystique and Arish, that has ever heard of this?
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Re: Mystique + Arish Babil, regarding Racial Abuse [busted]

Postby chephren on Tue Oct 20, 2009 9:16 am

I thought cisco was kidding - but he's spot on. There are quite a few references out there. Posted a link above.
Well pointed out.
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Re: Mystique + Arish Babil, regarding Racial Abuse [busted]

Postby Snowgun on Tue Oct 20, 2009 10:14 am

So... whats the decision here, bagging on Canadians is now racist?

I'll accept that if bagging on Americans is racist as well. ;)

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Re: Mystique + Arish Babil, regarding Racial Abuse [busted]

Postby Snowgun on Tue Oct 20, 2009 10:21 am

Think the key here is:

"If you are intentionally or continually making this community less enjoyable for others, you're going to be removed from it."

So it has still been relegated to a grey area (and rightfully so). Punishment should be metted out based on repeated malicious slights to the CC community and not on any one specific infraction (unless it is very severe). The fact that the language implies that a reported incident will give more weight toward action is a little concerning, since it encourages all those tattle tales who can't find a foe button, but nothing is perfect.

Good ruling!
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Re: Mystique + Arish Babil, regarding Racial Abuse [busted]

Postby cisco2001 on Tue Oct 20, 2009 10:52 am

Snowgun wrote:So... whats the decision here, bagging on Canadians is now racist?

I'll accept that if bagging on Americans is racist as well. ;)


They were not being racist towards people from Canada. They were using the word "Canadian" as a slang word for black people. That is blatantly racist and there is no other way to look at it.
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Re: Mystique + Arish Babil, regarding Racial Abuse [busted]

Postby chephren on Tue Oct 20, 2009 11:00 am

cisco - the problem is you can't prove that's what he/she/it (Mystique) meant. Knowing his/her/it's previous record on here it wouldn't surprise me if that was the intention, but how do you prove that?

Anyway, he/she/it's been busted for being a multi (for the second time I believe) so we won't be hearing that particular strain of abuse from him/her/it again for a while.

Good decision mods
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Re: Mystique + Arish Babil, regarding Racial Abuse [busted]

Postby cisco2001 on Tue Oct 20, 2009 11:11 am

You're right; as there is no absolute way to prove what the intent of the commentary was supposed to be. However, using the word Canadian as a way to insult people from Canada does not make a lot of sense. Either the accused are somewhat stupid or they meant to say something else. As you mentioned, it's a mute point because they have already been sentenced.
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Re: Mystique + Arish Babil, regarding Racial Abuse [busted]

Postby TheProwler on Tue Oct 20, 2009 11:21 am

I've played a lot of games with Mystique and he often made comments about Canada and Canadians.

I just thought he had a bit of an inferiority complex and was trying to compensate.

I really don't think any Canadian should find his words offensive. We have a higher standard of living, cleaner air, less crime, better eduction, etc. etc. etc..

If I strapped on a pair of stilts, walked up all wobbly-legged to Shaq O'Neil, and called him "Shorty Shorty Shaq A Roni!!!" you think he'd be offended??
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Re: Mystique + Arish Babil, regarding Racial Abuse [busted]

Postby chephren on Tue Oct 20, 2009 11:26 am

TheProwler wrote:If I strapped on a pair of stilts, walked up all wobbly-legged to Shaq O'Neil, and called him "Shorty Shorty Shaq A Roni!!!" you think he'd be offended??

Now that there is funny in anyone's language.... =D> =D> =D>
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Re: Mystique + Arish Babil, regarding Racial Abuse [busted]

Postby jefjef on Tue Oct 20, 2009 8:03 pm


WOW. Sad. Really really sad.

Although a multi bust is good. Guess he'll buy back tomorrow.

1/2 a good job!
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
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