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Kick Jaime and Kayla off?

Total votes : 0

Postby Hitman079 on Tue Feb 13, 2007 9:22 pm

i just found out today kayla was married to jamie. i have nothing to say 'bout her since i see nothing wrong wiht her. jamie, on the other hand, well deserves the award for "Most Hated Idiot"
this poll is a bit is just different versions of saying "yes"
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Postby bigbobtheomega on Wed Feb 14, 2007 1:00 am

this is not a very open poll
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Postby The1exile on Wed Feb 14, 2007 2:00 am

That's life.

Considering that no-one has posted any contrary opinion, it's safe to assume that the proportion ofpeople believing jamie and kayle aren't <miscellaneous insult> is far greater than those who think they're nice people, or at the very worsty severely misunderstood.
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Postby mandalorian2298 on Wed Feb 14, 2007 12:27 pm

Jesse, Bad Boy wrote:We should permaban Jamie from the Social Lounge for spamming threads and the forum in general.

Banning him would be sinking to his level.
Mishuk gotal'u meshuroke, pako kyore.


Talapus wrote:I'm far more pissed that mandy and his thought process were right from the get go....damn you mandy.
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Postby Titanic on Wed Feb 14, 2007 2:20 pm

Dress him up as an American, and set him loose in Baghdad?
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Postby MR. Nate on Wed Feb 14, 2007 2:34 pm

I cannot defend Jamie. Really. The vast majority of what I have read from him is indefensable. He's not fun to laugh at, nor does he make valid defenses of his points. He generally says something inflamatory and follows it up with insults. I think my closest emotion is pity.

That being said, perhaps we could take less drastic measuers that silencing him forever. People have disliked me, and I would hate to be the next one banned. Perhaps we could limit him to not starting new threads, and perhaps, no more than 2 posts per day. Not that I think he will say something worthwhile, but I agree with mandalorian here.
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Postby mandalorian2298 on Wed Feb 14, 2007 4:07 pm

Serbia wrote:yep, supposedly... but doesn't that just fit?

I am still trying to figure out whom you have insulted my saying that :-k :twisted:
Mishuk gotal'u meshuroke, pako kyore.


Talapus wrote:I'm far more pissed that mandy and his thought process were right from the get go....damn you mandy.
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