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ny.scooby.doo [Warned]

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ny.scooby.doo [Warned]

Postby TheForgivenOne on Mon Oct 19, 2009 12:53 pm



The accused are suspected of:

Ratings Abuse

Game number(s):

Comments: Just looking at an opponents wall, when i clicked on this guys name after he left a comment. looked at the ratings he has left, and he seems to be abusing the ratings system. On the first page, he only left 3 all 5 stars, and all the rest were either 1 or 2 stars. Don't know if this is really bad or not. But it could be looked into. This appears to be a newer trend with him, as he did leave more 5 stars on the second page.
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Re: ny.scooby.doo

Postby jefjef on Mon Oct 19, 2009 1:30 pm

It's abuse. I know some of those players. They are by far better than 1 star stuff. It seems he is rating poorly to those that beat him. Rates high with those he teams with.

Warning for sure is due. Also when warnings are issued they should be required to withdraw the ratings that are the cause of the warning.

FOE time!

Good catch forgiven!
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
drunkmonkey wrote:I'm filing a C&A report right now. Its nice because they have a drop-down for "jefjef".
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Re: ny.scooby.doo

Postby darkangelsguy205 on Mon Oct 19, 2009 2:47 pm

jefjef wrote:It's abuse. I know some of those players. They are by far better than 1 star stuff. It seems he is rating poorly to those that beat him. Rates high with those he teams with.

Warning for sure is due. Also when warnings are issued they should be required to withdraw the ratings that are the cause of the warning.

FOE time!

Good catch forgiven!

i agree it should be a warning but the thing is that he can rate everyone 1 stars but he can do it just once i dont see the point of this being ileigale because its one rating what would it do thats why i dont rate
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Re: ny.scooby.doo

Postby king sam on Mon Oct 19, 2009 3:30 pm

This is ratings abuse and ny.scooby.doo has been Warned

For clarity to the community:

Ratings Abuse is where a user rates their opponents unjustifiably, haphazardly, and systematically, using the Ratings Tool in a destructive or inappropriate manner. Ratings Abuse will primarily come in the form of unusually Poor Ratings, though Ratings Abuse may also come in the form of unusually Excellent Ratings as well. Though we do not moderate Ratings generally, extreme abusive cases will be dealt with.

In this case the form of abuse comes from:
    * Repeatedly giving out inaccurate Ratings with no evidence to back up the Rating (I.E. Attaching deadbeat tags to multiple users though in no games with the user did they deadbeat).

Conquer Club's Rating system is a tool for users to enhance their gaming experience, and any extreme abuse of the system is prohibited.

If you have any further questions regarding the policy please refer to the community guidelines or ask a question in the GD thread.

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