Conquer Club

Jeopardy! Season 1 [Winner: DBandit70]

Tournaments completed in 2010.

Moderator: Tournament Directors

Re: Jeopardy! Season 1 (27/27) FULL

Postby Lufsen75 on Tue Oct 06, 2009 5:53 am

I won Game 5652734 in Round 11

I now want to play for countries 200
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Re: Jeopardy! Season 1 (27/27) FULL

Postby KidWhisky on Mon Oct 12, 2009 5:11 pm

I have won Game 5652761 for group H.

I will take countries for $400
Baby, When You Look This Good, You Don't Have To KNOW Anything.

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Re: Jeopardy! Season 1 (27/27) FULL

Postby denominator on Wed Nov 25, 2009 12:28 pm

I vote to keep going. I'm still game if everyone/anyone else is.
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Re: Jeopardy! Season 1 (27/27) FULL

Postby KidWhisky on Wed Nov 25, 2009 8:35 pm

I would vote to continue, either with ditto or another organiser. However I would be happy to start final jeopardy this round as well.
Baby, When You Look This Good, You Don't Have To KNOW Anything.

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Re: Jeopardy! Season 1 (27/27) FULL

Postby dittoeevee8888 on Fri Nov 27, 2009 11:42 pm

Since most of you opted for me to finish off this tournament with Final Jeopardy, here it is!

How it works is that you first bet any [or all] of the cash you've accumulated so far. If you have no money to your name, you are automatically eliminated. This you send to me by PM. [Anybody who posts it will be AUTOMATICALLY ELIMINATED & I WON'T CHECK THE POST THREAD FOR ANYTHING.] Afterwards, we play three [or two] games, depending on how many people there are in your group. I'd prefer if we'd play all three at once, but all group members must agree to it. If you win a game, you will not lose any money, but win your wagered amount. If you do NOT win a game, then you lose the amount you have wagered. It's in your best interests to win as many games as possible so that your opponents are more likely to lose money.

And of course, you get to see the category of maps we will play on for Final. Of course, this probably won't help you. Settings will be Automatic, Escalating, Chained, Sunny, Casual. [for speed].

Category: Cities

Please send me two things:
Whether or not you are able to play up to three games at a time,
Amount you want to wager [check viewtopic.php?f=91&t=50506 to see how much money you have.]

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Re: Jeopardy! Season 1 (27/27) FULL

Postby dittoeevee8888 on Thu Jan 07, 2010 12:05 am have finally been sent out for all groups. Some rearrangements were made, due to some people not responding [thus being automatically eliminated], but all things should run smoothly from now on.


EDIT: [since I didn't feel like making a post], two more games left to finish before I'll update, and we'll all get to see who the winner is! [probably early Feb., would be my estimation when the games would be finished.]
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Re: Jeopardy! Season 1 (27/27) FULL

Postby dittoeevee8888 on Fri Feb 05, 2010 12:07 am

Okaaaaaayyyy!~ Final results:

First off, [yeah, whatever :P not results yet. You can skip this part if you wish]; I'd like to thank ALL to those participated in this tournament. It was slow, but, most of those participated right now, stuck to the end, and I'm grateful for that.

And now the results :D

Group A:
goggles paisano - $1600 + $1600 = $3200
aspalm - $3600 + $3600 = $7200

Group B:
Bones2484 - $2800 + $2700 = $5500
knighthawk - $3800 [didn't play final Jeopardy]
MEK - $1000 [didn't play final Jeopardy]

Group C:
Lufsen75 - $6500 + $6500 = $13000
AtreidesHouse - $2000 - $2000 = 0
supposesublys - $3200 + $1600 = $4800

Group D:
harvmax - $1600 + 1400 = $3000
Gilligan - $1400 - $1399 = $1
reahma - $2600 + $1300 = $3900

Group E:
dustin800 - $5800 + $1200 = $7000
WPBRJ - $200 [didn't play final Jeopardy]
RedBaron0 - $2400 - $2400 = 0

Group F:
sd031091 - $4200 [playing final Jeopardy with Group A] - $4200 = 0

Group G:
denominator - $1700 + $1700 = $3400
DBandit70 - $7450 + $7400 = $14820
grant.gordon - $0 [didn't play final Jeopardy]

Group H:
KidWhisky - $3600 - $3600 = 0
HighlanderAttack - $1800 + $1800 = $3600
shoop76- $800 [didn't play final Jeopardy]

Group I:
poptartpsycho18 - $1600 + $1600 = $3200
amazzony - $2000 + $2000 = $4000
BrotherWolf - $3000 [didn't play final Jeopardy]

Final standings: [those who haven't played in Final Jeo. are automatically placed at end of list.

DBandit70 - $7450 + $7400 = $14820
Lufsen75 - $6500 + $6500 = $13000
aspalm - $3600 + $3600 = $7200
dustin800 - $5800 + $1200 = $7000
Bones2484 - $2800 + $2700 = $5500
supposesublys - $3200 + $1600 = $4800
amazzony - $2000 + $2000 = $4000
reahma - $2600 + $1300 = $3900
HighlanderAttack - $1800 + $1800 = $3600
denominator - $1700 + $1700 = $3400
poptartpsycho18 - $1600 + $1600 = $3200
goggles paisano - $1600 + $1600 = $3200
harvmax - $1600 + 1400 = $3000
Gilligan - $1400 - $1399 = $1
RedBaron0 - $2400 - $2400 = 0
AtreidesHouse - $2000 - $2000 = 0
KidWhisky - $3600 - $3600 = 0
sd031091 - $4200 [playing final Jeopardy with Group A] - $4200 = 0
BrotherWolf - $3000 [didn't play final Jeopardy]
knighthawk - $3800 [didn't play final Jeopardy]
MEK - $1000 [didn't play final Jeopardy]
WPBRJ - $200 [didn't play final Jeopardy]
shoop76- $800 [didn't play final Jeopardy]
grant.gordon - $0 [didn't play final Jeopardy]

Congrats to DBandit70 for winning with a grand total of $14820!
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Sergeant 1st Class dittoeevee8888
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