Against my better judgment, sign me up.

Moderator: Tournament Directors
barterer2002 wrote:There were 45 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
1. DJ Teflon
3. Tupence
4. Jobiwan
5. AndrewB
6. dragon dor
7. Diego_CR
8. HighlanderAttack
9. Witt13
10. RedBaron0
11. jsholty4690
12. bruno fountain
13. dtellis
14. gubarretto
15. danryan
16. Dieforasandwich
17. murphy16
18. manc
19. jricart
20. SuicidalSnowman
21. gegegray
22. SuicidalSnowman
23. harvmax
24. Darin44
25. keiths31
26. jielking
27. adam666
28. spidey
29. SFX!
30. Johnohue
31. Bones2484
32. jgazaille
33. n00blet
34. barterer2002
35. MyTurnToWin
36. Natascha
37. Zivel
38. mattattam
39. AfroDwarf
41. The Mantis
42. shoop76
43. amazzony
44. Enormastitz
45. johncusac
Timestamp: 2009-09-26 16:47:48 UTC
Edit to take out the two maps that appeared on the list.
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