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Postby JBK on Tue Feb 21, 2006 4:19 pm

I hate to be a frikken whiner / finger pointer, but this is interesting....maybe just buddies that have too much in common, but.........


Only play team doubles and I have not seen them logged on at the same time......

And before anyone checks up on me (I have told lack we have this setup), there are 5 of us to date from our small family business that all play - we have made a vow NEVER to play in the same game so there will NEVER be a question......trying to keep it real...... Thanks!
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So spaketh the Lord

Postby Jesus Christ on Tue Feb 21, 2006 11:08 pm

Mr. Iscariot and I are old friends and go way back. We have had a bit of a sketchy history, but we have put that all behind us now. And after looking at my game log, I just realized I have never even played a game with you. If you want to accuse Judas and I of cheating please either play a game with us or look at any one of our game logs and see that we play the games together. Thank you for your time and concern, my child. In my name we pray, Amen.

Jesus Christ
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Postby Judas Iscariot on Tue Feb 21, 2006 11:16 pm

As my old friend stated, we are friends from a long long time ago whence we once were enemies. After our bout of hatefulness, we made up and found our way to Conquer Club. We live next door to eachother here in Athens and play together on a daily basis. Lackattack can feel free to trace us all he wants and he will find exactly what we have stated here. Go with God my young man, for if you do not you will join me in hell.

Sincerely, The Betrayer of Jesus Christ, Judas Iscariot
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Postby JBK on Wed Feb 22, 2006 12:52 am

Well it's cool you guys do everything together, like play games and reply to posts....if you get off the sopboxes for a minute, you will notice my post was formatted in an acceptable Christian language and no accusations, simply stating facts and an unassuming assumption.,,,.many years of Catholic school talking here (not that that really means anything) - thanks for your answer and best wishes to you BOTH!!!!
Private 1st Class JBK
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Postby madeinchinain85 on Wed Feb 22, 2006 12:59 am

"2006-02-20 21:48:09 - jraym, JonasKBlack won the game
2006-02-20 21:48:09 - Judas Iscariot loses 17 points
2006-02-20 21:48:09 - Jesus Christ loses 17 points
2006-02-20 21:48:09 - jraym was a deadbeat
2006-02-20 21:48:09 - JonasKBlack was a deadbeat"

from game 4296

:shock: serious WTF business going on there, the ending is just the tip of the iceberg. For starters the opposing team is also behaving just as erratically (moving at the same time, it's almost as if it was a realtime game?). There are three options here:

a) They know each other in real life and play together/against each other. This doesn't bother me at all (since I play with and against people I know IRL). This only becomes a problem if they bring alliances into a FFA game which they have in game 4373. I would like to point out that they are ALWAYS playing together at the same time. Which is to say the least, ODD.

b) He's playing from 2 different computers at the same time (in the case of 4269, if he was also the opposing team, 4 computers at the same time). Which would explain how the can make moves for each player at nearly the same time.

c) He's hacking

And Judas/Jesus, JFK mention he plays with his family so it is probably one of his familiy members that faced you.
M@de in China
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Postby madeinchinain85 on Wed Feb 22, 2006 1:05 am

hmm, digging into jraym and JonasKBlack (players from game 4296), show similar playing patterns (as well as some legal tactics that I should steal for my own :-p). It might be nothing, but Lack should probably check out all 4 of these guys just to be sure.
M@de in China
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Postby JBK on Wed Feb 22, 2006 1:33 am

Hey China - thanks for taking the time to look at my potential observation of this you must have seen, I have never played against this / these players....mine was simply an observation that came from looking at their names after seeing one of them listed as order for you to look into ME, which I think you said lackattack should do (I am hoping it is my mistake), here is the info so you may do it yourself in your free time........the owner of the comapny (complete with website and phone numbers and address on the owner's profile) has 2 kids and 2 employees that play; we all take turns a the same time when possible, but when not possible, we take turns at each others names......NONE OF US HAS EVER PLAYED IN THE SAME GAME NOR WILL WE AS WE RESPECT THIS SITE. Here are the user names for your research (which we have communicated with thru Lackattack and which must obviously be tied together in our network / logon history with lack - we have nothing to hide):


Don't piss off Bob....Best wishes to the field-

Love the site....interested to hear feedback.....
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Postby supermarcol on Wed Feb 22, 2006 1:53 am

The difficult part with identifying cheaters is to prevent it becoming a witch hunt. Many of us get excited when we find potential cheaters and start throwing accusations (not that you did, I did :mrgreen: ). It turns out the person I accused was a cheater, but I had no way of knowing for sure, just serious doubts. I dont want this place to be a witch hunt for cheaters, but I dont want it to be overrun by them. I guess we have to keep exposing potential cheaters while remaining civilized.

Just a general comment for everyone, nothing to do with this particular case.
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Postby JBK on Wed Feb 22, 2006 2:03 am

Hey Super - am I mistaken or have I seen you post in French? Being an ignorant redneck american, I could not assume what language is prevealent in Q.......thanks for the wise post.....I happened to minor in French in college (which drove my damn gradepoint down!!!!) and have many relatives in Suisse.....not that any of this matters, but I would love the opportunity to exercise my parle one of these's been 21 years...ouch.

Best to you-
Private 1st Class JBK
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Postby supermarcol on Wed Feb 22, 2006 12:21 pm

Haha! Yes, french can be a bitch. Even for native speakers like me. We should get a doubles game together, as soon as one of my 4 spots frees that is. And theres nothing wrong with being an ignorant redneck as long as you don't talk around as if you know everything :wink: .

Nice day to you
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Postby JBK on Wed Feb 22, 2006 1:22 pm

Je ne sai pas rien....c'est tres difficile pour moi....merci!

Ouch...crap, that hurt my head! It's refreshing to talk at ya after starting this thread about those zekes (ie hosers) each his own, eh?

Thanks for the invite - I would be honored to play in a doubles...honing my skills on that front so I need all the help I can get....I am about a day or so away from having an opening...

Bon chance mon ami - Je voudrais un Kokanee....mmmmmmmmm
Private 1st Class JBK
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Postby Evroccck on Wed Feb 22, 2006 2:08 pm

hate to be a frikken whiner / finger pointer, but this is interesting....maybe just buddies that have too much in common, but.........


Only play team doubles and I have not seen them logged on at the same time......

I'm playing this ass-hat now and he has been holding for a day now.
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Postby geniusxboy on Wed Feb 22, 2006 2:27 pm

This guy won't even end his turn when he is online and in the room chatting to us in his old english role playing bullcrap speaking
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Postby Jesus Christ on Wed Feb 22, 2006 3:15 pm

Judas and I just beat you two (geniusxboy and Evrocck) in a game in which 80% of it took place real time. Still want to complain about us? Praise the Lord.
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Postby Jesus Christ on Wed Feb 22, 2006 3:21 pm

Dearest Madeinchina,

Judas and I send our most sincere of apologies. We entered game 4373 ratehr hastily and the only way we can get out of it is if were dead beats. FURTHER MORE:

"No secret alliances. You must announce any alliance in the game chat."

We did just that. I will not recieve any points for game 4373 and that is why we did what we did. Please, we beg for you humble forgiveness.

Yours in Me,

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Postby madeinchinain85 on Wed Feb 22, 2006 3:27 pm

Why are you guys talking to me as if I had any power? I just like to analyze tihngs and telling you guys what I think.
M@de in China
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Postby lackattack on Tue Mar 14, 2006 9:39 pm

Okay, I finally investigated this foursome and reached the following conclusions:

Jesus Christ and JonasKBlack are multiple accounts. They have been warned and banned from playing together.

Judas Iscariot and jraym are multiple accounts. They have been warned and banned from playing together.
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Postby Marvaddin on Wed Mar 15, 2006 2:39 pm

Lack, are you allowing people to have more than 1 account? Are they only banned from playing together?
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