isaiah40 wrote:Move Canadian capital from Lakehead to Victoria
nice one. this is in line with the trend of a shift in power to the west.
jefjef wrote:Quebec... 3 terts to secure the border from 3 terts that can attack... It's where I would start for sure as it is.
captainwalrus wrote:There should be a pirate route from Nova Scotia to Labrador.
the map is missing something huge: newfoundland! ... image_viewthere's not enough room to show all of it, just the western part. newfoundland provides a natural link between nova scotia and labrador. labrador is english-speaking and relations with québec province can often be very prickly. ... rador.htmlgiven the choice, newfoundland and labrador would much rather join up with new england than with québec, so it's appropriate to put them in the new england zone. to keep the number of regions the same, merge natashquan (whose population in 2006 was 264) with québec. the capital obviously needs to be moved from labrador to québec. ... ll&Custom=this is reasonable for gameplay too, especially if u remove the gaspé-natashquan link and reduce the république du québec bonus to +2. i know the calculators show +3 for a 4-region bonus with its attributes, but it is in a corner and therefore puts the holder in a powerful position in any multi-player game.
lt_oddball wrote:The boat icons you don't like, but the sea attack routes (like the one on the California peninsula !) are ok ?
the gulf of california stops short of the current mexico-usa border, so why does it separate san diego from arizona, leaving arrows to connect them? u lose both of the pointless orange arrow routes on the california peninsula and draw the gulf of california correctly, then it doesn't detract from gameplay.
i like the fact that most of the smaller bonus zones are in the middle, so that the grab-one-zone-then-stack strategy doesn't work very well.
jefjef wrote:How about a connecting tert from cuba to the bottom AMEXICO tert.
long-distance sea routes are not part of the character of this map. we can make cuba more difficult to grab by adding a mickey mouse region on one side of mid-florida (but keeping miami connected to jacksonville to avoid a "rail florida" set-up).
barterer2002 wrote:I'm wondering if Canada should be split into East and West. As it is, its an Asia type of continent that will never get held or even attempted by most players.
Evil DIMwit wrote:As for Canada: There's nothing wrong with having an Asia-type continent.
canada is not an asia-type continent. it has 8 border regions! i suggest renaming fort albany (population 5 hardy souls!) as timmins and merging kenora with lakehead (i recognise the name thunder bay more than lakehead, maybe because the airport is called thunder bay, or maybe because lakehead could be referring to any lake, but i'll defer to local knowledge!). ... ll&Custom=this will reduce the number of border regions to 7 and make canada more playable.