doningarden wrote:Accused:
theharrisThe accused are suspected of:
User made the following post to my Wall after playing game 5621484:
by theharris
on Sun Sep 20, 2009 8:07 am
Started name calling during game that I was cheating and controlling the dice. After doing 4 minutes of research he does the same in most speed games in which he loses. The following are examples of games where he's cried of cheating and verbally abused his opponents:
Game number(s):
Game 5621484,
Game 5621495,
Game 5618842,
Game 5618774Game 5616325.
Game 5607958,
Game 5596831,
Game 5595856Game 5582553,
Game 5581638,
Game 5621495,
Game 5243052Game 5236080,
Game 4251489,
Game 5167147,
Game 5161210Game 5151067,
Game 4251952For every jerk that you continue to let use your site you lose 10 people who get sick of it.
Your going to experience players like this from time to time. Not condoning his actions that he has done in game chat but in most cases the best thing to do is to
Foe and/or
Rate Accordingly when you run across another player like this.
Which I still recommend you do. Now in this case this user has taken it to the extreme and most that have continually done this have received
Warning's and Temporary Vacations if the
Warning's were not heeded..
From a recent search on his username I couldn't find any claim that has been made on him up to this point. Seeing as this is his first reported infraction the most likely result will be an official
Warning for him not to continue on with this sort of behavior. Its lewd and it is not in good taste and definitely not conducive to an enjoyable gaming environment. So you have done the right thing by reporting it here.
However, the actions you did prior to this report can be viewed as Baiting him in an argument that caused the Wall Post and could result in a
Warning for you as well.
In the beginning of your game he made comments about the game/dice being unfair. Poor form on his part but no real offense had really occurred at this point. Understandably so once you heard this from him you researched his gaming history. But your reaction to this is what has caused you to border line Flame bait him.
Wall comment was made after that last post
theharris wall post wrote:Sun Sep 20, 2009 9:07 am - JERKOFF MOTHERFUCKER PLAY ME AND DIE
My point is his actions should result in a
Warning to him to not continue down this line of behavior, but yours should as well.
King Sam