jefjef wrote:Slowing down a game in which you have 24 hours to move, if you chose to move, is not revenge when faced with cheating. Simple as that. Especially if multi is suspected. If multi is the case than they should not be playing anyway. (I realize this is not a multi case)
IMO. A report is necessary when faced with someone cheating so if it keeps happening it can be properly addressed.
A foreign dialog in re of strategies and diplomacies is specifically not allowed if not all players speak that language.
A warning for sure is due.
Keep up the quality work King S!!
That's fair enough, I guess we just disagree on whether this really constitutes cheating. Not a multi, not a secret alliance, not really secret diplomacy, but certainly breaking an element of that rule.
I still think that he could have mentioned it in the chat before asking the mods that they be disqualified for cheating, especially while the game is in play. Seems like an attempt to intimidate opponents in to playing a different type of game. He's asking for them to have their points stripped or be kicked.
Here's the rest of the log to this point though:
2009-09-20 15:19:15 - Midknightshadow: lol, I see you brought in your very own translator ;o)
2009-09-20 18:14:22 - OVER: yeah , i also reported you both for cheating .
2009-09-20 22:11:48 - donjuanp8: report all u want, u made a truce with red first. If you read the game log, u will see that we still attack each other unlike green and red. u have not attacked each other in the last few turns.
2009-09-20 22:13:32 - donjuanp8: also,get a good translator because yellow did not ask for la plata, he offered it to me. but as you can see in the log, i did mot take it because it is not in my best intrest.
2009-09-20 22:16:05 - donjuanp8: the log has all the info so quit complaining.
2009-09-21 04:14:25 - Midknightshadow: Your own translator said "something about they have to to win...since the other guys truced" you brought it on yourselves.
Anyway, I'll leave this argument up to the mods now. It seems like all the info is here for a decision.
I'll just leave this awesome quote that I read two days ago. It's from a book about the human desire to play games, Homo Ludens by Johan Huizinga:
"As soon as the rules are broken, the world of play disintegrates. Play ends, the player who resists the rules or seeks to avoid them is the spoilsport. The spoilsport is entirely different from the cheat. The latter pretends to play the game. He acknowledges the magic circle of play but only on the surface. The community of players forgives him more easily than it forgives the spoilsport, because the spoilsport destroys their world itself. By withdrawing from play he reveals the relativity and fragility of that world of play into which he had locked himself temporarily, together with his fellow players. That is why he must be destroyed, because he threatens the very existence of that community of play."
Kind of applies to both parties in this one. OP thinks it's a case of cheating, but on the other side the OP is being a spoilsport by withdrawing from play. Either way the game is spoiled. Awesome book though.