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trboye and ivanbuba [cleared]

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trboye and ivanbuba [cleared]

Postby shoop76 on Wed Sep 16, 2009 10:33 pm



The accused are suspected of:

Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

Game 5466197

Comments: It is clear that these 2 were working together in this game. The strange thing is they have never played in a game together before. It seems more of an issue of national pride (they are both from Serbia). If you look back at the game log they never attack each other except for once early on when Red takes a territory from pink to take a bonus area. Consequently he writes something in the game chat in his native tongue. Then for the rest of the game they do not attack one another even though they share a border for many rounds and make sure no one else holds a bonus.

The strange thing is, is that this was a tournament final game hosted by one of the players involved.

This comment was left on ivanbuba's wall by trboye 'Napao sam te tamo u Dianu, da me ne cackas stalno! ' No idea what it means.

Also find it strange that this is the only tournament that Ivanbuba has ever played in. None before and none after.
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Re: trboye and ivanbuba

Postby BoganGod on Thu Sep 17, 2009 2:20 pm

Looks pretty strange.
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Re: trboye and ivanbuba

Postby HaireWolf1 on Thu Sep 17, 2009 2:51 pm

I used a translator and the rough translation came back as this: 'Napao alone you there from Diana , yes me do not cackas continuously
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Re: trboye and ivanbuba

Postby freakns on Thu Sep 17, 2009 3:14 pm

shoop76 wrote:Accused:


The accused are suspected of:

Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

Game 5466197

Comments: It is clear that these 2 were working together in this game. The strange thing is they have never played in a game together before. It seems more of an issue of national pride (they are both from Serbia). If you look back at the game log they never attack each other except for once early on when Red takes a territory from pink to take a bonus area. Consequently he writes something in the game chat in his native tongue. Then for the rest of the game they do not attack one another even though they share a border for many rounds and make sure no one else holds a bonus.

The strange thing is, is that this was a tournament final game hosted by one of the players involved.

This comment was left on ivanbuba's wall by trboye 'Napao sam te tamo u Dianu, da me ne cackas stalno! ' No idea what it means.

Also find it strange that this is the only tournament that Ivanbuba has ever played in. None before and none after.

translation from game chat:
"trboye, this is getting on my nerves... god knows how long it will last"
translation from wall:
"ive attacked you in Diana so you cant poke me from there!"

now, id like to accuse shoop76 of secret diplomacy between him and every american he played a game with. i guess it is enough to accuse someone these days... and dont talk about Serbian pride anymore, you have no right to do so.
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Re: trboye and ivanbuba

Postby HardAttack on Thu Sep 17, 2009 3:33 pm

Freakns is my very trusty friend, and also serbian, therefore his translation is precise.
Due to translation, there is not much to burn the forest, seems two serbian guys who doesnt speak of english spoke of a few words on their own language. Based on translation freakns made, it looks like to be innocent.

No need to be in paranoia to interpret anything you dont understand to be secret diplomacy or so. There are a lot of serbians in this site, such freakns, such as Barterer2002... First ask them what those words mean which might help you that those words had nothing to do with secret dimplomacy.

Additionally, if they would liked to conduct secret diplomacy, they wouldnt do it in public chat or using walls, but they would do it via PMing eash other. They are not that stupid i believe :)
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Re: trboye and ivanbuba

Postby shoop76 on Thu Sep 17, 2009 8:19 pm

Freakns, I'm sorry if I offended you or any other Serbians, that was certainly not my intention, and also certainly not why I accused these 2 of secret diplomacy.

It didn't become clear to me until near the end of the game that these 2 were working together. Pink and red were breaking everyone's bonus and neglecting each other. They could have easily broken each other's bonuses on many occassions, but instead chose to go after other players every round.

I went back later and looked and there was only one attack made on each other and that was so red could gain a bonus. Didn't really think anything of that or the Serbian chat until I saw how things unfolded at the end.

At one point red says he attacked teal because he felt threatened by him. Explain to me how he does not feel threatened by the 2 bonuses pink is holding, 1 of them being on a border they share.

The answer is easy he didn't feel threatened because they had a secret alliance.
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Re: trboye and ivanbuba

Postby trboye on Thu Sep 17, 2009 10:45 pm

No secret diplomacy!

I'm waiting my chance to win this game, and win!

Every "no spoils" game is so similar, and always is happen this things!

I was a victim in more games and i'm not writing in this forum about this!

In a game of 2 dutch, or canadian, or US player, and one from any other country, in the final, who is be first out?

I'm loosing until today 382 games, and always congrats the other players, whatever the game was!
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Re: trboye and ivanbuba

Postby king achilles on Fri Sep 18, 2009 12:11 am

This is cleared. Still, ivanbuba has been reminded about the rules and be more mindful on how to conduct posting in the game chat. If you feel these two players did had a secret diplomacy in your game, feel free to leave the appropriate ratings for them.
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Re: trboye and ivanbuba [cleared]

Postby cille on Fri Sep 18, 2009 1:11 pm

Ovo je samo igra i zato igrajte. Da si se malo vise bavio taktikom a ne tajnom diplomatijom mozda bi i nesto napravio na ovom turniru. Posebno iritiraju likovi kao npr Furundzija Bogan gad sa kojim sam imao priliku da igrami koji celu paritiju nesto kuka i zapomaze lelece ko bab narikaca, a sad se naso pametan da komentarise tudju igru (malti ko maksim po diviziji) To sto imas majorski cin neznaci da si popio svu pamet sveta i da znas da je u Srbiji major nizi cin od starijeg vodnika. I na kraju da zakljucim starom narodnom izrekom "u se i u svoje kljuse" nemoj da cmizdris i nego igraj.
I kad naucis neki svetski jezik kao npr srpski razumeces sve sto sam napisao, da me Vuk Karadzic ziv Google bi bio mnogo bolji.
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Re: trboye and ivanbuba [cleared]

Postby Qwert on Sun Sep 20, 2009 5:50 pm

ivanbuba: jbt, trboze, pa ovo mene smara...ko zna koliko ce ovo da traje...!!!

This is only question to trboye,something like"This is boring ......who knows how long will this last?!"-mine free transation(im not so good on english).
In wall-freak give good translation. Well i dont see any secret alliance here.
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