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Fractured America [Quenched]

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Re: Fractured America - *Updated V4.7* - pg.10

Postby keiths31 on Thu Sep 17, 2009 2:22 pm

This map looks really cool. I like that Thunder Bay is represented on another map...but if we are role playing, could you think about maybe changing it from "Thunder Bay" to "Lakehead"? The area was and still is known as the Lakehead (our university is named Lakehead University among many other things) In fact the city would have been named Lakehead if it wasn't for a fixed vote in 1970 when the two cities of Fort William and Port Arthur were forced to amalgamate. Just a thought...
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Re: Fractured America - *Updated V4.7* - pg.10

Postby kingpin01 on Thu Sep 17, 2009 2:31 pm

Are KY and WV separate territories? Neither of them have an army circle on them.

Everything else looks good. I'm looking forward to playing this map.
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Re: Fractured America - *Updated V4.7* - pg.10

Postby WidowMakers on Thu Sep 17, 2009 3:24 pm

If michigan is confusing, just make the 2 pieces touch. Unless the Machinack bridge is gone in 2040.
Then maybe make the upper part of Wisconsin.
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Re: Fractured America - *Updated V4.7* - pg.10

Postby colton24 on Thu Sep 17, 2009 3:32 pm

Fuckin Awesome! Fastest a map in the drafting room has been stickied.
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Mr. Squirrel wrote:
pmchugh wrote:BUMP- one more fool needed :mrgreen:

One fool reporting for duty!

Been around for too long...said things that shouldn't have been said...but all that has changed
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Re: Fractured America - *Updated V4.7* - pg.10

Postby lt_oddball on Thu Sep 17, 2009 4:00 pm

I am a bit late to pop by.. but I am laughing it off with this map :D =D>

Trouble is that everyone has a different view on what elements must be represented and what has the same view on the future ;)

So here is my 2 cents:

To have islamists around San Francisco..wellll... wouldn't the chinese influence be much much bigger in that region?
I do miss a Chinese (Falung Gong movement states) element.
You can always fit in a small "Sharia free state" in some secluded areas.

And Canada is still awfully big.... I am sure you can fit in a Native American Free Spirit States somewhere there.

Also the Aztec/mexican zone is quite large.
You can separate a Drug Cartel ("Sinaloa Drug Cartel Control") in that area.
((I see you have the Sinaloa already mentioned...))

Some people representing the Green movement are often times quite violent..why not give them a "free state"?
"Earth liberation front".

just to name a few alternatives :)
Last edited by lt_oddball on Thu Sep 17, 2009 4:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fractured America - *Updated V4.7* - pg.10

Postby porkenbeans on Thu Sep 17, 2009 4:01 pm

FU Isaiah. your "birther", nut -job, politics are transparent, and I wished that all of you wacko doodles would stop breeding. :twisted:
If this Tea bag crap is allowed to stand, I will push for equal time by making a map that depicts you crazies for what you are.
For those that do not understand my indignation, The regions that swept the last elections are depicted as Commies or Muslims. Get over it. Your side lost. It is exactly these views that you maintain, that are the reason for your defeat. You ARE the past, and you WILL be buried in the past, ...eventually.
Last edited by porkenbeans on Thu Sep 17, 2009 4:53 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Fractured America - *Updated V4.7* - pg.10

Postby jefjef on Thu Sep 17, 2009 4:02 pm

WidowMakers wrote:If michigan is confusing,
Then maybe make the upper part of Wisconsin.

Most every state has new borders... Yep make upper Mich part of Wisc.
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
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Re: Fractured America - *Updated V4.7* - pg.10

Postby barterer2002 on Thu Sep 17, 2009 4:20 pm

I haven't looked in for a while and you've done great work making it much more readable over the past couple of weeks.

I tend to look more at game play than graphics so a couple of questions on that.

1). I'm wondering if Canada should be split into East and West. As it is, its an Asia type of continent that will never get held or even attempted by most players. Splitting it into 2 conts (5 and 6 tert) will make it more of something that may be useful to someone.

2) I know I don't talk graphics but I can't see the army circles in Freeman or in the WV/KY terts. I wonder how well the yellow colored armies will look in the Freeman area.

3). I wonder if there should be a connection between Cuba and the Aztlan Empire. It seems to me that Cuba is the place to start at the moment.

4). I assume that the lakes are as impassable as the rivers except for the state of Michigan?

Other than these minor things this map looks like a lot of fun.
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Re: Fractured America - *Updated V4.7* - pg.10

Postby Evil DIMwit on Thu Sep 17, 2009 5:12 pm

As for Canada: There's nothing wrong with having an Asia-type continent. Asia on the classic map is not a mistake; the point is that it is big and hard to hold. There are plenty of smaller continents around so if Canada isn't your thing no one is making you play on that side of the map.
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Re: Fractured America - *Updated V4.7* - pg.10

Postby Danyael on Thu Sep 17, 2009 6:43 pm

looking better and better great job =D>
Graphically it is looking ready for alittle tweak here and there
-your arrows fit in nicely now no longer an eyesore
-I'm not sure why people are having issues with Michigan isn't it the same way on the usa map
maybe over lap both parts with the army circle and this should solve it but merging it with WI
would work as well
-Area 51 is this connected to Arizona?
maybe make that a single mountain and open it up a little to make it more obvious
-The mountains on NC near the GA border could be moved down a little so its clearly blocking
the border
-I don't see any major colour blindness issues i'm pretty bad but not every colour blind person
is the same the only part that might cause confusion for us colour cripples would be the
legend but if they know a little bit of the geography and American knowledge it the names
should make enough sense to clarify
-Love the title font totally suits it
-your setting text is great Its good slightly askew
-I think your bonus might be a little high for some areas
have you used any of the bonus spread sheets as they are not perfect for every map it would
help give you a basic idea of what the values should be around
-I don't think the probabilites are too high concerning the capitals on a lucky drop
but i think a gameplay expert would be better help on what you would do about that
Once again this Map is looking great you have done an excellent job keep it up
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Re: Fractured America - *Updated V4.7* - pg.10

Postby isaiah40 on Thu Sep 17, 2009 7:51 pm

TA DA! Version 4.8 has appeared!

- Turned the attack arrow from vertical to horizontal per thenobodies suggestion
- Merged Upper Michigan with WI
- Moved mountains between TN, NC, and SC to show a clear impassable
- Moved bottom mountain to show that AZ and Area 51 are connected
- Put black outline around army circles
- Changed bright yellow for Freemen to a darker yellow (hopefully this helps in seeing the yellow numbers which I put in for your comments)

That is it for now.

Things I'm working on:
- The possibility of an attack rout between Cuba and Aztlan Empire
- Considering splitting Canada in two and adding another capital so they can be starting points for an 8 player game
- Maybe renaming some territories

Let me know!

Click image to enlarge.
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Re: Fractured America - *Updated V4.8* - pg.11

Postby Danyael on Thu Sep 17, 2009 8:01 pm

isaiah40 wrote:Things I'm working on:
- The possibility of an attack rout between Cuba and Aztlan Empire
- Considering splitting Canada in two and adding another capital so they can be starting points for an 8 player game
- Maybe renaming some territories

the new route might be neat but no arrow for that please maybe a non bonus island jail?(first thing that came to mind) but not like alcatraz on san francisco
the more i think of a stratagy for this map I think Canada should stay as is
why would you want to change the names they are great as is most common knowledge names so people can familiarize themself easier and I belive the areas and territ names add great humor and add the charm to this fictional map(or at least a skewed future vision)
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Re: Fractured America - *Updated V4.7* - pg.10

Postby isaiah40 on Thu Sep 17, 2009 8:10 pm

keiths31 wrote:This map looks really cool. I like that Thunder Bay is represented on another map...but if we are role playing, could you think about maybe changing it from "Thunder Bay" to "Lakehead"? The area was and still is known as the Lakehead (our university is named Lakehead University among many other things) In fact the city would have been named Lakehead if it wasn't for a fixed vote in 1970 when the two cities of Fort William and Port Arthur were forced to amalgamate. Just a thought...

Could be done since this map is in the future, why not!
Danyael wrote:looking better and better great job =D>

Thank you!
-I'm not sure why people are having issues with Michigan isn't it the same way on the usa map
maybe over lap both parts with the army circle and this should solve it but merging it with WI
would work as well

Merged with WI
-Area 51 is this connected to Arizona?

Yes it is
-The mountains on NC near the GA border could be moved down a little so its clearly blocking
the border

-I think your bonus might be a little high for some areas
have you used any of the bonus spread sheets as they are not perfect for every map it would
help give you a basic idea of what the values should be around

I have a spreadsheet and the bonuses are what the spreadsheet suggested except for the Republicans I added 1 for the fact that 1)Iowa being the capital, is connected to 4 territories, and 2) the Republican bonus is connected to 8 territories
Once again this Map is looking great you have done an excellent job keep it up

And once again Thank you!
barterer2002 wrote:I haven't looked in for a while and you've done great work making it much more readable over the past couple of weeks.

I tend to look more at game play than graphics so a couple of questions on that.

1). I'm wondering if Canada should be split into East and West. As it is, its an Asia type of continent that will never get held or even attempted by most players. Splitting it into 2 conts (5 and 6 tert) will make it more of something that may be useful to someone.

For now I think it will stay that way unless a few more people would like it done that way. For right now I am also running out of color choices that are not close together for those that have some level of color blindness.
2) I know I don't talk graphics but I can't see the army circles in Freeman or in the WV/KY terts. I wonder how well the yellow colored armies will look in the Freeman area.

I changed the color of the Freemen bonus and put 88 in the army circles so everyone can tell me if it will work. As for WV and KY, ooooops, when I was dropping the opacity I missed a number so hence it ended up way too low :oops:

3). I wonder if there should be a connection between Cuba and the Aztlan Empire. It seems to me that Cuba is the place to start at the moment.

I was thinking that myself, and again I'll wait to see what others think of that idea!

4). I assume that the lakes are as impassable as the rivers except for the state of Michigan?

Upper Michigan and WI have now been merged :)

Other than these minor things this map looks like a lot of fun.

Well let's get this thing quenched (am I thinking too far in advance? :lol: )

To oddball - All your suggestions are very good (where were you at the beginning?) Oh well, right now I could possibly change a couple of bonus names, but beyond that, I'm running out of contrasting colors :(
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Re: Fractured America - *Updated V4.8* - pg.11

Postby jefjef on Thu Sep 17, 2009 8:11 pm

Since there are only 5 entry terts into Aztlan(mexico) you may

A: want to reduce the bonus value

B: Add a Cuba route

C:Split it into 2 bonus regions.
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Re: Fractured America - *Updated V4.8* - pg.11

Postby isaiah40 on Thu Sep 17, 2009 8:12 pm

Danyael wrote:
isaiah40 wrote:Things I'm working on:
- The possibility of an attack rout between Cuba and Aztlan Empire
- Considering splitting Canada in two and adding another capital so they can be starting points for an 8 player game
- Maybe renaming some territories

the new route might be neat but no arrow for that please maybe a non bonus island jail?(first thing that came to mind) but not like alcatraz on san francisco
the more i think of a stratagy for this map I think Canada should stay as is
why would you want to change the names they are great as is most common knowledge names so people can familiarize themself easier and I belive the areas and territ names add great humor and add the charm to this fictional map(or at least a skewed future vision)

I was thinking of changing the Islamic States to Sierra Club, now that might be interesting :D
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Re: Fractured America - *Updated V4.7* - pg.10

Postby isaiah40 on Thu Sep 17, 2009 8:16 pm

porkenbeans wrote:FU Isaiah. your "birther", nut -job, politics are transparent, and I wished that all of you wacko doodles would stop breeding. :twisted:
If this Tea bag crap is allowed to stand, I will push for equal time by making a map that depicts you crazies for what you are.
For those that do not understand my indignation, The regions that swept the last elections are depicted as Commies or Muslims. Get over it. Your side lost. It is exactly these views that you maintain, that are the reason for your defeat. You ARE the past, and you WILL be buried in the past, ...eventually.

Congratualtions! you just exercised your 1st amendment right to free speech! I appreciate that :D If you want to create a map of right wing extremists, go ahead as it is a great idea, I'll even help you with it if you want. I mean it, it sounds like it would be a fun map! If you didn't notice I have both sides of the fence on this map, socialists, muslims, christians, mormons, militia, heck I even got the Italian mob on here! Although you probably didn't see that did you?

AS I said if you want some help in making an right wing extremist map I'll honestly help you!
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Re: Fractured America - *Updated V4.8* - pg.11

Postby Danyael on Thu Sep 17, 2009 8:30 pm

isaiah40 wrote:I was thinking of changing the Islamic States to Sierra Club, now that might be interesting :D

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Re: Fractured America - *Updated V4.7* - pg.10

Postby porkenbeans on Thu Sep 17, 2009 8:49 pm

isaiah40 wrote:
porkenbeans wrote:FU Isaiah. your "birther", nut -job, politics are transparent, and I wished that all of you wacko doodles would stop breeding. :twisted:
If this Tea bag crap is allowed to stand, I will push for equal time by making a map that depicts you crazies for what you are.
For those that do not understand my indignation, The regions that swept the last elections are depicted as Commies or Muslims. Get over it. Your side lost. It is exactly these views that you maintain, that are the reason for your defeat. You ARE the past, and you WILL be buried in the past, ...eventually.

Congratualtions! you just exercised your 1st amendment right to free speech! I appreciate that :D If you want to create a map of right wing extremists, go ahead as it is a great idea, I'll even help you with it if you want. I mean it, it sounds like it would be a fun map! If you didn't notice I have both sides of the fence on this map, socialists, Muslims, christians, mormons, militia, heck I even got the Italian mob on here! Although you probably didn't see that did you?

AS I said if you want some help in making an right wing extremist map I'll honestly help you!
You are making that map now. Yes I saw the mob. Like I said before, every area that voted Obama you have seen fit to demonize. Why did you not show the republicans as war monger Nazis ? The bible belt as the Klan ?
Look brother, If you want to make a political map, that is cool, but use the parties real names, and or affiliations. Demonizing your political opponents and referring to them as Commies, socialists and Muslims, is an attitude that is getting way out of hand as of late. This is bringing out our lesser angels. The whack-jobs think that it is now OK to act out in public this way. It IS inciting the less intelligent among us to insurrection. This is NOT putting a smile on our lord Jesus's face. This is a very serious thing. Will you not be happy until Those two little girls in the White House are covered in their daddy's brains ? You should be ashamed of yourself, to have the Gaul to wrap yourself in the blanket of our savior. [-X [-X [-X
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Re: Fractured America - *Updated V4.7* - pg.10

Postby jefjef on Thu Sep 17, 2009 9:46 pm

porkenbeans wrote:
isaiah40 wrote:
porkenbeans wrote:FU Isaiah. your "birther", nut -job, politics are transparent, and I wished that all of you wacko doodles would stop breeding. :twisted:
If this Tea bag crap is allowed to stand, I will push for equal time by making a map that depicts you crazies for what you are.
For those that do not understand my indignation, The regions that swept the last elections are depicted as Commies or Muslims. Get over it. Your side lost. It is exactly these views that you maintain, that are the reason for your defeat. You ARE the past, and you WILL be buried in the past, ...eventually.

Congratualtions! you just exercised your 1st amendment right to free speech! I appreciate that :D If you want to create a map of right wing extremists, go ahead as it is a great idea, I'll even help you with it if you want. I mean it, it sounds like it would be a fun map! If you didn't notice I have both sides of the fence on this map, socialists, Muslims, christians, mormons, militia, heck I even got the Italian mob on here! Although you probably didn't see that did you?

AS I said if you want some help in making an right wing extremist map I'll honestly help you!
You are making that map now. Yes I saw the mob. Like I said before, every area that voted Obama you have seen fit to demonize. Why did you not show the republicans as war monger Nazis ? The bible belt as the Klan ?
Look brother, If you want to make a political map, that is cool, but use the parties real names, and or affiliations. Demonizing your political opponents and referring to them as Commies, socialists and Muslims, is an attitude that is getting way out of hand as of late. This is bringing out our lesser angels. The whack-jobs think that it is now OK to act out in public this way. It IS inciting the less intelligent among us to insurrection. This is NOT putting a smile on our lord Jesus's face. This is a very serious thing. Will you not be happy until Those two little girls in the White House are covered in their daddy's brains ? You should be ashamed of yourself, to have the Gaul to wrap yourself in the blanket of our savior. [-X [-X [-X

WOW.. Hey P&B does you saying FU make the lord smile? It's a map. It's a GAME. I doubt he created the bonus regions based on who voted for who. And to suggest the bible belt be called the clan. What's up with that?
Isaiah you should report him for trolling your map thread.

P.S. I voted REPUBLICAN. I live in IOWA. It's the republican part of the map. I like it.
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Re: Fractured America - *Updated V4.7* - pg.10

Postby isaiah40 on Thu Sep 17, 2009 9:54 pm

jefjef wrote:
WOW.. Hey P&B does you saying FU make the lord smile? It's a map. It's a GAME. I doubt he created the bonus regions based on who voted for who. And to suggest the bible belt be called the clan. What's up with that?
Isaiah you should report him for trolling your map thread.

P.S. I voted REPUBLICAN. I live in IOWA. It's the republican part of the map. I like it.

Didn't even cross my mind.
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Re: Fractured America - *Updated V4.7* - pg.10

Postby porkenbeans on Thu Sep 17, 2009 9:59 pm

jefjef wrote:
porkenbeans wrote:
isaiah40 wrote:
porkenbeans wrote:FU Isaiah. your "birther", nut -job, politics are transparent, and I wished that all of you wacko doodles would stop breeding. :twisted:
If this Tea bag crap is allowed to stand, I will push for equal time by making a map that depicts you crazies for what you are.
For those that do not understand my indignation, The regions that swept the last elections are depicted as Commies or Muslims. Get over it. Your side lost. It is exactly these views that you maintain, that are the reason for your defeat. You ARE the past, and you WILL be buried in the past, ...eventually.

Congratualtions! you just exercised your 1st amendment right to free speech! I appreciate that :D If you want to create a map of right wing extremists, go ahead as it is a great idea, I'll even help you with it if you want. I mean it, it sounds like it would be a fun map! If you didn't notice I have both sides of the fence on this map, socialists, Muslims, christians, mormons, militia, heck I even got the Italian mob on here! Although you probably didn't see that did you?

AS I said if you want some help in making an right wing extremist map I'll honestly help you!
You are making that map now. Yes I saw the mob. Like I said before, every area that voted Obama you have seen fit to demonize. Why did you not show the republicans as war monger Nazis ? The bible belt as the Klan ?
Look brother, If you want to make a political map, that is cool, but use the parties real names, and or affiliations. Demonizing your political opponents and referring to them as Commies, socialists and Muslims, is an attitude that is getting way out of hand as of late. This is bringing out our lesser angels. The whack-jobs think that it is now OK to act out in public this way. It IS inciting the less intelligent among us to insurrection. This is NOT putting a smile on our lord Jesus's face. This is a very serious thing. Will you not be happy until Those two little girls in the White House are covered in their daddy's brains ? You should be ashamed of yourself, to have the Gaul to wrap yourself in the blanket of our savior. [-X [-X [-X

WOW.. Hey P&B does you saying FU make the lord smile? It's a map. It's a GAME. I doubt he created the bonus regions based on who voted for who. And to suggest the bible belt be called the clan. What's up with that?
Isaiah you should report him for trolling your map thread.

P.S. I voted REPUBLICAN. I live in IOWA. It's the republican part of the map. I like it.
I am from Texas myself, and I am not very proud of the fact that the KKK do originate from the south. I voted for G.W. in 2000. A fact that I am NOT very proud of either.
I am not trolling this thread. I am here for the review, and I must protest the partisan BS that is masquerading as a map here. I am deeply offended by the equating of the DEM. regions of the USA, as Commies and Socialists and such. The map shows the Republican areas with the USA flag, and the Democratic areas with the hammer and sickle, or the star and crescent. You are clearly trying to bait people into a political flame war. I believe that this whole map idea is a bait job. ...I vote that it be locked.
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Re: Fractured America - *Updated V4.7* - pg.10

Postby lt_oddball on Fri Sep 18, 2009 6:04 am

porkenbeans wrote: and the Democratic areas with the hammer and sickle

I'll give you that..yes, better have the (veeery difficult to see) hammer-sickle placed where it belongs: Cuba.
US Democrats are far far far away from anything communist or even the leftiest socialist party of Europe (as in France, or Italy).
But for the overall tone..the concept of the map is greeted with enthusiam by the players.
They do understand the tongue in cheek humor of it.
As USA/Canada is sooo big , any splinter fraction (political or cultural or social or religious ) is still large enough to make a "country".

Don't get too excited about it Porkenbeans.

But maybe , hmmm, be careful with implementing religious parties (Islam, bible belt) as one would perhaps call for a Jewish Lobby County, Greek Orthodox longbeards or other crazy stuff..and that sores the humor of the map.
(on the other hand the "Sharia" lobby of islamists in Indonesia and elsewhere is something where religion meddles with society/politics..and that is both frightening as laughable). :-s
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Re: Fractured America - *Updated V4.7* - pg.10

Postby porkenbeans on Fri Sep 18, 2009 12:06 pm

lt_oddball wrote:
porkenbeans wrote: and the Democratic areas with the hammer and sickle

I'll give you that..yes, better have the (veeery difficult to see) hammer-sickle placed where it belongs: Cuba.
US Democrats are far far far away from anything communist or even the leftiest socialist party of Europe (as in France, or Italy).
But for the overall tone..the concept of the map is greeted with enthusiam by the players.
They do understand the tongue in cheek humor of it.
As USA/Canada is sooo big , any splinter fraction (political or cultural or social or religious ) is still large enough to make a "country".

Don't get too excited about it Porkenbeans.

But maybe , hmmm, be careful with implementing religious parties (Islam, bible belt) as one would perhaps call for a Jewish Lobby County, Greek Orthodox longbeards or other crazy stuff..and that sores the humor of the map.
(on the other hand the "Sharia" lobby of islamists in Indonesia and elsewhere is something where religion meddles with society/politics..and that is both frightening as laughable). :-s
Thank you for your thoughtful insight, Keffers' dad. Humor is good, but when it is at another 's expense, as it certainly is here, it goes beyond the bounds of acceptable behavior. When I turned it around in my example, by making the bible belt the clan territory, You may understand that it is NOT so funny when YOU are the bud of the joke. Even when you look at the fact that , that statement is more accurate than the statement, the the northeast are Commies.
Ask any bartender, what subjects you should avoid talking about in mixed company, and he will tell you. Religion and politics. That is for a very good reason. Anyone with half a brain could glean the wisdom here.
This map not only speaks to these two subjects, it is crystal clear to me that it is taking the side of the wingnuts.
This map is an attack from the right against the left, simple as that. It IS inappropriate for a CC map, and it should be locked down immediately.
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Re: Fractured America - *Updated V4.7* - pg.10

Postby soundman on Fri Sep 18, 2009 12:50 pm

porkenbeans wrote:
lt_oddball wrote:
porkenbeans wrote: and the Democratic areas with the hammer and sickle

I'll give you that..yes, better have the (veeery difficult to see) hammer-sickle placed where it belongs: Cuba.
US Democrats are far far far away from anything communist or even the leftiest socialist party of Europe (as in France, or Italy).
But for the overall tone..the concept of the map is greeted with enthusiam by the players.
They do understand the tongue in cheek humor of it.
As USA/Canada is sooo big , any splinter fraction (political or cultural or social or religious ) is still large enough to make a "country".

Don't get too excited about it Porkenbeans.

But maybe , hmmm, be careful with implementing religious parties (Islam, bible belt) as one would perhaps call for a Jewish Lobby County, Greek Orthodox longbeards or other crazy stuff..and that sores the humor of the map.
(on the other hand the "Sharia" lobby of islamists in Indonesia and elsewhere is something where religion meddles with society/politics..and that is both frightening as laughable). :-s
Thank you for your thoughtful insight, Keffers' dad. Humor is good, but when it is at another 's expense, as it certainly is here, it goes beyond the bounds of acceptable behavior. When I turned it around in my example, by making the bible belt the clan territory, You may understand that it is NOT so funny when YOU are the bud of the joke. Even when you look at the fact that , that statement is more accurate than the statement, the the northeast are Commies.
Ask any bartender, what subjects you should avoid talking about in mixed company, and he will tell you. Religion and politics. That is for a very good reason. Anyone with half a brain could glean the wisdom here.
This map not only speaks to these two subjects, it is crystal clear to me that it is taking the side of the wingnuts.
This map is an attack from the right against the left, simple as that. It IS inappropriate for a CC map, and it should be locked down immediately.

:roll: First off, isaiah is not attacking anyone. He's made a map and taken the traditional religious and political areas and put them in his map with a few additions. After all, IT'S 50 YEARS IN THE FUTURE!!!! it really doesn't have anything to do with today. So leave him and this tread alone with your childish wining or I'll report you to the C&A for trolling and flaming.
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Re: Fractured America - *Updated V4.8* - pg.11

Postby pikkio on Fri Sep 18, 2009 1:09 pm

good work guy!

i admit that i love the cyber-punk setting, so probably i liked this map a bit for the background idea.. but it's well drawn too.

in particular the title is f***ing awesome! and the sea is very well done.
for the graphic i have only a critics: don't you think that the map seems a little bit happy with all that fancy light colours? i know that is too difficult to find so many different colurs, but maybe you can try with another texture? something that give more grunge to the map.. besides, the actual texture don't work very well in my opinion.. i had some trouble to understand that there were flags behind the continents and after all, i think that they are not visible at now and for that reason they give a strange effect to the territories colour (in some points it seems that a territory is different coloured from another one in the same country..). maybe you can put that flag with the countries names in the legend and make smaller the part about the capitals. ;)

keep the good working! ;)
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