by Blitzaholic on Mon Aug 31, 2009 9:58 am
Skilled Diversity 2010-New games
Sent: Mon Aug 31, 2009 9:57 am
From: Blitzaholic
To: Blitzaholic littlebrother2k7 Easy n Dirty ultraman sour king sam Bigragooch Iccinot Nabrus iambligh
Since we are down to the Elite 8 teams, I will give 48 hours to join, if any member joins after 48 hours, they will receive a penalty of 1.0, if you join the wrong team and game starts up, the game will not count and you will receive a penalty of 3 points, so PLEASE look for you name and team below and join correctly. Captains choose who you want to join what games. Forward this pm to your team mates. good luck all and super job making it here. Password is xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
4th Round:
Games 227-235:
Game 5516144, Game 5516145, Game 5516146
*Blitzaholic, big whiskey, dividebyzero, nephilim, andrewb, incandenza-------Horsemen
*King sam, murphy16, Gold Knight, jpcloet------------------------LOD
Games 236-244:
Game 5516148, Game 5516149, Game 5516150
*bigragooch, jgalioto, geoe, Haggis_McMutton, Blindmatt, Drew483---Bigragooch and His Immortals
*ultraman, reahma, magneto_acolyte, elmerfudd----------------Outsiders
Games 245-254:
Game 5516151, Game 5516152, Game 5516153
*Iccinot Nabrus, kingkoswyn, Phil Gates, LaughingCavalier----------The Gray Matters
*sour, gehrem, blockhead15, popeyelvc--------------------------The TeePees
Games 255-264:
Game 5516154, Game 5516155, Game 5516156
*easy n dirty, vexx, paulg, goggles paisano----------------------The Von Trapp Family Singers
*iambligh, *littlebrother2k7, scorpion86, Iron Maid, hiddendragon--Black Sheep Squadron