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Re: Jumbo Hex Map *V2*

Postby madgoody on Sat Sep 05, 2009 3:41 pm

Sounds great mate, i much prefer bigger maps my fav being World 2.1 which makes me ask can't you base it on the world i think theres enough countries and it would add a bit of character. Keep up the good work.
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Re: Jumbo Hex Map *V2*

Postby Sychamore on Sat Sep 05, 2009 3:44 pm

I'm the wrong person to ask. I like manageable maps. this is unmanageable for brain is not that big 8-[ , but looks like it might be a good map to try once.
Let 'er rip! Get 'er done and quench it....what's one more map??? :roll:
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Re: Jumbo Hex Map *V2*

Postby Ikickauassagood on Sat Sep 05, 2009 5:34 pm

Hmm I think this could be really fun. I am a fan of big maps like this. I think this has some good potential. Unlike the Conquer Man map there is a much bigger emphasis on territory bonuses than your overall number of territories. I guess an important question would be: How much many of the bonuses must a player control before he is totally unstoppable? If one needs to control to few then we have a problem. As for what would be considered to few I have no idea. I liked qwertylpc's idea of having player names as territories. It could be really fun to have 300 of the site's most famous (and infamous!) players as territories. Sadly, I do nopt think that would work, the territories are so small on the graphic that many names simply wouldn't, unless you wanted the map to be super cluttered. Hmm, not sure what else to say.
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Re: Jumbo Hex Map *V2*

Postby ustus on Sat Sep 05, 2009 8:31 pm

first: i strongly support the idea of a huge map with a lot of bonus areas and little to no emphasis on the number of terits you hold, just emphasis on which territs.

Second: the player names for terit names will make the current number of terits too large for the allotted space. It sounds gimmicky anyway.

third: in regards to this not having a theme, the theme is fitting the mathematically largest number of terits into the allotted space. this is unique and (imo) interesting. It also will be excellent for 8 player maps (if not any good at all for 2 player, though the terit bonus cap may help a lot with this). I don't think that this map should be allowed to spawn spin-offs any more than i think we should allow another doodle map (but then i should also mention that i dislike playing the one we have, as it's too small). Just because someone came up with an idea that looks like it takes no time to do doesn't mean that somebody else has to be allowed to make a poor replica by putting in that small amount of effort (if you'll notice, there was a suggested doodle map series that was shot down a few months ago) so the community can judge the worthiness of any map seeking to emulate the simplistic graphics of this map. And you have thought out the layout very well. There can only be one map with the mathematically largest number of territories, and that will make this unique in both gameplay and theme. Ergo, map requirements fulfilled, what's stopping you???

fourth: hooray for no bombardments and other gimmicks. They have their place, but i hate seeing them added to a map for no reason whatsoever. I will say that i'm not sure i like the idea of the nodes, possibly just leaving those areas unaccessable would be preferable imo, but if everyone else likes 'em, then by all means. I'll still play this map. I'll probably still play it almost as exclusively as i currently play world 2.1 (that's two of my four allotted games, as a freemium member. I'd play three if i could maintain my score that way, but i only win like 1 in 8 games this way, so i keep some terminator games to get points off. they're kinda fun anyway.)
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Re: Jumbo Hex Map *V2*

Postby captainwalrus on Sat Sep 05, 2009 10:09 pm

Even though there has been no update, why not move this back to the drafting room, cause it is getting decent discussion.
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Re: Jumbo Hex Map *V2*

Postby jefjef on Sat Sep 05, 2009 11:18 pm

Only complaint is the hour it will take to complete a turn. As for a theme I see a lot of HEXES.
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Re: Jumbo Hex Map *V2*

Postby killerpit4e on Sun Sep 06, 2009 2:20 am

captainwalrus wrote:Even though there has been no update, why not move this back to the drafting room, cause it is getting decent discussion.

i am working on that now
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Re: Jumbo Hex Map *V2*

Postby PaulusH on Sun Sep 06, 2009 5:49 am

Nice map.

In the current title of the map "Jumbo Mega Hex Map", both the Jumbo and the Mega are indications that it is large.
With the many impassable borders (and your own locations) it will often be like a maze. An other title could be "Mega Hex Maze Map" or as a joke "Mega Mex Maze Map" = "MMMM".

In case you still would like to pimp the map (or let that be done by somebody else). I see two options.
You could pimp each region, in the style of MC Escher. That doesn't have to change the hex structure, they only look a less hex.
In that case you also directly have a theme: Escher.
The other option is to use (parts of) the 5 white areas for some nice graphs (leaving some white at the edge for the function it has now). Also those graphs could be give you a theme.

But also without theme, full hex and current name I think it will become a nice map.
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Re: Jumbo Hex Map *V2*

Postby Seamus Corrigan on Sun Sep 06, 2009 6:58 am

This map is a "GO" with me, however YOU MUST TAKE THE TIME TO ADD A THEME. This is not so difficult as you may surmise, just follow the example of the many Fantasy or Science Fiction themed maps here on CC, and use a little artistic skill after you are done with the programming....A large nomadic wasteland "Riders of the Wasteland" or a post-apocalyptic "Survivors of Armageddon" hoarding for survival, anything really.....It's a great idea, so do it right!
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Re: Jumbo Hex Map *V2*

Postby Debnor on Sun Sep 06, 2009 7:32 am

Just as a suggestion for a theme:

The background could be a basic starfield, and each of the hexes could be a solar system. The regions would then be administrative groups from the Old Empire, which has fallen to civil war and/or internal rot. As a player, you are one of the factions trying to re-unite Known Space into an empire....

Overall, I really like the idea, though. =D>
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Re: Jumbo Hex Map *V2*

Postby Skorpeon on Sun Sep 06, 2009 10:00 am

I a fan of any big map, Hex´s are great, I doubt it would be difficult to add some theme, the maze idea is a good one. I will be following this topic to see how you progress.
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Re: Jumbo Hex Map *V2*

Postby tokstolle on Sun Sep 06, 2009 11:40 am

Good luck to play a speed round on it...

Anyway, why not? If players don't like it they can just choose another map.
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Re: Jumbo Hex Map *V2*

Postby thenobodies80 on Sun Sep 06, 2009 12:50 pm

An update was posted in the first page.
Welcome back! ;)

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Re: Jumbo Hex Map *V2*

Postby thenobodies80 on Sun Sep 06, 2009 12:54 pm

Poll Result

In the maps current form (350 terts) Hex configuration. Would you like to see it made?



Total votes : 1157
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Re: Jumbo Hex Map *V2*

Postby WidowMakers on Sun Sep 06, 2009 1:51 pm

Well thanks to all who voted. I am really amazed that we got over 1100 votes in. I got over 200 PMs myself.

Based on what I have read, people who like the map either don't care about the theme or really think it should be based on a "BEE" theme. And I believe that is the direction we will try to take it.

So here is a quick list of issues brought up since the poll:

    1) THEME/Title - Bee Hive or Honeycomb - CHECK
    2) Territory bonus capped at 10 - Still up for discussion
      Many people thought that this was the total number of armies a player could get per turn. That is not the case. It is the total number of armies a player can get for holding individual territories. Right now CC give a player 1 army for 3 territories. So 12=4armies, 21=7 armies, etc. This map (right now) would be capped at 10. SO no matter how many armies you had above 30, a player still only gets 10. But they can get more for holding bonus regions.
    3) Hex bonus values - Still up for discussion
    4) Border darkness - Still up for discussion
      I did mess around with this a bit before posting initially. I don't know how much darker they can get but we can look into it.
    5) General color scheme- Still up for discussion
      I chose the pastel colors because they are easy on teh eye and are not the same as teh army number colors.
    6) Legend text and wording - Still up for discussion
    7) Nodes- Still up for discussion
      Some people liked these, other did not. We could just make the nodes, the QUEEN BEES, They start neutral and maybe get +2 autodeploy. That is not too far off from a standard map. But we all can talk about it as we progress.

Stay tuned for a new map V3 and then we can get back into the nit picking of specifics.

But since items 2,3,5,6,7 can be discussed before the next draft, please feel free to talk about them.

Thanks again
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Re: Jumbo Hex Map *V2*

Postby Evil DIMwit on Sun Sep 06, 2009 1:57 pm

I think we can do without any auto-deploy on the nodes. They're quite strategic enough as it is.

The pastel color scheme would look out of place in a beehive theme; you'd expect various shades of yellow/orange/brown.
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Re: Jumbo Hex Map *V2*

Postby kingkoswyn on Sun Sep 06, 2009 2:12 pm

I'm always up for a massive battle. Bring it on.
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Re: Jumbo Hex Map *V2*

Postby WidowMakers on Sun Sep 06, 2009 3:01 pm

    1) Colors
    2) Thicker impassable lines
    3) New Title
    4) Adjusted teh text
    5) Added BEES


    1) Bonus values
    2) Nodes? FYI- The reason i added teh nodes is that it is not possible to have groups of 3 without the nodes. There are 5 nodes of 7 hexes each. That equals 35 hexes. 35 is not divisble by 3 so..... 5-7hex nodes were created.

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Re: Jumbo Hex Map *V3*

Postby jammyjames on Sun Sep 06, 2009 3:39 pm

not a fan of the hex shape territs, more that the shape of the map is still square if you get me... take a look at the game called dice wars, it has some interesting twists and shapes in maps if you get me.... think it would give the map a bit more character...
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Re: Jumbo Hex Map *V3*

Postby NotNowKato on Sun Sep 06, 2009 3:46 pm

liking the idea, this would be a massive strategic battle, think it would work really well for team games, assassin games would look interesting, better be ready for the long haul on this map!
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Re: Jumbo Hex Map *V3*

Postby Little Devil on Sun Sep 06, 2009 5:48 pm

Sounds good. Bring it on.
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Re: Jumbo Hex Map *V3*

Postby Aaarrrrggh on Sun Sep 06, 2009 5:59 pm

looks sweet. I'd definitely try this map out.
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Re: Jumbo Hex Map *V3*

Postby Evil DIMwit on Sun Sep 06, 2009 6:13 pm

I don't like how the 3-hex groups are almost as bright as the nodes. Try making the small groups darker and more orangey, close enough to blend in with the other hex colors but still distinct.
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Re: Jumbo Hex Map *V3*

Postby WidowMakers on Sun Sep 06, 2009 7:26 pm

Evil DIMwit wrote:I don't like how the 3-hex groups are almost as bright as the nodes. Try making the small groups darker and more orangey, close enough to blend in with the other hex colors but still distinct.

Here is teh current color pallete.


If I make the lighter darker, all of the rest need to get darker as well. Then the darkest is TOO dark.

There really is no confusing the Nodes since they are completely different that the other hexes.

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Re: Jumbo Hex Map *V3*

Postby Johnohue on Sun Sep 06, 2009 7:58 pm

wow, i think this is a great idea, its like landgrab's giant map... except better ;) I think you should run w/ the idea
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