Conquer Club

WWII Europe Skills Tournament [Winner: japser_be]

Tournaments completed in 2010.

Moderator: Tournament Directors

Re: WWII Europe Skills Tournament [Ongoing - Round 3 / Round 4]

Postby Serbia on Thu Apr 16, 2009 5:55 am

I just won the Round 4 freestyle assassin game for Poule A
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Re: WWII Europe Skills Tournament [Ongoing - Round 3 / Round 4]

Postby musteriuz on Fri Apr 17, 2009 4:42 pm

Musteriuz won game 4668153 by assassinating Sun Tzup.
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Re: WWII Europe Skills Tournament [Ongoing - Round 3 / Round 4]

Postby Snƶgubben on Sun Apr 19, 2009 1:52 am

Snƶgubben won Game 4684176 by assassinating vragus

yeay! :)
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Re: WWII Europe Skills Tournament [Ongoing - Round 4 / Round 5]

Postby Iron Maid on Wed Apr 22, 2009 3:47 am

I will start updating the Round 4 games and create the Round 5 Triples games. After there was a little discussion about the rules of the Assassin game, the following will happen:

As I told you in the PM players that where eliminated in the Assassin game are out of the Regular Poules. Nevertheless they keep their points and they can make more of them in the Reserve Poule. If needed a player of this Reserve Poule can replace a player in the Regular Poules (deadbeating or not joining players.). After the Quarter-Final I will look at the Points of the Reserve Poule. If the No.1 player of this Poule has more points than the No.4 on the regular table, than I will add this player to the Semi-Final Assassin Game.
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Re: WWII Europe Skills Tournament [Ongoing - Round 4 / Round 5]

Postby nikola_milicki on Wed Apr 22, 2009 12:59 pm

at least this assassin was not in 9th or 10th round :roll:
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Re: WWII Europe Skills Tournament [Ongoing - Round 4 / Round 5]

Postby Qwert on Wed Apr 22, 2009 2:09 pm

well these mean,that im out of tournaments,because from 2nd place to go in reserve poule,its not right,so probably is best to put some player who have all defeats to continue instead me.
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Re: WWII Europe Skills Tournament [Ongoing - Round 4 / Round 5]

Postby Iron Maid on Wed Apr 22, 2009 2:16 pm

qwert wrote:well these mean,that im out of tournaments,because from 2nd place to go in reserve poule,its not right,so probably is best to put some player who have all defeats to continue instead me.

As already told in the PM and also stated before. Players are not out of the Tournament. They can play in the Reserve Poule and when they keep collecting enough points, they even can come back in the Semi-Final game.
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Re: WWII Europe Skills Tournament [Ongoing - Round 4 / Round 5]

Postby nikola_milicki on Wed Apr 29, 2009 9:21 am

Iron Maid wrote:
qwert wrote:well these mean,that im out of tournaments,because from 2nd place to go in reserve poule,its not right,so probably is best to put some player who have all defeats to continue instead me.

As already told in the PM and also stated before. Players are not out of the Tournament. They can play in the Reserve Poule and when they keep collecting enough points, they even can come back in the Semi-Final game.

well thats not much of a consolation when u fall out of the real race for the title, especially like that after holding 2nd place and playing a lot better then the rest of the people in your poule, so basically now for good play qwert has been awarded with more work and less chance to get to the finals...crap deal...
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Re: WWII Europe Skills Tournament [Ongoing - Round 4 / Round 5]

Postby Iron Maid on Thu Apr 30, 2009 3:10 pm

nikola_milicki wrote:
Iron Maid wrote:
qwert wrote:well these mean,that im out of tournaments,because from 2nd place to go in reserve poule,its not right,so probably is best to put some player who have all defeats to continue instead me.

As already told in the PM and also stated before. Players are not out of the Tournament. They can play in the Reserve Poule and when they keep collecting enough points, they even can come back in the Semi-Final game.

well thats not much of a consolation when u fall out of the real race for the title, especially like that after holding 2nd place and playing a lot better then the rest of the people in your poule, so basically now for good play qwert has been awarded with more work and less chance to get to the finals...crap deal...

"playing a lot better then the rest of the people in your poule" - If a player would play good enough, he wouldn't been eliminated. Every player got the message that they would fall out of the Regular Poules when they had been eliminated.

"qwert has been awarded with more work and less chance to get to the finals" - It's not more work as the point awarding in the Reserve Poule is the same and those points will be added with the already collected points. I've been flexible enough to create an extra spot in the semi-finals for the No.1 from the Reserve Poule when this player has more points then the No. 4 of the Regular Poules. Then the 4 player Semi-Final will become a 5 player Semi-Final. I think this a very fair decision for those who have been eliminated in the Assassin Game.

Unfortunately qwert has withdrawed from the Reserve Poule, which is his own decision.

From other players I didn't hear any complains. I guess they are all enjoying the Tourney. And off course there are always minor incidents, especially when you are paired up in team-games with players which have other thoughts. But that's the charm of the Tournament.

If other players want to say something about the whole issue then please write in this Topic.


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Re: WWII Europe Skills Tournament [Ongoing - Round 4 / Round 5]

Postby nikola_milicki on Sun May 03, 2009 5:08 pm

Iron Maid wrote:"playing a lot better then the rest of the people in your poule" - If a player would play good enough, he wouldn't been eliminated. Every player got the message that they would fall out of the Regular Poules when they had been eliminated.

Iron Maid

please remind me who was the one who got eliminated by a wrong player, and just how good does one need to be to avoid this type of assassination?! I mean was it really his fault other player eliminated him for some reason, doesnt even mather what was the reason, the fact is u didnt think of this possibility when u were organizing this tourney and now u got player who got screwed bcuz you missed a very important detail
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Re: WWII Europe Skills Tournament [Ongoing - Round 5]

Postby nikola_milicki on Sat May 09, 2009 2:12 pm

trips aint finished yet?
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Re: WWII Europe Skills Tournament [Ongoing - Round 5]

Postby Iron Maid on Fri May 15, 2009 6:51 pm

Trips are finished. Freestyle doubles are created. I will sent out the games and passwords soon.
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Re: WWII Europe Skills Tournament [Ongoing - Round 5]

Postby nikola_milicki on Wed May 20, 2009 1:33 pm

badnuzjr and nikola_milicki won in Game 4856279
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Re: WWII Europe Skills Tournament [Ongoing - Round 6]

Postby ctgottapee on Tue May 26, 2009 5:53 pm

i don't see anything wrong with both sides of the argument

for one, the tourney rules were clear, even if they don't seem fair to some, or end up not seeming fair to some after certain type of play. nothing is ever fair to everyone

on the other hand, players have a right to offer constructive criticism or point out what they believe are flaws in the tourney. of course it would be unfair to modify the tourney to benefit one player after everyone else agreed to the rules at the start.

it is just a game, sometimes you don't win, and sometimes you lose in a way that sux. of course nobody forced anyone to play, and any player could have pointed out tourney deficiencies before the tourney started so they could be fixed. faulting the organizer for play not under his control and for not seeing a future event that no one else did is silly.

just because it sux doesn't mean you have to pass the sux on to someone else...
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Re: WWII Europe Skills Tournament [Ongoing - Round 6]

Postby Iron Maid on Tue Jun 02, 2009 6:11 pm

All Doubles have finished. I hope to have time next weekend to update the table and send out the Quads games for the next round.
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Re: WWII Europe Skills Tournament [Ongoing - Round 6]

Postby Iron Maid on Sun Jun 21, 2009 1:27 am

Sorry for the inconvenience. I was playing to much games to win my first tournament: the Map Quester 1 Tournament. I reduced my games now from about 150 active to 70 active and therefore hope to start Round 7 soon.
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Re: WWII Europe Skills Tournament [Ongoing - Round 7]

Postby musteriuz on Sun Jul 19, 2009 4:08 am

Group 1 has won game 5217800. Down to good teamwork, it was.
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Re: WWII Europe Skills Tournament [Ongoing - Round 7]

Postby the.killing.44 on Fri Jul 24, 2009 11:56 am

Really late posting but Team 2 won Game 5217804ā€¦

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Re: WWII Europe Skills Tournament [Ongoing - Round 7]

Postby nikola_milicki on Fri Jul 24, 2009 2:53 pm

team 1 won Game 5217799
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Re: WWII Europe Skills Tournament [Round 8 starts in September]

Postby HighlanderAttack on Tue Aug 18, 2009 10:19 am

I won Game 5429827
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Re: WWII Europe Skills Tournament [Round 8 starts in September]

Postby nikola_milicki on Mon Aug 31, 2009 5:00 pm

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Re: WWII Europe Skills Tournament [Round 8 starts in September]

Postby dividedbyzero on Sat Sep 05, 2009 3:13 pm

Game 5445848 - won by dbz
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Re: WWII Europe Skills Tournament [Round 8 starts in September]

Postby Iron Maid on Sat Sep 05, 2009 3:20 pm

dividedbyzero wrote:Game 5445848 - won by dbz

Congrats! I will update when all 6 games have finished. Sorry this Round took a little bit longer, but as several players had their well deserved holidays in August some games had to start in September, so that everyone could play his own game.
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Re: WWII Europe Skills Tournament [Round 9]

Postby Iron Maid on Sun Dec 06, 2009 5:12 pm

Tournament will be updated and Quarter-Finals will start on Wednesday December 9th.
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Re: WWII Europe Skills Tournament [Round 9]

Postby Iron Maid on Mon Dec 28, 2009 1:29 pm

Semi-Final will start soon
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