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Unannounced Family members.....

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Do you think standard games with two or more unanounced family members:

Should be private game
Let the other players in the standard game know you are family
Total votes : 80

Postby AAFitz on Fri Feb 09, 2007 11:59 am

ive inadvertently become an advocate against families....

it wasnt my intent....I have family and friends in here, so i posted

i think most will be able to play, and never run into trouble....and thats just fine...if you know youre not cheating, and that both of you arent favoring each other, than id deal with it when it arises...

i myself prefer not to take the risk, as do many...but occasionally accusations will be made, and some will be accurate....many sibling and father/son teams have been broken up....many turned out to have multiple accounts beyond that

others are completely legitimate, and probably more honest than many in here

my advice is be prepared to explain your actions in a game if someone suspects cheating...if you favor your relative, someone may call you on it, and youll have to explain...if they find out you were related, they may feel cheated...hopefully they will be reasonable and accept your explanation

but if you are in repeated games and there are trends, many will consider that cheating...its just how it is

if it is based on one single game, unless the actions are blatant, it should probably be left alone
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Postby billval3 on Fri Feb 09, 2007 12:05 pm

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Postby b.k. barunt on Fri Feb 09, 2007 12:48 pm

Again Fitz, for the third time now, when will someone take a look at that game log? Hell i could set up a board and replay the game for you in about 20 minutes - why are you dragging ass on this? The time you've spent monitoring and commenting on the issue in these threads is more than the time it would take you to check the log.
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Postby AAFitz on Fri Feb 09, 2007 1:17 pm

alright assuming you werent cheating here....if it wasnt for your personal attacks, i wouldnt have any problem with you at all..

and as far as the log goes...if i want to let someone win, I could do it and the log would never show it...this game is decided by very small moves, and the tide can be turned by just one wrong move by any one person....thats why the mods dont go after secret alliances...they are impossible to prove....a good player could cheat and make it look more fair than a completely fair game....any experienced player knows this....

this is a game of trust, with many complexities...i choose to just assume everyones playing fairly until its way out of whack...and in 1000+ games ive accused one...who turned out to have 7 or 8 multies

Ive posted many more times in the defense of accused multis than against...and have been wrong there too...

however, my posts here are about the fact that many feel that family members cannot play fairly in singles....not that they dont...

im saying that if families play together they will be accused at some point, which is why i dont do it....and why the majority i have met, only play doubles together....and even still sometimes run into problems....if people dont like it, they dont like it....

so the only thing i have a problem with is you going way overboard in your attacks...and yours seem to be more inflamitory than the others from my point of view...but again...i originally posted to stop them all, and just post my opinion....
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Postby LetGodSortThem on Fri Feb 09, 2007 1:18 pm

Last 3 Standard games together BK and Paulus

14 Rd game bk attacks Paulus 2 times
Paulus attacks bk 1 time...
bk wins game

13 rd game bk attacks Paulus 2 times
Paulus attacks bk 3 times...
Paulus wins

11 Rd game bk attacks Paulus 2 times
Paulus attacks bk 1 time...
Paulus wins
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Postby Anarkistsdream on Fri Feb 09, 2007 1:24 pm

LetGodSortThem wrote:Last 3 Standard games together BK and Paulus

14 Rd game bk attacks Pualus 2 times
Paulus attacks bk 1 time...
bk wins game

13 rd game bk attacks Pualus 2 times
Paulus attacks bk 3 times...
Paulus wins

11 Rd game bk attacks Pualus 2 times
Paulus attacks bk 1 time...
Paulus wins

I know you still may be mad at me lgsto, but that is a pretty awesome representation of the facts right there, man.

Now take me off your fucking ignore list, ya bastard!
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Postby LetGodSortThem on Fri Feb 09, 2007 1:25 pm

I'm not mad I don't hold grudge air is clear between us OK?
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Postby Anarkistsdream on Fri Feb 09, 2007 1:25 pm

LetGodSortThem wrote:I'm not mad I don't hold grudge air is clear between us OK?

Excellent, my man... I'm here for friends, not enemies.

Truce, bro.
virus90 wrote: I think Anarkist is a valuable asset to any game.
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Postby LetGodSortThem on Fri Feb 09, 2007 1:27 pm

Cool, your not on my list...
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Postby AlbroShlo on Fri Feb 09, 2007 1:29 pm

Exhibit A in the Real World vs Paulus / b.k. barunt

Early in the game i thought it was wierd how they were playing so i said,

"you're chipping away at yourself now. each turn you get in with fewer and fewer guys. is your goal to win or to keep me from winning."

b.k. barunt responds by saying,

"Oh, and to answer your question, my primary goal is to win, and my secondary goal is to keep you from winning."

How is that fair Paulus, do you still wish to plead innocent?
Last edited by AlbroShlo on Fri Feb 09, 2007 1:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby LetGodSortThem on Fri Feb 09, 2007 1:30 pm

Sorry did not bother to do your game since it was original thread..
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Postby b.k. barunt on Fri Feb 09, 2007 4:36 pm

You're very selective with what you post from that game. Albro was chipping at me from a point of strength early in the game. I think this is a chickenshit way to play and knew that i had no chance of winning if he continued to do it, so i began attacking him. That's when he made the comment about my "chipping away at yourself now". And that's when i let him know that if he wanted to play that way, my secondary goal was to stop him from winning. You knew that if you read the log, and you chose to present it out of context to make it look different than it was. Anyone who would stoop to this kind of deception is a cheater themselves. And you are a little cheating bitch aren't you?
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Postby b.k. barunt on Fri Feb 09, 2007 4:42 pm

The other thing you neglect to mention is that in the final rounds paulus and i were going at each other and not even touching babyalbro. My bonuses were all gone and i had most of paulus' broken. This went on for at least 2 rounds and all albro had to do was sit back and collect armies. The game was his at that point. You tell me why he jumped in when he did and started attacking BOTH OF US!!? No, i'll tell you - because he's a stupid whining wanker! You saw this if you looked at the log, but chose not to show anyone, because you're a dishonest cowardly bitch who can't admit you're wrong til you're caught at it.
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Postby AlbroShlo on Fri Feb 09, 2007 4:49 pm

You are soooo full of it Uncle Feltcher. I was attacking you bc you were the leader, just like i always do. The fact that you attacked me back was fully expected. The fact that you were expending all your armies to take me down and not worrying about the current leader led me to write what i did in the chat. You were wasting us both so Paulus could take over.

If the game was even and you were in the lead would you go after me or Paulus? Your comment in the chat makes it obvious that you would take me out first. This you silly tit is called cheating! The fact that you attack me instead of Paulus when things are even puts me at a disadvantage. Making the game unfair.

Maybe next time i should put the whole chat from that game in so you can't complain b.k. ....
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Postby b.k. barunt on Fri Feb 09, 2007 4:58 pm

Anyone can see from the log that i was nowhere near being the "lead man". Hmm . . . didn't even mention those final rounds when paulus and i were going all out and not attacking you. Why did you start attacking us you idiot!?
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Postby AlbroShlo on Fri Feb 09, 2007 10:38 pm

"Why did you start attacking us?" even now you refer to the game as me against both of you.

Oh and b.k. you gargantuan twat how could you and paulus not be attacking me in the final rounds if i was taken out in the final rounds, or maybe you mean you weren't attacking me after i was dead...........moron.
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Postby LetGodSortThem on Sat Feb 10, 2007 12:17 am

Feedback from hookshotwillaby to paulus

paulus is true to his word and treats his alliances with honor. I allied with him when things turned grim, and he carried me to the end of the game. I lost the game of course, him being the dominant player throughout the game, but still got to play it to the end. would love to play with Paulus more in the future especially in a doubles game. even though he is a fruitball. >;) hookshotwillaby ( 31-3 )
2006-09-24 03:45:22

Nice...Feedback...oh wait its your cous....oops

2006-09-21 06:31:18 - dawool: hookshot u clown we r now both finished
2006-09-21 07:53:10 - Paulus: Better watch your northern front, hookshot.
2006-09-21 13:45:07 - dawool: yup only chance hookshot an I had was to stand back to back. were trying to take bigger lands so it takes longer...sooo gg everyone cuz me an hookshot r gone
2006-09-22 02:14:38 - hookshotwillaby: dawool dont try and make it sound like we had some sort of alliance...i attacked you cause i needed a place to run to being trappedin the middle of the weakest place on the whole board...and you may be finished my friend, but I am very much alive.
2006-09-22 02:15:19 - dawool: lol look around... you have played the fool
2006-09-22 02:15:58 - dawool: pink all around thenort an blue all around the south
2006-09-22 02:16:56 - dawool: an we could have survive as a force but now its over 4 the both of us
2006-09-22 02:18:26 - hookshotwillaby: well let me give you some playing advice. next time you decide to form an alliance with someone.....try telling them first.....and i still have a few tricks upmy sleeve.
2006-09-22 02:23:25 - hookshotwillaby: speaking of alliances....Paulus. I believe we can help each other for the time being. i will attack this dawool fool and isolate his remaining forces and then leave the final battle for you so you can take his cards if you will then hold on attacking me
2006-09-22 02:24:15 - hookshotwillaby: while I build up my forces again in Mediterranea
2006-09-22 04:41:57 - dawool: lol animal is already at your door step hook
2006-09-22 04:57:59 - hookshotwillaby: now where exactly would you say my "doorstep" is?
2006-09-22 05:00:50 - hookshotwillaby: Paulus I have delivered your prize as promised
2006-09-22 05:04:45 - hookshotwillaby: gg dawool
2006-09-22 05:08:52 - Paulus: Okay hookshot. This proposal sounds good to me. I'll remove my men from Mediterranea and we'll operate under a ceasefire.
2006-09-22 05:10:08 - Animalector: yellow we must form an alliance if the other 2 are doing the same
2006-09-22 05:11:40 - Animalector: whats up Paulus dont know where to move?
2006-09-22 05:12:29 - Paulus: just taking my time animal :)
2006-09-22 05:13:38 - Animalector: i like the way your watching your back with green just to be on the safe side
2006-09-22 05:13:52 - Paulus: You'll have to fortify in Croatia mianly and a little in moldova
2006-09-22 05:14:17 - Paulus: I have to consider the possibility of betrayal. It happens to us all.
2006-09-22 05:16:52 - Animalector: good luck to you
2006-09-22 05:21:22 - Paulus: The same to you. I hope there are no hard feelings about the alliance issue.
2006-09-23 22:08:29 - Animalector: you guys are bitches for forming an alliance
2006-09-24 01:23:29 - Paulus: Calm down, Animal. There's no need to get personal.
2006-09-24 08:35:36 - hookshotwillaby: paulus is a fruitball
2006-09-24 08:36:06 - Paulus: Now now. Don't be a sore loser, hookshot.
2006-09-24 08:36:28 - hookshotwillaby: dont be a sore SHUT UP

Glad you got me Interested...I'm betting ban hammer coming on this one...

IF YOU WANT TO FLAME ME GO TO FLAME FORUM...OR MAYBE PAULUS COULD EXPLAIN LINE 2 OF GAME CHAT...2006-09-21 06:31:18 - dawool: hookshot u clown we r now both finished
2006-09-21 07:53:10 - Paulus: Better watch your northern front, hookshot.
Last edited by LetGodSortThem on Sat Feb 10, 2007 1:06 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Postby wcaclimbing on Sat Feb 10, 2007 12:41 am

So, on friday me and a bunch of my friends (sfhbballnut, skanska, jonny bacardi) are all going to spend the night at one of our houses and we will probably play CC some. I was wondering if it would be allowed to start singles realtime games and play against eachother (or a team that wants to challengs us)

i dont want to be accused as a multi for all of us playing off one computer, so i just wanted to make sure all of us playing would be ok.
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Postby LetGodSortThem on Sat Feb 10, 2007 12:43 am

Why POST here start a new thread
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Postby wcaclimbing on Sat Feb 10, 2007 12:45 am

Ok then i will.
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family time

Postby hookshotwillaby on Sat Feb 10, 2007 1:16 am

ok...i dont really have the time to be sticking up for my family in here but since you've decided to involve me i guess i need to speak up this time. the game you are referring to does, i admit, look a bit suspicious in the way that Paulus and I formed an alliance towards the middle of the game so i could stay alive. at that point in the game i had no choice but to ask for an alliance from a dominant player to be able to keep playing. it was that or die right away. so (cousin or not) i asked Paulus for his protection since he was right by me on the map. Now what you need to ask yourself is would i really have ASKED him for an alliance in there if we were just planning on cheating anyway. why not just help each other and spare the formalities. But what you've failed to notice is, although we did make an alliance, we declared it and up until that point in the game we had been playing against each other and not assisting each other in any way. so we went through the proper procedures in our alliance. the whole family issue is void here because we declared an alliance anyway.
as far as cheating goes, i work a very demanding job that takes alot of my time and i have no desire to come home from work every day and get on a game site on the internet and cheat to help my family accomplish some grand scheme that you seem to think is so important to us. Cheating on COnquer Club is like playing your two year old brother at mario kart and getting all psyched up about beating him. i mean what really would be the point!?!?! what is there to gain from cheating in an ONLINE GAME?!?! i dont care about points or rank or whatever. i enjoy the game of risk and since i just moved to texas last year i dont get to hang out with my family very often as they still live in New Orleans, so I enjoy playing risk with them from time to time. and believe me, we are all very competetive with each other and have far too much pride to allow each other to win. My cousin Paul and I have been this way with each other since birth and even though he still knows i am better than him at everything he still tries to prove himself against me time and time again. My father and I are the same way. In fact, I'll go out of my way to take him out of a game sometimes just to be able to say that i kicked his butt at a game that he taught me how to play. What would be the fun of letting each other win on here??? can you give me a valid answer to that question?: What do we have to gain from what you accuse us of?
I find this whole thing ridiculous and wish you would at least argue your points in a little more of a balanced fashion when you go dredging up old games and logs. you seem to only like to focus on our games that support your point rather than present examples of both sides like a skilled debator would do in this case. im not going to post in here again, cause i've wasted enough time writing this message already. but i'll say it again for the record: I enjoy playing Risk on this site and have no desire to waste time cheating on here for some unknown reason. I think my family and I can find better ways to bond them helping each other win at online risk.
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Postby LetGodSortThem on Sat Feb 10, 2007 1:20 am

Look at the facts save your typing...let Paulus Explain LINE 2

Thank BK
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Postby b.k. barunt on Sat Feb 10, 2007 1:31 am

Lgst you are so very selective with what you post on here. There were at least 2 of the games you cited with me and paulus where paulus said "hey uncle rich, how's it going?" IN THE OPEN CHAT AT THE BEGINNING OF THE GAME. I know you saw this because albro called me Rich in one of his posts. WHY DID NEITHER OF YOU POST THIS WITH YOUR SELECTION? Because you are two dishonest, catty little bitches who can't admit they were wrong. People are going to see how you handled this one and start watching how you operate.
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Postby b.k. barunt on Sat Feb 10, 2007 1:37 am

Lgst are you really that stupid?!! Line 2 - "he carried me to the end of the game" you have highlighted in red. Why didn't you highlight the part that made clear what he was talking about? AN ALLIANCE WAS MADE OPENLY, PAUL HONORED IT TO THE END OF THE GAME. DO YOU NEED SOMEONE TO DRAW YOU A PICTURE? IS THERE ANYONE OUT THERE THAT CAN TRANSLATE FOR THIS MORON???
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Postby LetGodSortThem on Sat Feb 10, 2007 1:38 am

Not this game...not selective got from FEEDBACK...GO FIGURE...NOT TOO HARD

Feed back for Paulus from hot

ABOUT LINE 2? Paulus?

2006-09-21 06:31:18 - dawool: hookshot u clown we r now both finished
line 2-> 2006-09-21 07:53:10 - Paulus: Better watch your northern front, hookshot.

Before alliance offer?...piss off

Go to Flame forum stop spamming this one


No Favoritism?


BK thats not line two of chat
b.k. barunt wrote:Lgst are you really that stupid?!! Line 2 - "he carried me to the end of the game" you have highlighted in red.


Did I mention thank BK?
Last edited by LetGodSortThem on Sat Feb 10, 2007 2:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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