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Sports Rivalries!!!!!

Postby war_bloodline on Thu Feb 08, 2007 10:12 pm

Post teams that your teams hate plus how rivalries started, great games (or fights) between the two teams and so on.

Also if you want to you can vent your anger on the rival team.

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Postby P Gizzle on Thu Feb 08, 2007 10:28 pm

Seahawks and Steelers- was started in Super Bowl XL when the Steelers won in controversial calls.....Can't wait to play in Pittsburgh, you sucky Stealers

Washington Huskies
and Washington State Cougars- in state college rivalries.....SUCK IT WSU! WE WON THE APPLE CUP!

Mariners and Yankees- mostly from the 2001 ALCS where the Yanks won in 7 games, and won in the 9th inning, due to a crappy M's closer, Sasaki. YANKS SUCK!

those are my personal faves.
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Postby Serbia on Thu Feb 08, 2007 10:49 pm

The best rivalry obviously is MICHIGAN - ohio state. One of the oldest, and (except for recently) MICHIGAN owns the useless nuts.

A great rivalry from the 90's and early 00's is Detroit Red Wings - Colorado Avalanche, with it all starting with Claude Lemieux's cowardly hit on Kris Draper, to McCarty's beating Lemieux bloody.
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Postby Jamie on Thu Feb 08, 2007 10:55 pm


Chiefs down by five with 7 seconds left at Oakland. Rich Gannon throws a 43 yard TD pass to Andre Rison, which slipped by Oakland's Safetys somehow.

At one point during this monday night football game, the Chiefs were down by 19 pts near the end of the 3rd quarter. I went to work at 11 pm that night. When I posted the score on the counter of the Gas station I worked at, many Chiefs fans who had went to bed before the end of the game, were in shock by the 37-35 Final I had posted. They thought it was a Joke.

Denver at Kansas City. Chiefs down by 8 with 3 minutes to play, score a TD, get a stop, and with 49 seconds to play took the ball, and marched down to the Denver 40, where Pete Stoyanovich kicked a game winning 54 yard field goal to win the game as time expired, to vault the Chiefs to the West Division title, and HFA through the playoffs.


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Postby Minkish on Thu Feb 08, 2007 10:59 pm

Red Sox > Yankees

need I say more?
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Postby Evil Semp on Thu Feb 08, 2007 11:22 pm

P Gizzle and Evil Semp because he likes the Sea Chicks and I don't
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Postby DIRESTRAITS on Thu Feb 08, 2007 11:26 pm

Here are the 5 biggest rivalries to me, in order

Oregon vs. Shit sucking Washington Huck the Fuskies, need I say more?

San Francisco Giants vs. Los Angeles Dodgers In my opinion the greatest rivalry in baseball. Boston-NY isn't that competitive. I always love to see the Dodgers lose

Oregon vs. Oregon State I hate how the Beavers think this is our biggest rivalry, and that it still represents "rich kids vs. poor kids". They're full of B.S. Plus they suck off the local media

Green Bay Packers vs. Chicago Bears I hate the Bears, especially when they win

Los Angeles Lakers vs. Portland Trailblazers I know this sin't really a rivalry, but I live in Portland so all my friends are Blazers fans
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Postby P Gizzle on Thu Feb 08, 2007 11:32 pm

Evil Semp wrote:P Gizzle and Evil Semp because he likes the Sea Chicks and I don't

heck yes, Semp, even though i don't hate u personally, i just don't like the Bears.....

and DIRE, duck the F*cks....ok?
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Postby DIRESTRAITS on Thu Feb 08, 2007 11:33 pm

Huck the Fuskies is what the crowd chants before and during Home games vs. Washington
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Postby P Gizzle on Thu Feb 08, 2007 11:34 pm

really? u need a better rivalry, then......i hate the Beavers, they REALLY SUCK
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Postby DIRESTRAITS on Thu Feb 08, 2007 11:36 pm

I agree. Not as much as the Huskies though. I hate how they go 10-3 and have the easiest schedule in the Pac-10 and the Oregonian cant stop talking about their greatness, but when the Ducks were 10-2 the year before against a better schedule I I heard was about how the Ducks choked in the Holiday Bowl
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Postby P Gizzle on Thu Feb 08, 2007 11:37 pm

hahahah! that's because the Huskies have a hard non conference, like gonzaga
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Postby Jamie on Thu Feb 08, 2007 11:37 pm

Minkish wrote:Red Sox > Yankees

need I say more?

2004 ALCS baby. Sox down 3 games to none, and come back to win that series. The ultimant Baseball moment. When Damon hit that Grand Slam, my blood turned cold ith the realization of what was about to happen. I am a Royals fan, but I hate the Yankees so much, that when Damon, a former Royals star, hit that slam, I nearly wept with joy. Unforgetable.
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Postby P Gizzle on Thu Feb 08, 2007 11:38 pm

Jamie wrote:
Minkish wrote:Red Sox > Yankees

need I say more?

2004 ALCS baby. Sox down 3 games to none, and come back to win that series. The ultimant Baseball moment. When Damon hit that Grand Slam, my blood turned cold ith the realization of what was about to happen. I am a Royals fan, but I hate the Yankees so much, that when Damon, a former Royals star, hit that slam, I nearly wept with joy. Unforgetable.

I'm a Mariners fan, and i was so excited that they won the WS i have a Red Sox authentic hat w/ WS patch
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Postby war_bloodline on Thu Feb 08, 2007 11:44 pm

My state teams.

Broncos vs. Raiders
Broncos vs. Chiefs
Broncos vs. Chargers
So yeah, any one in there division.

Avs vs. Red Wings
F*CK the Red Wings.

Colorado Rockies vs. no one, they suck and have no rivals.

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Postby flashleg8 on Fri Feb 09, 2007 12:11 am

Biggest rivalry in football (that’s pansy soccer to you Jamie :) ) is without a doubt Glasgow Rangers vs. Glasgow Celtic (they are know as the Old Firm) basically you don't want to wear the wrong colour shirt in some of the schemes of Glasgow - generally there's about 5-8 stabbings after every derby (bloody glad the scum aren’t allowed guns here) and its a f*cking nightmare going out on a Saturday night in Glasgow city centre after one of them (folk are drinking all day and there’s a fight in nearly every pub).

The rivalry really comes from the sectarianism that is rife in West Coast Scotland and Northern Ireland. Rangers are traditionally a Protestant Loyalist (i.e. pro United Kingdom) supported club and Celtic has a Catholic pro united Ireland roots. What this means is the Troubles in Northern Ireland spill over to the football chants and regalia. There used to be regular collections for the Irish terrorist groups (both sides) from fans in the 70's - 80's.
Just to brief you on some of the shocking things associated with the clubs in the past - Rangers refused to sign a Catholic player for many years (i.e. 100ish) and the first one the signed (in the late 80's) was a former Celtic player (big trouble - some fans refused to count the goals he scored for the club all season). A Northern Irish Catholic Celtic player (Neil Lennon) had so many death treats he had to retire from playing for his country. Numerous players from both clubs have been pictured holding flags/scarfs with terrorist logos (Celtic fans notoriously fly PLO flags to show the link between the IRA and the PLO). Recently one Rangers Player (Bob Malcolm) autographed his name to a school kid fan with FTP after it (F*ck The Pope).
Although I live nearish here and lived in Glasgow when at Uni, I refuse to support either of these bigoted scum (Motherwell FC for me!), but bear in mind these are by far the biggest supported clubs in Scotland and are among the most supported clubs in the world with large ex pat supporters groups in the US.

There are other big rivalries in British football (i.e. Arsneal vsTottenham, Liverpool vs Everton, Hearts vs Hibs) but not to this scope. Although I will say that some of the Italian clubs are nuts and just last week a fan brought a bomb to the stadium which has unfortunately killed a Policeman leading to the suspension of all football in Italy for the time being.
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Postby Guiscard on Fri Feb 09, 2007 12:23 am

What about Milwall VS pretty much everyone...

Plus some of the eastern European teams are absolutely mental... I think its one of the Serbian sides whose firm is run by an ex Warlord who committed genocide during the conflict in Bosnia.
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Postby Titanic on Fri Feb 09, 2007 4:12 am

Being a Toon, my favourite game(and rivalry) is Newcastle vs Man U as the match is normally really entertaining, no matter what the score is.
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Postby gordon1975 on Fri Feb 09, 2007 4:36 am

im a Rangers fan and sadly evrything flashleg8 says is true,hopfully the idiots that cause all the problems on both sides are a dieing breed,but ive never been to any match that compairs to an old firm game newcastle and sunderland is always a cracking meeting to,
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Postby DAZMCFC on Fri Feb 09, 2007 11:00 am

i am a rangers fan to. my memory of violence against celtic, was when i was 9 nearly 10 at the 1980 scottish cup final. a hot day in may, i was in the rangers end with my dad and 2 brothers(who were older than me).

danny mcgrain scored for celtic their fans went wild, all you could see was a cloud of dust go up,as the celtic end was open,the rangers fans were always in the end with the roof on(this was at hampden park scotlands national football stadium, now it is all seater, with roof all the way round).

at the end of the match celtic won 1-0 and their fans run on the pitch, we are talking thousands,they started to taunt the rangers fans. so the rangers fans started throwing bottles at them(after this game all alcohol and bottles were banned from every ground in scotland). the bottles landed on the grass so they did not break. the celtic fans throw them backand they smashed in the rangers end. the rangers fans stormed the pitch and attacked the celtic fans. then the mounted police came on and attacked both sets of fans, seperating them.

it was a mad day for my first auld firm game. one i will not forget.
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Postby edmundomcpot on Fri Feb 09, 2007 12:20 pm

Ipswich and Norwich = Classic friendly Rivalry competing for top spot in East Anglia
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Postby red bull on Fri Feb 09, 2007 1:22 pm

why is this even being discussed it should just read at the top ohio state michsucks :)
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Postby Sammy gags on Fri Feb 09, 2007 3:07 pm

Minkish wrote:Red Sox > Yankees

need I say more?

raised on this rivalry, followed the Red Sox since I was 2 years old...Red Sox newspapers, jersies & Yankees Suck shirts cover my wall
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Postby millej11 on Fri Feb 09, 2007 4:08 pm

Green Bay Packers vs. Minnesota Vikings
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Postby war_bloodline on Fri Feb 09, 2007 6:03 pm

As from the the top ten sports rivals are.....

10. New York Rangers vs. New York Islanders (NHL)
9. Oklahoma vs. Texas (College)
8. San Francisco Giants vs. Los Angeles Dodgers (MLB)
7. Muhammad Ali vs. Joe Frazier (Boxing)
6. Washington Redskins vs. Dallas Cowboys (NFL)
5. Army vs. Navy (College)
4. Auburn vs. Alabama (College)
3. Boston Red Sox vs. New York Yankees (MLB)
2. Michigan vs. Ohio State (College)
and number on is
1. Duke vs. North Carolina (College).

Also in college is Colorado Buffalo vs. Colorado State Rams.
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