Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team
LetGodSortThem wrote:At least my mother was not my brothers sister like yours...I hear the banjo in your background getting louder...hurry up jethro vittles are ready
virus90 wrote: I think Anarkist is a valuable asset to any game.
AAFitz wrote:you guys are out of control....
lgsto has helped crush a lot of multis and cheaters...hes done research thats helped others know who to avoid....there are less cheaters here because of him simple as that
now as far as the personal attacks between you two...i dont know who started it, but carrying on is on both of you
there is nothing wrong with lgsto feeling family shouldnt play together, and nothing wrong with you feeling its fine...but you both have to drop the personal attacks....both of your opinions are well known...why carry on???
cheaters ruin this game for this exact reason....
virus90 wrote: I think Anarkist is a valuable asset to any game.
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